So yep it's super cold here. That means bundling up every time we go out which in turn means we don't go out much. I don't like jackets, hats, gloves without fingers (otherwise known as mittens because I think those are made for kittens) and to top it off I don't like shoes. Cold weather and I don't agree, well the cold weather is ok...if I could talk mom into letting me go outside without being bundled up. So I started this blog days ago and now it's getting close to Christmas. Apparently a lot goes into Christmas, cooking, cleaning, wrapping gifts, and lots of headaches (I know this because mommy has had a lot lately). With all this preparing for Christmas it has left me no time to blog. Plus I've gotten this walking thing down pat so who has time to sit in front of a computer to blog, I'd rather be walking, no make that running, around. Not much exciting has happened since I last blogged. Just the usual. Finished up Christmas shopping with mom and dad and been walking around and talking more! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I'm so excited. When daddy gets home in the morning he and mommy and I are going to exchange gifts. Then around 2 daddy's side of the family is coming over for a late lunch. Daddy is making fried turkey and even though I don't like meat I'm sure they will put it on my plate. Mommy is excited about cooking and then eating, and then watching me open my gifts. Tomorrow night at 6 we get to go to Granny and Harold's to exchange gifts with them! Harold showed me the Toys R Us paper the other day to see what I wanted, I picked out a horse that rocks back and forth so fingers crossed that I get that!
Wow I just went back and checked my blog I've left out an awful lot. Ok let's see Thursday last week we went to Corral for the Nativity Scene. It was nice. I got to pet a donkey (Grace), a horse (CeCe) and a sheep, which felt yucky! It was rainy but luckily it wasn't too cold. Last Saturday we went to MeMaw Tweedell's for Christmas with all of them. I hadn't met some of them and I was kind of unsure about all the new people but we had a great time. I got to play with my big cousins. MeMaw bought me two metal Tonka trucks, which excited me and daddy both. Daddy says those are the best kind, the metal ones. Last Sunday we attended Arnco Baptist's Church for their Christmas Program. Did you know that our parents want us to be quiet while things like that are going on? Well I didn't. I had to make a little noise, I heard them singing and thought I would chime in too. Apparently I wasn't supposed to. After the play Santa made an appearance. Not impressed with this Santa man but I hope it doesn't effect him coming to see me. I don't care if he comes to the house and leaves me toys, just make it fast and do it while I'm sleeping. I did get a fruit bag from the church. YUMMY. My favorites, apples and oranges. So now I think I've covered everything we've done Christmas wise. Daddy is getting ready for work now and mommy is relaxing before the cooking marathon begins tomorrow. Mommy and Daddy are hoping for a white Christmas and even though I've never seen snow it's sounds cold and I know what that means...gotta bundle up :( I'm probably going to take a few more days off from blogging so I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and I hope you all get to spend lots of time with family and friends. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday and A Sick Day
Yesterday it was cold and mommy didn't really want us to leave the house but we did. We went to Granny and Harold's to eat some yummy leftover food from the BBQ. We stayed because JJ was having his birthday party in Granny and Harold's building later on. Devin and Aunt Shellie stopped by and Devin got to open his gifts from Granny and Harold. He liked everything he got, and he even offered to let him help him open his gifts. I love playing in the building! It's open and there is a lot stuff I can get into. After we watched JJ open his birthday gifts we came home and by then it was nap time. When daddy and I woke up from our naps mommy had started dinner. We were supposed to go back to Granny and Harold's but it was so cold outside that mommy decided to cook here. We had an awesome dinner. Ham, rice, potato casserole, green beans and biscuits. Yum-O! Daddy gave me my bath and I splashed him so much he had to change shirts. I went to bed on time last night and mommy and daddy were excited that they got to spend a little time together but it didn't last long. I've got another head cold now and it struck last night. I couldn't breathe and when you can't breathe you can't sleep. I woke up around 11 and I didn't go back to sleep until after 3 this morning. Talk about a long night! This morning mommy and I slept way to late but I guess that's what you are supposed to do when you are sick. Mommy said she has never seen two people get sick with head colds like me and daddy have this year. We only left the house once today and that was to pay a bill and run to the bank. I didn't even see Granny and Harold today. I didn't want daddy to go to work but he had too. Me and mommy didn't do anything at all tonight but read books and play with cars. She gave me a bath but it wasn't the same as daddy. I chose eggs and biscuits for dinner but once mommy cooked I didn't eat. It's my bedtime so I'm headed to bed and hope that I feel better tomorrow. Being sick stinks :(
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Let the Holidays Begin

So mommy says I need to get used to staying busy at least for the next few weeks. It's getting closer to Christmas so that means we have a lot to do. Yesterday was super busy, play date, nap time, groceries, Christmas shopping, pizza dinner, and lots of riding in the car. Today was just as busy. We had breakfast then we went to meet Santa. At first I thought OK I see him we can go now but NO mommy was pretty sure she wanted me to sit on his way! I don't know this man. He apparently didn't know me because he wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas. Hello...if he knew me he would know I want balls and books. That's what I like. Anyway first picture was a flop. I was screaming bloody murder. So they waited and tried again. The next few pictures were better but I sure wasn't going to break out my best smile for this. So now I've met Santa...hope he understands I don't care to much for people with facial hair. Sorry Santa, don't take it personal. Next we went to Target so I could pick up a few new hot wheels. Got some pretty awesome cars today. Then we went to Ashely Park so I could ride in a horse and buggy. We had to wait in line for an hour but it was well worth the wait. It was fun riding around! When came home napped then headed to Granny and Harold's for the BBQ. We had a great time. There was plenty of kids for me to play with. Mommy and Daddy got to spend some time with great friends and we had lots of yummy food! Now we are home and it's way past my bedtime. I've been fighting sleep for a while now. I should probably just give up and go to bed. Mommy says it is supposed to be really cold tonight and that she just wants to snuggle and sleep late. I know we will just stay home tomorrow...well maybe we will go to Granny's for lunch but other than that we are just going to stay home and stay warm. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Playdate with Ian

Sorry I didn't blog about this yesterday but I was super tired from my play date and all the running around we did. My play date with Ian was yesterday morning and wouldn't you know mommy had to wake me up to go. The one morning I decided to sleep in...geez. Anyway I guess mommy felt dad because she had me some tea cakes waiting for me in the car. We didn't travel too far to get to Ian's house. When we got there I was ready to play. I had a great time. Ian has some awesome toys. And his mommy had lots of stuff I could get into. We had a great time but didn't want to stay too long and out stay our welcome. Miss Rebecca had Cheerios and I would have been content to stay all day! And plus they had a cat...which I loved!!! Ian, buddy, I had a great time, you have awesome toys and you are a great friend. Can't wait til Monday's baby time so we can plan our next get together!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Go? No Thanks
I'm so tired of going. First off I don't like car seats, never have never will. Second I do not like that half the places we go I can't get down on the floor there. Either mommy says it's too dirty or someone will step on me. And I've learned first hand that walking is dangerous. I watched mommy and daddy for over a year and took notes but everytime I try I end up with either a busted lip or a bruised head. Anyway back to our adventures today. We went to Granny's this morning for a little while. Got to spend my lunch with Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. Then we came home woke daddy up and he and I had lunch. Today I tried to get some rest but naps just aren't for me. When I woke up from my nap I got to go stay with Granny for a few minutes while mommy ran to the bank. We came back home (see why I hate the car, go go go) woke daddy up he got ready for work then we went back to Granny and Harold's. I thought phew I'm glad today is almost over...WRONG! We got in Harold's van and left again. We went to BJ's and did a little shopping. I think I saw Harold put something in the buggy for me but I didn't get it tonight. If I get it before Christmas I will be sure to let you know...I don't want to ruin the surprise! So we left there and Harold bought us dinner at Golden Corral. Well once we left there Granny needed to run in Hallmark and mommy wanted to run in Old Navy to get me some more socks; yet another thing I don't like. So anyway I'm super tired from going going going. And you know what??? Mommy says we are going to be super busy tomorrow! OH NO! I know that I have play date in the morning with Ian. I'm so looking forward to that I hope that he lives close by because you know I hate riding. But I guess it doesn't matter how far it is, it will be worth it to play with him! We are working on a surprise for Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, Harold, and Granny so we have to finish that up tomorrow, and get ready for the BBQ at Granny and Harold's Saturday. So I better get some rest. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What A DAY!
Today has been everything but normal. I woke up way to early. Went back to bed, slept till my usually time. Got up had breakfast. Daddy wanted up early so he could spend more time with me and mommy. Good thing because Harold called and wanted to take me to get my hair cut. So mommy fixed lunch then we went to Harold and Granny's. We left out and headed to Carrollton. We spent all stinking day at some insurance place. Then when we left there we went to the barber shop but there wasn't anyone there. :( No hair cut for me. Then I fell asleep when I woke up we were headed to the huddle house. My advice today...never order biscuits from the huddle house. BLAH. So then we headed back to Granny's and I was so tired and kinda whiney. I was so tired I couldn't walk or crawl. I bumped my head pretty hard on the chair and cried forever. Now we are home and I'm way to sleepy to play, I'm surpried I even blogged tonight. Ok hope y'all had a better day than me I'm going to bed. Only one more night and daddy will be home with us all weekend LONG!
Totally Awesome Tuesday
So today was filled with some of my favorite things. First off me and mommy got to sleep in while daddy cleaned the kitchen. When I woke up mommy had biscuits made. Ahhhh what a way to start my day. Then we played cars. Vrroooommmm! Since we slept in by time we made it Granny's Aunt Sharon was already there for lunch. Mommy and Daddy left me there for a little while so they could run a few errands. I would much rather stay with Granny than to ride in the car. While mommy and daddy were out they picked up lunch. But I was so tired that lunch was the last thing on my mind. I have to admit I liked my schedule. I know yesterday I made fun of it but honestly I think I'm in a much better mood. So today I thought I would get a jump start on that 3 pm. naptime. I was asleep before 2:30. Me and daddy had a very nice nap. When I woke up we played some more. Mommy thinks she has solved the problem with me trying to jump off my bed. She has brought over my extra mattress from Granny's. So now I have my big boy bed with an extra mattress right in the floor beside my bed. Has it stopped me from diving head first on to the floor? Yes, now I head dive right into the next mattress. :) Later we rode to Granny's and went to the nursing home with her. I got to see Cookie, the dog at the nursing home. We went to Cracker Barrel once we left the nursing home. I had shrimp, green beans, potatoes, and biscuits (and some of Granny's dumplings). And of course what's a trip out without going to Wal-mart. I got a new car to add to my Hot Wheels collection! When we came back home daddy made some awesome soft serve ice cream. Mommy said it tasted just like Frosty from Wendy's. When daddy is off work he makes sure he is the one that gives me my bath and I was looking forward to it tonight. So I got all clean then I got to wear my new jammies Granny bought me. I love them. They are awesome. They even have a ball on them! Ok so it's close to 10 pm that's my bed time so I'm heading to bed, but not because that's my schedule, it's only because I'm tired tonight :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Schedule what Schedule?
So the past few nights mommy has been bragging that I've been on a really good schedule. Well I will teach her to brag. This morning instead of sleeping in until 10 I woke up at 8:30 ready to go. She was hoping daddy would play with me so she could get some extra rest but he was already asleep :( We had breakfast then she got us both ready for baby time. We had a great time and I played on a new toy today. We had lots of fun playing with Bella and Ian. Ian even pulled up for the first time today. Even though we have fun at baby time now, it's just not the same without Abby. She was my first best bud. After baby time we went to Granny's and picked her up so we could go visit Maw Maw at the nursing home. We had a good time. Maw Maw gave me Christmas socks with bears on them. Even though I don't like bears they are pretty cool. I fell asleep on the way home two hours before I'm "supposed" to take a nap. I only slept an hour. Ha ha mommy. Put that on your schedule. :) When I woke up I had lunch then time to play with Jamie and girl (Cailyn) before we had to come home and wake daddy up. Daddy was ready to get out of the house when we got home. He wanted to finish up Christmas shopping and mommy was just ready to eat something. We decided on Stevie B's. Well I fell asleep on the way there. That hour nap just didn't do me any good. I slept for a little while then daddy woke me up so I would eat some pizza and I'm glad he did, pizza is one of my favorite foods. After dinner we finished up shopping for mommy. I picked her out a gift I think she is going to love. We got her a....ha ha ha mommy good try I'm not telling. Daddy says it's a secret. Tonight at home we have played and played. Daddy gave me a bath which he does every night he's home. I like my bath time with daddy-he lets me splash every where and make lots of bubbles. So that about sums up our day. So I'm off that silly schedule mommy made. I might go to bed on time just to make her happy :) Hope every one had a great Monday!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dear Santa
So Christmas is coming up soon. I've heard that most kids write letters to Santa to let him know what they want for Christmas. So since I might be going to see Santa this weekend I figured I better get a list together because I sure don't want to be left off any one's list. So here is my Christmas List.
Dear Santa,
Christmas is coming soon so I wanted to be sure that you had my list in enough time. Mommy says that you watch me all year long to make sure I'm being good. So I don't guess that you need me to tell you that I have been great all year. So since I've been so good all year here is my wish list. I would like some sing-a-ma-jigs (maybe 2 or 3 so they can sing along), some hot wheels because I love playing those with my daddy, maybe some books (you will have to ask mommy which ones I don't have), maybe a stuffed animal, and maybe something that plays music because I love to dance.
Ok that is my list. I don't know what the age limit is for Santa but mommy and daddy have been pretty good all year too so if you can maybe bring them something I bet they would like it. But if you can't I'm sure they will understand.
Mommy has a big platter that we are going to leave out with some cookies and milk for you and some carrots for the reindeer. Daddy says you like oreos? They are my favorite too. Well that and mommy's tea cakes. Yummy. Ok well you have my list now. Can't wait to see what you leave me under our tree. Merry Christmas!
Love, Corbin
Dear Santa,
Christmas is coming soon so I wanted to be sure that you had my list in enough time. Mommy says that you watch me all year long to make sure I'm being good. So I don't guess that you need me to tell you that I have been great all year. So since I've been so good all year here is my wish list. I would like some sing-a-ma-jigs (maybe 2 or 3 so they can sing along), some hot wheels because I love playing those with my daddy, maybe some books (you will have to ask mommy which ones I don't have), maybe a stuffed animal, and maybe something that plays music because I love to dance.
Ok that is my list. I don't know what the age limit is for Santa but mommy and daddy have been pretty good all year too so if you can maybe bring them something I bet they would like it. But if you can't I'm sure they will understand.
Mommy has a big platter that we are going to leave out with some cookies and milk for you and some carrots for the reindeer. Daddy says you like oreos? They are my favorite too. Well that and mommy's tea cakes. Yummy. Ok well you have my list now. Can't wait to see what you leave me under our tree. Merry Christmas!
Love, Corbin
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Jewelry Box 1 Corbin 0
Today was a busy day. I had another sleepless night last night. I woke up around 3 and waited up for daddy. We had breakfast then it was back to bed. Mommy and daddy laid in the bed and watched a little show on the Newnan station all about the prison. I tried to stay up and watch with them but I fell asleep. We woke up and had missed a call from Aunt Shellie. We called Granny and guess what? Aunt Shellie and Devin were over there. We went and visited with them until time to come home and fix lunch for daddy. After lunch me and daddy laid down for our afternoon nap. Mommy actually woke me up from my nap today. We headed to Bebe's house for the Christmas get together. We had a great time. Good food, family, and good times. I tried some new drink tonight. Bebe made it and boy was it good. We stayed a few hours and had a great time. When we got back to Granny's I was full force. I love to play in Granny's room but the door is usually shut. Tonight she went to use the phone so I took the opportunity to get in that room. I made my way over to her stand up jewelry box. I started pulling out the drawers then apparently I pulled the wrong one. Granny hollered, Robert screamed and mommy came running. I pulled the entire jewelry box on top of me. Luckily the side door stopped the heavy part from hitting me. All the drawers pretty much covered me. Jewelry was everywhere. I busted my lip and had a few red marks. I cried a lot but really the screaming scared me the most. Mommy gave me a Popsicle and held me. She tried to stay calm but as she was holding me close I could feel her heart beating really really fast. I think I scared everyone there. So I'm sure it won't be my last bust lip because after all I'm a boy. So that pretty much sums up our day. I'm super tired tonight. Tomorrow is the parade in Newnan but it just falls right at my nap time and mommy says sleep is more important than a parade. What a bummer! So I'm off to bed, hope everyone has a great Saturday night!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Funday Friday
Me and mommy had a great day today. We woke up after a night of not much sleep. We had breakfast just me and mommy. She made me some eggs and biscuits. Then I had a banana too :) Perfect breakfast if you ask me. Then we played and played. We played cars, ball, and read a few books. We made it Granny and Harold's just in time to see Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. I had lunch with them then we came back home to wake daddy up. Mommy and Daddy ate lunch and of course I ate with them too. I am a human garbage disposal (that's what mommy says). I took a short nap then when I woke up me and mommy played some more. We played with my baby, my music toys, and just about everything else in my room. When daddy got up he got ready for work then he followed me and mommy to the store. Girls...they hate pumping gas apparently and mommy will ride on empty for days hoping that daddy will see it and fill the tank back up. After we got gas we said bye to daddy then we went to the bank. Afterwards we went back to Granny and Harold's. They were getting ready to go to Walmart so of course we tagged along. We had a great time. We went to Kohl's too. Daddy got a gift card in mail to Kohl's so mommy bought me a shirt, a football, and a stuffed animal! I racked up tonight, because Granny and Harold bought me cookies too. On the way home Harold stopped and bought me a corn dog. YUMMY. Perfect ending to a perfect day. Mommy is excited because we are going to BeBe's house tomorrow night to spend time with family for Christmas. I can't wait. I have new shoes and a new outfit to wear. So I hope everyone else is having a good weekend so far!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Just Another Tuesday
I feel so good today. I've gotten plenty of sleep and so did mommy. I've been taking really good naps lately. And sleeping a little more at night. We didn't do much today. We had lunch with Granny and Harold, then I got to come home and eat a snack with daddy. Daddy had to work again today. Bummer. But we are excited for him to come home in the morning. Mommy is excited to find out if he can take the 18th off. MeMaw called today and she is having Christmas at her house this year. But daddy has to work. Mommy really really really wants to go. We hardly ever get to see the Tweedell's so it's a big deal to get everyone together. Mommy even said that if daddy can't get off work that she might try to go anyway. That would be interesting. Then to top off the day when mommy got on the computer tonight Michelle had messaged her and told her that Bebe was having her Christmas get together this weekend. Yippie. And you guessed it daddy has to work this weekend too. So now every weekend in December is going to filled with lots of fun. We are super excited though. Mommy likes staying busy. So that's about all that has went on today. Daddy is home for the next two days which usually means no blogging unless something super cool happens. Ok I think I will head to bed and let mommy have a little time to herself. Hope everyone is having a good week!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Movie Watchin'

So one last thing I forgot in the last blog. If you know my daddy then you know he loves movies. Now when I say he loves movies I mean he LOVES movies. I think he would pick movies over anything (well with the exception of me and mommy) For those of you who don't know, daddy has a movie room. Mommy said it used to be his den but he made it into a huge movie room. We have two recliners, a couch, and a projection system down there. Anyway ever since they found out they were pregnant daddy said he was excited and he hoped that I would love movies too, because mommy doesn't like to watch many movies. So last night they were watching a movie while I was snoozing. Well I couldn't sleep so when I woke up they decided to watch a different movie. Mommy suggested watching Babies. It is more of a silent film, although we did hear the babies chattering. Anyway the point is that I watched the entire movie, all one hour and eighteen minutes of it. I enjoyed seeing the babies from the time they were brought home from the hospital to their first birthdays. They showed babies from all around the world. My favorite baby was Hattie. Some of the kids had toys to play with like me and some played with dirt and rocks which looked fun too. Anyway I figured if I could sit through this movies then some of my baby friends might enjoy it too. So if you want to watch a movie this weekend and your baby does too, me, mommy, and daddy suggest this one!
Black Friday-Sliver Saturday?

Ok the silver Saturday is a joke. Daddy finally got home around 6:15 on Black Friday and we left here ready to find some good deals. We went to Wal-mart first and looked around. Mommy got a few good deals. I think she might have even got me a few things. Mommy really wanted a tv but they didn't have any. When we left there we managed to go a few more places but didn't really find anything great. We had breakfast at Golden Corral. I think I had three biscuits (just the insides), eggs, pancake, hash browns, and lots of fruit. When we left we headed home. I was quiet tired and so was daddy. We took a nap while mommy wrapped all the gifts she bought. Even though she is usually done with Christmas shopping by now but she is pleased with the gifts she has gotten so far. The rest of the weekend was normal. We didn't do much more. We did go back to Wal-mart that night to get groceries, then Saturday and Sunday we did nothing. I think we might have left the house 2 all weekend long and that was only to go to Granny's house just to eat leftovers. Oh daddy did take us to look at Christmas lights but nobody seemed to be in the Christmas spirit yet we only saw two houses lit up. Mommy says that she and daddy are going to decorate outside this year! I'm excited to see how it looks. Tonight Granny and Harold took me to look at some lights too. We saw a lot at one house. They had a dog, a Santa, a huge snow globe, and lots of lights. We had a great time, but daddy promised me that we would find some lights this week while he is off work. This is daddy's long week, so me and mommy will be by ourselves a lot this week. Mommy said we might go to the parade Sunday, depending on how cold it is then. Hope you enjoyed the pictures on the blog tonight!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving and Black Friday?
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I got up around 6 yesterday morning. I thought mommy said we were going to eat all day so I wanted to get an early start. Daddy came home from work and took us out to pick up some breakfast and so mommy could get a newspaper. Mommy was like a mad woman looking through those sale papers. After breakfast I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so I took me a nice long nap, in my big boy bed! When I woke up mommy had already made a rice casserole and a green bean casserole, she was on top of this morning. We went to Granny and Harold's to see what they were doing. Now Granny was moving around in the kitchen like a chicken with her head cut off. She had already cooked enough to fill up all the counters and she wasn't done. Jamie came up to Granny's and played with me until it was time to go back home. Back at home we got ready to head to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's. Daddy got up and went with us. We were afraid with daddy working he would be to tired but daddy is never too tired to spend time with me. We had a great lunch. With all the food everyone brought we had turkey, corn, green beans, peas, black eyed peas, okra (yummy), yams, sweet potato casserole, dressing, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and lots of desserts! I ate and ate and ate. After all that eating I was so tired. Uncle D's mom joined us for lunch and after we ate we all went outside so I could crawl around on the deck. When we left I was so tired I didn't even make it down the gravel road before I was asleep. Last night for dinner we went back to Granny and Harold's. The M&M family came to eat with Nana last night so I got in some good play time with Mallie, Mackenzie, and Mary Grace. Mommy said that they could come spend the night with us soon. Boy would that be fun! So now on to what mommy says is her favorite holiday...Black Friday. I didn't realize days were colors too. Crazy. Anyway we are up at 6 am this morning and not by my choice, by mommy's. We are waiting for daddy to come home so we can go shopping. All that turkey must have went to mommy's head. Anyway I will report back as to what happens. Happy Black Friday everyone!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Turkey Day
It's finally Thanksgiving! I've been hearing about this for weeks now. Robert has even been teaching me what the turkey says, not sure how he is going to gobble once he's been the oven all day but whatever. So mommy says thanksgiving is a time to show that you are thankful. I thought I would blog about what all I'm thankful here goes.
- I am thankful for a daddy that works hard protecting not only us but the community. He helps mommy take care of me, he takes care of the house, he let's me jump on him while he's trying to sleep, and he loves me like crazy. He says I'm his greatest accomplishment. He is the best daddy in the world. I love trying to help him, I want to be just like him when I grow up. He is setting a great example for me. And I love him because he takes care of me and mommy.
- I am thankful for mommy. She spends her days playing with me. Not only do we play but she tries to teach me something everyday. We spend a lot of time looking at books. I don't watch much tv because she says books are better. She makes sure I have three good meals, and sometimes she just fixes what I want even if I've already had it that day. She usually rides in the back seat with me when we go places because she knows that I don't like riding by myself. And the top reason I'm thankful for mommy is because she has lost a lot of sleep the past two years, yep I'm only a year old-but I spend about 5 months keeping her awake by kicking her and now I just don't sleep. :) Sorry mommy I'm trying.
- I am thankful for my Granny and Harold. I am lucky I get to see them everyday. Granny makes the best biscuits and she never minds making them for me or mommy. Me and Harold watch westerns and I love it. I get to go lay on his bed and watch them. We have such great time everyday. Granny and Harold love me so much and I love them.
- I am thankful for my other grandparents too. I don't get to see them as much but I love them too. I think because I don't see them as much will only mean I will treasure my time when I am with them.
- I am thankful because I have the best aunts in the world. Aunt Sharon, Aunt Shellie, and Aunt Kellie are all pretty awesome. Aunt Sharon always shares her yogurt with me, and I love to go play at her house. Aunt Shellie came over just the other day. She played with me and tried to get me to walk. She always plays with me in my room when she comes over. And I hardly ever see Aunt Kellie but it's always fun when I do.
- I am thankful for THE BEST UNCLE EVER! He is awesome. He can play the guitar, he throws the ball with me, he shares his pretzels, and his water, and he carries me around all the time. Yep I'm lucky I'm his nephew!
- I am thankful for my cousins. Not only Robert and Devin, but Will, Jamie, Cailyn, Mallie, MacKenzie, Mary Grace...and the list goes on. I had a great time with all of them at my birthday this year!
- And last but not least I am thankful for my friends. I've made lots of new ones this year. Abby is my very first best friend. We have had some great times this year. We went to the library together, the park, out to eat, play dates at my house, and I've even been to her house. She is really cool to be a girl. I met Ian. He is younger than me but he is so cool :) Mommy introduced me to Darbee this year. She is like a princess. She is always dressing up and playing with princess dolls. She has really cool toys and she always shares with me when I go to her house. And last but surely not least The Bay's Twins. They are two cool chicks. I can't wait til I can run around with them.
So to sum it up I'm a very thankful kid. Mommy says we have a lot to be thankful for this year. This time last year daddy didn't have a job and she was worried. Now a year later daddy has a secure job, we are all healthy, and we love each other more than ever. So I hope you each have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Be thankful for every blessing! I'm going to get some sleep, I've heard there is going to be a big parade on tv in the morning. Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Three Days til Turkey Day
So apparently there is this holiday coming up this week where all we do is eat. Mommy says that we get to wake up watch tv because there will be a parade on, then we go eat, take a nap, wake up and eat again. Sounds like heaven to me. I'm super excited to get to eat lots of yummy foods. I don't remember this holiday last year but I'm guessing I don't remember it because I couldn't eat real food last year. I'm so excited to try turkey! Mommy says it's better when it's fried but daddy has to work on Thanksgiving this year so I will have to settle for plain ol' turkey this year. So that's in three days and I'm excited.
Mommy says she has a lot to be thankful for and so do I. We have big news here at our house. Aunt Brandi is coming home from Japan. She has been over there forever! She has never met me! I'm so excited to finally meet her, Caleb, and the boys. Mommy says she is a little crazy, so I'm sure I will fit right in with her. They are coming home on Christmas day. She sent me a gift all the way from Japan when I was born. Mommy saved my bib because it says Japan. When else will I ever get a gift from over seas? Mommy is very excited her best friend will be in the same state as her. I'm hoping for lots of play dates with her kids.
Daddy is home for the next two days. He is making good use of his time off. He took the front rail off my baby bed tonight. So now I've officially moved into a toddler bed. Mommy says its a big step. I can climb up on my bed right by myself which is pretty awesome if you ask me. I wanted mommy to take pictures but she has had a really bad headache but she promised she would tomorrow. She even put me a new sheet on my bed, and it has balls all over it. I'm super excited to play on my new bed.
Friday is black Friday and I think mommy, daddy, and me are going to wal-mart early in the morning. I don't understand why but daddy says we can't pass up dvd's that are less than two dollars. He said he would take us out to breakfast, I like how he and mommy bribe me with food. :) It's my weakness. Ok this has turned out to be a long blog tonight. I think I'm going to head to bed now, it is probably past my bed time. If I don't blog again before Thanksgiving, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and is thankful for everything they have. I sure am!
Mommy says she has a lot to be thankful for and so do I. We have big news here at our house. Aunt Brandi is coming home from Japan. She has been over there forever! She has never met me! I'm so excited to finally meet her, Caleb, and the boys. Mommy says she is a little crazy, so I'm sure I will fit right in with her. They are coming home on Christmas day. She sent me a gift all the way from Japan when I was born. Mommy saved my bib because it says Japan. When else will I ever get a gift from over seas? Mommy is very excited her best friend will be in the same state as her. I'm hoping for lots of play dates with her kids.
Daddy is home for the next two days. He is making good use of his time off. He took the front rail off my baby bed tonight. So now I've officially moved into a toddler bed. Mommy says its a big step. I can climb up on my bed right by myself which is pretty awesome if you ask me. I wanted mommy to take pictures but she has had a really bad headache but she promised she would tomorrow. She even put me a new sheet on my bed, and it has balls all over it. I'm super excited to play on my new bed.
Friday is black Friday and I think mommy, daddy, and me are going to wal-mart early in the morning. I don't understand why but daddy says we can't pass up dvd's that are less than two dollars. He said he would take us out to breakfast, I like how he and mommy bribe me with food. :) It's my weakness. Ok this has turned out to be a long blog tonight. I think I'm going to head to bed now, it is probably past my bed time. If I don't blog again before Thanksgiving, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and is thankful for everything they have. I sure am!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Cold Cold Go Away
Having a cold is the pits. Wednesday I didn't feel good at all. Thursday morning I woke up and felt fine. Daddy actually woke up early and cleaned the kitchen for mommy while we slept in. When me and mommy finally woke up daddy was ready to hit the road. We had breakfast then we did a little shopping. Thursday was a special day. It was special for two reasons, one it was Aunt Jeanine's birthday not sure how old she is though and even if I knew I wouldn't tell ya (this is how I remain her favorite great nephew) and then number two on that day ten years earlier my mommy and daddy had their very first date. They decided to celebrate by going out to dinner. I was ok with that since I got to stay with Granny and Harold. We had a great time even though Granny has now caught the sickness bug from us. Sorry Granny. Yesterday (Friday) I was back to being sick but today I do feel a lot better. Mommy is doing better too, she just keeps me a wake with her coughing. This morning she let me go stay with Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. I learned a new word today too. I can now say Turtle. But it sounds more like turdle. It's funny to say. Mommy says I've been a chatter box lately. Wonder where I get that from? Anyway I think I better get some sleep mommy is getting me up early in the morning to go shopping with her. She has gotta be a Target by 8 am to get daddy's Christmas gift. She is getting him a....ha ha ha...good try daddy I'm not telling :) Anyway I'm sure 8 am will be here before I know it. So night night.
Oh I forgot to post the other day that we took Paw Paw Tweedell is birthday gift (only two weekends late) Anyway we had a nice visit with them. Before we left he and Maw Maw Tweedell gave me an Elmo Phone! How awesome is that. He said now that I'm a year old it was time for me a cell phone. I don't have the greatest service though, I can only seem to call Elmo. Better call Sesame Street about that :)
Oh I forgot to post the other day that we took Paw Paw Tweedell is birthday gift (only two weekends late) Anyway we had a nice visit with them. Before we left he and Maw Maw Tweedell gave me an Elmo Phone! How awesome is that. He said now that I'm a year old it was time for me a cell phone. I don't have the greatest service though, I can only seem to call Elmo. Better call Sesame Street about that :)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Shutterfly Christmas Cards
OK so usually I let mommy and daddy handle the Christmas cards but this year since I'm getting older I think I should have some say so. So mommy has been researching this website called They have some awesome Christmas cards, gift ideas, and great prices on pictures (which mommy ends to have printed!) They have a great selection of Christmas cards, all different sizes, colors, and themes! I'm not a fan of just one photo on a card so I think I'll pick something that will show off me in lots of different poses! I have lots of new Christmas clothes to wear and I'm sure mommy and daddy won't mind taking my picture, I might even let them get in on one or two. We had some pretty cool Christmas cards last year but I'm sure this year will be even better. Mommy has even been looking around on their website for some last minute Christmas gift ideas. Who wouldn't love to receive a gift for Christmas with my picture on it? So if you are thinking about doing Christmas cards this year with pictures may I suggest these few links...
For the photo Christmas Cards :
And for the photo books:
Hope that you can find something that you like :) Enjoy. And look for our Christmas cards in the mail soon from shutterfly :)
For the photo Christmas Cards :
And for the photo books:
Hope that you can find something that you like :) Enjoy. And look for our Christmas cards in the mail soon from shutterfly :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What-a Weekend
Where do I start? Friday night mommy and I went to Miss Holly's house for her gold party. Mommy didn't plan this out to well. She didn't fix me any dinner before we we couldn't stay too long because I was starving! She dropped hers and Granny's gold off and we came back home. Daddy went and got dinner at Taco Bell. Yummy. I love me some cheese roll ups, potatoes, and rice. Miss Holly called later and the gold lady offered mommy 50.00 for her gold and she offered Granny 420.00 for hers!!! Mommy was happy with her offer and Granny was beyond happy with hers. Girls...geez. Saturday morning I woke up super early because I remembered Abby was coming over to play. Well when I woke up at 6 mommy was already up and she was sick. She stayed in the bathroom all morning long, and I'm not sure what was going on in there but it didn't sound good. Daddy made breakfast and mommy didn't even eat. When mommy didn't join us for food I knew she was sick. Well I woke up apparently too early because I fell asleep before Abby got here but when I woke up from my nap I was ready to play and she was here ready to play too. Since mommy was so sick daddy had to take care of me and Abby. He had so much fun with us!!! When Abby's mommy and daddy came back and got her daddy took me and mommy to Granny's so he could run a few errands. Mommy was very sick and she stayed in the bed all day. Saturday night was no fun, by then daddy was sick too! One mommy sick plus one daddy sick equals zero fun for me. They laid in my floor and I just played around them. We went to bed around midnight and slept pretty good. Sunday they felt better so we got to leave the house for a little while. We did some shopping with Granny and Harold. But I think we over did it. Now today is Tuesday and guess what? I'm sick. I've got a runny nose, big puffy eyes, and they are running. Being sick stinks. Aunt Shellie told mommy that Devin has been sick and now Robert is sick too :( I don't like being sick. And it's daddy's long week at work so he's not here to help mommy. Thank goodness he's off tomorrow and Thursday! Well I think I am going to need some extra sleep so I'm going to bed now.
Friday, November 12, 2010
It's The Weekend!
YAY! Friday is finally here. Daddy will be home ALL WEEKEND LONG!!!! I plan on playing everyday and not sleeping!!!! Daddy and I will probably watch some westerns and let mommy sleep in. I know she will enjoy that. We didn't do much today. Went to Granny and Harold's for breakfast, came home, woke daddy up, had lunch, napped (yes I took a nap), then cleaned up my room (remember Abby is coming Saturday), and then we went back to Granny and Harold's. Robert is getting to spend the night on a school night because Aunt Sharon and Uncle D are in Florida AGAIN!!! Mommy said if I don't start sleeping more she is going to leave me at Granny and Harold's for the night. That would be super fun!!! I've heard Harold and Robert stay up all night anyway. Ok that's all for tonight. Gotta get some rest before this busy weekend. Hope everyone enjoys theirs :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tree Up....Tree Down....
Ok so apparently Christmas is over. Mommy up our tree up, wrapped up gifts, and got out a bunch of wooden nutcrackers, and now the tree is down. So I'm guessing Christmas is over. That was a bummer, I didn't even get any gifts. :(
Anyway with that out of the way. It's been really boring around here lately, we just do the same things day in day out. I'm still weary of this walking thing. I try a few steps everyday but it just seems smarter to me if I crawl because I'm super fast.
I miss my Aunt Lindsay. I found my bracelet that she bought me today and I called out her name but she wasn't here :( Mommy made me feel better though we did a starring contest, and of course I won.
Mommy took all my clothes that I've out grown and donated them to charity. They were very excited to get that many clothes. Well we donated all the really little baby clothes, mommy pulled out the bigger sizes for Ian, my baby time friend. I hope that some other baby gets to wear them alot, because I didn't get much use of them. Daddy says I had too many clothes. Daddy says we were very blessed because lots of people came to my baby showers and brought tons of gifts. I've come to notice that mommy and daddy have really great friends. And I'm so glad that they all have little kids I can grow up with.
So this weekend daddy is going to be home! Yippie! We are going to be kinda busy I think. Mommy has a gold party to go to Friday night at Miss Holly's house. Not sure if I'll be tagging along yet. I better ask her tomorrow. Saturday morning I'm super excited for because my best friend Abby is coming over for a play date. Her mom and dad are leaving her here for a little while!!!!! I'm so excited. I've been cleaning my room and wondering what we will play with. I better see if mommy will get out one of her baby dolls so Abby will have something girly to play with. Saturday afternoon I think we are going to try to see Ian and his parents at a Christmas bazaar. Saturday night I think Santa is coming to town to light the big tree. And hopefully Sunday we will rest from all the going.
Well that's all for now. Think I'll get some much needed rest before this weekend. Hope you all have a great week!
Anyway with that out of the way. It's been really boring around here lately, we just do the same things day in day out. I'm still weary of this walking thing. I try a few steps everyday but it just seems smarter to me if I crawl because I'm super fast.
I miss my Aunt Lindsay. I found my bracelet that she bought me today and I called out her name but she wasn't here :( Mommy made me feel better though we did a starring contest, and of course I won.
Mommy took all my clothes that I've out grown and donated them to charity. They were very excited to get that many clothes. Well we donated all the really little baby clothes, mommy pulled out the bigger sizes for Ian, my baby time friend. I hope that some other baby gets to wear them alot, because I didn't get much use of them. Daddy says I had too many clothes. Daddy says we were very blessed because lots of people came to my baby showers and brought tons of gifts. I've come to notice that mommy and daddy have really great friends. And I'm so glad that they all have little kids I can grow up with.
So this weekend daddy is going to be home! Yippie! We are going to be kinda busy I think. Mommy has a gold party to go to Friday night at Miss Holly's house. Not sure if I'll be tagging along yet. I better ask her tomorrow. Saturday morning I'm super excited for because my best friend Abby is coming over for a play date. Her mom and dad are leaving her here for a little while!!!!! I'm so excited. I've been cleaning my room and wondering what we will play with. I better see if mommy will get out one of her baby dolls so Abby will have something girly to play with. Saturday afternoon I think we are going to try to see Ian and his parents at a Christmas bazaar. Saturday night I think Santa is coming to town to light the big tree. And hopefully Sunday we will rest from all the going.
Well that's all for now. Think I'll get some much needed rest before this weekend. Hope you all have a great week!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I'm Going Into Hiding
Well the other day I took one step, today I took two and now I've got a bloody busted up lip because I tried to pull up on mommy's legs and walk. So I'm going to my hiding place and I'm going to stay until I think I have this walking thing down. (In case you can't tell it was a boring day here)

Friday, November 5, 2010
One Small Step...
I can't believe I forgot to mention yesterday that I took a small step! Mommy and daddy have been trying to make me play with toys that make me stand up so I figured if I would just take a small step towards daddy they would leave me alone. Well they made a huge deal about me taking a step and now they think I need to walk all the time. I don't mind standing so much but hello I can move so much faster just crawling, plus I don't think mommy knows what she is asking for. Anyway it's been really cold here today so we didn't get out to do anything. And daddy works all weekend so I'm pretty sure we will stay indoors where it's warm. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Two Relaxing Days...
The past two days have been so nice. We haven't done much other than go buy groceries. We've had a great time, just me, mommy, and daddy. We've played, read books, looked at our Christmas tree, had yummy food, and got in some much needed sleep. Yes, even I have slept some these past few days. I really don't much to blog about. We did get out of the house today and go visit with Miss Holly, Darbee, and Mr. Stacy. We took Darbee a purple Christmas tree. Mommy and daddy bought it before they had me. They bought red and purple and depending on what kind of baby they had that would be their tree. I'm a boy (duh) so I got the red tree, and since mommy and daddy aren't going to have any more babies they decided that the purple tree would be perfect for Miss Darbee! I think she liked it. Well that's about all we have done. Daddy has worked with mommy's Christmas tree for two days now and all the lights still aren't working so I don't know what he is going to do about that.
Oh and one last thing. If you are on Please go vote for me in a photo contest. You have to LIKE Lindsey Turner Photography then find my picture and leave a comment. The person with the most comments wins a photography session with a great photographer! We love Miss Lindsey and we really hope we win!
Oh and one last thing. If you are on Please go vote for me in a photo contest. You have to LIKE Lindsey Turner Photography then find my picture and leave a comment. The person with the most comments wins a photography session with a great photographer! We love Miss Lindsey and we really hope we win!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Yep She Did It!
When I woke up this morning at 4 am. Mommy took me in the living room and there it was: A Tree. Mommy called it a Christmas Tree. I inspected it over and over with my eyes, but I haven't gotten brave enough to touch it yet. It has lights half way up it, but apparently it is supposed to light up all the way. Something is wrong with the lights. I also saw presents near by. Wonder if they are mine? Mommy and daddy said Santa has special wrapping paper for me this year and it's How the Grinch Stole Christmas paper. We love Dr. Seuss so it's perfect! We didn't do much this morning. We had breakfast with daddy when he came home then we all piled back in the bed and slept the morning away. We did manage to make it to Granny and Harold's by lunch time. Just in time to see Aunt Sharon and Uncle D, and ROBERT! Yep today was voting day so he didn't have to go to school. So guess what I did today? I went home with Aunt Sharon. We took mommy to our house and I stayed in the car and went to Aunt Sharon's by myself. I got to play with Buddy and look at Shadow. I didn't get to stay too long. Before I knew it mommy had picked me up and we went to vote. I even got a sticker! We came home and had lunch with daddy then it was nap time for me and him. When I got up daddy was gone to work :( We went to dinner tonight with Granny at Cracker Barrel. We had a great time today but I'm super tired! So night night!
I Need A Vacation!
Wow, what a busy few days it's been. So I thought I would get some rest Sunday since we had spent the past two days going non-stop. Sunday night we all got some much needed rest. I think we all slept til noon. When I got up mommy and daddy thought they were going to dress me up like a dog again but I had different plans. Mommy and Daddy compromised with me and I ended up getting to be dressed up as a Harley Davidson Racer. We went and visited Granny and Harold and got tons of candy. Then we went to see Gran Gran and Paw Paw. I got some suckers there and I got to play with the dog! Before we left mommy and daddy took me down to Paw Paw Bradleys' workshop. He was getting ready to stuff an elk and I got to see it. It was all bloody and guts laying every sum it up it was really cool. I also saw three turkeys, a bunch of deer heads, a fish, and a big black bear. Paw Paw Bradley said I could sit on the bear but we decided to wait until I am a bit older. When we left there we had lunch then it was on to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's for one last trick or treat stop. Aunt Sharon and Uncle D had me a cool bucket filled with an owl, shampoo, a badge, and she had already given me a book. I made out great for this being my first Halloween! Tons of candy and lots of cool little gifts. Sunday night we went to Granny and Harold's for dinner. Daddy built a fire over there and we roasted marshmallows with the kids. We had a great night. Before we left Harold and Granny had me a surprise! They bought me BIG FOOT!!!!! Now if you are a kid I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. If you are over the age of 10 you might want to look it up. It's the coolest toy this year. Well you know how toys are it had to be charged before I could play with it. So we charged it and it still didn't work, we had to take it back to Target this morning and get a new one. Well tonight I finally got to see it work. And quiet frankly I'm a little bit afraid of it. I think maybe once I see daddy play with it I'll be ok but right now it's a wee bit scary! So that's been our weekend! Busy, fun-filled, sleepless, and kind of glad it's over! Mommy says we are gearing up for even better holidays coming up soon. She is super excited about Christmas. She says she's putting the tree up soon. I'm still wondering about a tree in our house but I trust her. OK I think I'm going to bed. I'm sure we will find something interesting to do tomorrow so I better get some rest. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Me in my Harley Davidson Racing Outfit
Me and Dad at the Fall Festival
@ Arnco Baptist Church
Me and Mommy at the Fall Festival
@ Arnco Baptist Church
Dad helping me pick up ducks at the Fall Festival at Sunnyside Church
And here's me as a dog! Woof Woof!

@ Arnco Baptist Church

@ Arnco Baptist Church

Saturday, October 30, 2010
And it gets crazier...
Ok so in the last blog I told you how mommy and daddy dressed me up like a dog and made me ask strangers for candy right? Well then yesterday I took me a nice long nap trying to regroup from that experience. Well when I got up mommy changed my clothes and we headed off to a new place. I sat in a train and then some woman covered me up with a big blanket looking thing and she gave me a cookie and I should have known then I was being bribed. She wet my hair and then started at me with scissors. Did I care? Nope, I was watching Curious George, eating my cookies, and making funny faces for the camera. I had a great time and I can't wait to go back to that place. Apparently your first hair cut is some sort of a big deal. I got a certificate, a bag of hair, and a token which I traded for a silly band. So I was pretty excited after my hair cut and thought well it went from being a weird day to a pretty good one. We celebrated my first hair cut with pizza from Joe Friday's pizza (which mommy says we will never go there again). Then we headed to Miss Holly and Darbee's church for their fall festival. Well mommy tried to make me wear that silly dog outfit again, but I won this time. Well I call it a draw. She let me go in not wearing it but then when we went outside for the hay ride I had to wear it. What did I learn from the fall festival? I didn't understand the hay ride. Why did she dress me like dog, then put me on the back of a trailer filled with hay? Is that supposed to be someone's idea of fun? Anyway, I picked up ducks like I did at the fair, and Miss Holly gave me cookies for that. Then we did the cake walk. We got a cake, but mommy called it a pitty cake. See we didn't actually win one. We walked at least 10 times and didn't win anything. On the very last cake walk the man behind us won and he gave us his cake because we didn't. That was very sweet of pun intended. :) So other than the whole dog and hay ride thing I loved the fall festival. Which is good because we are going to another one tonight at our church. Mommy has made two dirt cakes and hopefully we will come home with some kind of cake, and hopefully we win it. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow of all of our adventures this weekend. Tomorrow is Halloween so hopefully we will just stay home and hand out candy if we have any trick or treaters. So Happy Halloween everyone!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Ok so isn't the general rule not to talk to strangers? Ok so someone needs to tell my parents this. First off they wake me up this morning. I know they must be crazy right? Then they dress me up like a dog, yes a dog. Then they hand me a bucket that is bright orange and tell me to ask strangers for candy, yes COMPLETE STRANGERS! Well I wanted no part in holding that bucket. Thank goodness for Bayleigh she has glad to hold my bucket. Apparently her parents do this to her every year. We were on our court square and everyone was handing out candy. Mommy kept asking me to say "trick or treat" but she must have been crazy because I wasn't talking at all. But my parents weren't the only crazy ones, apparently all the parents have gone crazy and dressed their kids up. I saw Buzz lightyear, dinosaurs, princesses, witches, ghosts, scary masks, and lots of fairies. After we walked around the square (more than once) we went to eat at McDonald's. Bayleigh and Darbee were there too. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one eating there in a costume. So anyway I'm really unsure about this whole dress up thing. Mommy says we are going to a Fall Festival tonight with Miss Holly, Darbee, and Mr. Stacy so I will report back later if I encounter any more strange things. Hope you are all having a great weekend and if your mom is dressing you up I hope you are having fun!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Birthday Party, Books, and Blogs
Today's blog is brought to you by the Letter B! Ha ha ha. So last Saturday we went to Miss Darbee's birthday party. And I will say for a Princess girl party it was pretty fun. Other than everything being pink it was pretty cool. They had a jump house and I actually got in it! She had a cozy coupe car too and I loved it. Think I might ask Santa for one of those. Anyway she had two birthday cakes! They were really cool. She had a castle, but she didn't have any horses around it or any knights gaurding it. And she had a carriage, but no horses driving it either. Weird. Must be a girl thing. I got an awesome goodie bag! I got to see the Bay's girls too. I had a great time and so did mommy. We had pizza, chips, cake, ice cream, and coke. So to sum it girl party ever!
This week has been pretty boring. Not much to blog about. Me and mommy have been reading tons of books. She said she is going to teach me my ABC's soon! I'm excited because I love to learn new things. Mommy bought me a new book the other day all about Christmas. Christmas looks like so much fun and I can't wait to meet Santa.
I know tomorrow is something special because mommy said we are going to meet Miss Holly and Darbee in the morning. And if we are getting early it has to be something great! I think it might have something to do with Halloween! Anyway that's all for now. Mommy says we are going to be very busy this weekend so not sure if I'll have time to blog so that's all for now, hopefully I can blog ya later.
This week has been pretty boring. Not much to blog about. Me and mommy have been reading tons of books. She said she is going to teach me my ABC's soon! I'm excited because I love to learn new things. Mommy bought me a new book the other day all about Christmas. Christmas looks like so much fun and I can't wait to meet Santa.
I know tomorrow is something special because mommy said we are going to meet Miss Holly and Darbee in the morning. And if we are getting early it has to be something great! I think it might have something to do with Halloween! Anyway that's all for now. Mommy says we are going to be very busy this weekend so not sure if I'll have time to blog so that's all for now, hopefully I can blog ya later.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Christmas Shopping In October?
Mommy must be crazy because the other day she had daddy drive us all over town to do Christmas shopping! I don't know a lot about the calendar yet but daddy says we still have two months so what's the rush? Anyway she got a few gifts out of the way. Christmas must be a big deal around here. Mommy said that if daddy wouldn't have a cow she would put the tree up now. I'm ready to see what a tree looks like in the house. Who has ever heard of putting a tree in the house. I'm sure we had one last year but I don't remember back that far. Other than a little Christmas shopping we didn't do much on daddy's two days off. We mostly hung around the house and napped. Ahhh that's mine and daddy's favorite thing to do! Although I think daddy enjoys it a little more than I do. Daddy has to work all weekend long, yuck. Tomorrow morning mommy and I have to get up and get ready for Miss Darbee's party. She is turning 3 tomorrow, and even though it's a girly party I'm excited to get to play with kids. Well I guess I need to get some sleep tonight, I've gotta get up in the morning and help mommy make her birthday card. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Not Much To Say
After a very busy weekend we've been taking it easy. Yesterday we did nothing, absolutely nothing. We went on a little walk to Granny and Harold's but that was it. Today was the same, minus the walk. Daddy says he wants to relax on his two days off, but you know mommy, she probably has other ideas. Mommy and I worked in my toy room today. I was going to put up some pictures of my room but blogger isn't working right tonight, so no pictures. Anyway we've got a lot to do in my toy room, but we are working on it. Daddy says we shouldn't change the color, but you know mommy, she really wants too. Doesn't matter to me. As long as I scoot around I'm happy. Well that's all. I told you we haven't been doing anything. Hopefully we will find something fun to do while daddy is home for his "weekend".
Monday, October 18, 2010
Our Weekend With Lind-Say

Ok so if you read the last post you know that my "aunt" Lindsay was coming to visit. She isn't really my aunt, but she acted like one. Mommy met her on the Internet a few years ago, and since then they talk everyday. Well she came for a visit. She arrived Thursday night just after I went to bed, so I went to bed not even knowing she was coming. I woke up Friday morning and heard someone call my name as me and mommy were coming out of the bedroom. And guess who it was? Aunt Lindsay! I was so surprised. I gave her a weird look because I'm not used to people being in my house when I first wake up. I warmed up to her really quickly. She brought me a birthday gift since she couldn't come to my party. She brought me a shirt and a really cool book! I loved my shirt so much I wore it all day Friday. Mommy made us some muffins while we played. After breakfast we went to the park and I had a great time. We played until we were all wore out. Then mommy took us shopping. Boy can those two girls shop. Aunt Lindsay wanted a burger so we went to Five Guy's Burgers and Fries for lunch. That was fun. I love me some french fries! And I was nice...I shared a few with Aunt Lindsay. Friday afternoon mommy and daddy took me to Granny's so they could take Aunt Lindsay out. They went to eat and did a little shopping. Boy I'm glad I didn't go. Those girls could shop forever! After dinner they picked me up and and we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to chat for a while. So by the end of Friday I've officially fallen in love with Aunt Lindsay and I couldn't wait for the next day. Saturday morning we got up and mommy made breakfast while me and Aunt L played. She read books to me and played with my Halloween goodies. Granny and Harold stopped by to visit too. After they left we left too. We went to Chick-fa-la for lunch, then we did some more shopping. We picked up a few things at Wal-mart, including pumpkins, and a few things for dinner. Then on the way home we picked up pizzas. We came home and I took a short nap then we headed to Aunt Sharon's and Uncle D's to listen to the band play. We had a great time. I danced the night away. And I also learned I'm not supposed to say "dang it" apparently it's just a mommy and daddy word...OOPS! I fell asleep on the way home and didn't get to stay up late with Aunt L. Sunday morning I woke up super early and I was ready to play. But Aunt L wasn't up yet, so I went back to sleep. The next thing I know I'm being woken up by mommy getting me out of the car. We were at Golden Corral for breakfast with Aunt L, Granny, and Harold. After breakfast we went to Wal-mart with Aunt L so she could get her oil changed, then just as quickly as she was done, she left and it made me sad. It's been a busy weekend but I loved every minute of it. Aunt Lindsay was so much fun. She played the starring game with me, and sometimes I would win. She read me books, played in the floor with, watched me dance, helped me put my cling ons back on the dishwasher, and she held me a lot and she smothered me with kisses! I call her Lind-SAY! While she was here she stayed in my toy room downstairs, which is now called Aunt Lindsay's room. And every morning I would point to the door and Holler LIND-SAY! I miss her being here and so does mommy. I haven't cried but mommy has. Mommy gave me a picture of us and I carry it around and I'm counting down the days til she comes back or we can go see her. Aunt Lindsay we love you and we had a great time!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Quick Update
So I've been MIA lately. Sorry. I've been sick. I've had a stuffed up head, runny nose at times, I'm teething, and I can't stop sweating. Gross right? So mommy has been busy trying to keep me medicated so I can start feeling better. I went to visit Doctor Whipple again today. I got a good report. He's pretty nice for a guy that pokes me and tries to stick a stick down my throat every time I see him. I've got drainage...whatever that is. My appetite is starting to come back. Mommy says she's glad even though it means I'll be eating them out of house and home again. We've got a super busy weekend ahead. Tonight is a surprise birthday party for Miss Inez (Granny's avon lady), then later tonight my "aunt" Lindz is coming to visit!! She is staying with us until Saturday morning. Saturday morning we leave out to visit Aunt Jeanine and Angie! Busy busy busy. Hope mommy and daddy can keep up with me! Ok that's all for now. I've gotta rest so I can get better. Hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to share Sunday night!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
That's how I've felt lately. I thought those shots weren't all that bad and I felt fine that day. Wednesday night I couldn't sleep unless mommy was holding me. I've been chugged up and just feel plain ol' yucky. Mommy called and the doctor and the doctor said no more monkeys jumping on the bed...oh wait that's a song. The doctor called in a medicine for me. Usually I like medicine and I will take mommy or daddy the bottle when I don't feel good but this medicine is yuck-O! So I haven't done much the past few days, just kinda laid around and wanted to be held a lot. I've gotta get better because next weekend we are taking a road trip to see Aunt Jeanine. I've never been to her house before and I'm super excited! So sorry for the short blog but I'm going back to bed. Hope I feel better tomorrow so I can blog more :) Night night.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Being 1 Hurts...
Well lets see all in 24 hours time I have been scratched by mommy's finger nail, busted my lip on the side of my tub, banged my head numerous times (which happens everyday) and then to top it off I went to the doctor this morning and I knew something was up. I tried to crawl out the door and make a run for it but mommy stopped me. Well I was right to try to leave because the nurse pricked my finger, then gave me three shots! Owwww-weeeee! The finger part didn't hurt in fact I laughed. But those shots, well they were a doozie! Daddy was so proud of me because while my finger was bleeding I refused a band aid. Band aids are for sissys. I tore three of them off before the nurse finally gave up. Mommy and Daddy said I did really good so they took me to Target and bought me 5 new hot wheels! And they said they weren't going to buy me anything else before Christmas...yeah right. So here are my new stats straight from the Doctor...I weigh 26 pounds and 9.5 oz. and I'm 30 3/4 inches tall. I'm still above average, but didn't we already know that? I'm wearing a 24 month clothing and I am still in a size 5 diaper. Mommy says she can't wait til I walk so I can be potty trained. That just sounds like fun huh? Ok I think I'll take a nap so I can rest from those shots. I'll probably take tonight off from blogging. So blog ya tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sleep...Who Needs It?
Apparently mommy does. She didn't like the wake up call at 2 this morning. But like a trooper she got up and we played hard until 5:30 am when I couldn't hold my eyes open any more. We took a nap and then began our day when most people were eating lunch. We didn't do too much today, ran to bank, made a quick stop at Taco Bell then back home. I had cheesy potatoes! Yummy. But afterwards daddy noticed red marks all over my mommy and daddy said no more sour cream or spicy cheese for a while. The marks did go away so it must of be something I ate. I took a nap with daddy this afternoon and I think he enjoys when I do that. After my nap we went to Granny and Harold's. They took me and mommy out to Golden Corral for dinner. Tonight I played in my room while Mommy talked to my Aunt Brandi that lives way over in Japan. I know it must be far far away since I've never met her. Tomorrow I get to go see Doctor Whipple. I am excited to get out of the house for a little while but I think I heard mommy mention shots and those don't sound fun. Daddy is going with us so maybe he can protect me! Ok I think my appointment is early in the morning and I'm not a morning baby so I better get some sleep now. Night night. Wish me luck at the doctor tomorrow!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I'm 1!

This is me and my mom after my party

This is my dump truck dirt cake

The guests hopefully enjoying their food and having a good time

So I went to bed last Thursday night and everything was normal. When I woke up Friday morning (Oct. 1) mommy was singing Happy Birthday to me. She is always doing funny things. We waited on daddy to get home and we had pancakes for breakfast. Mommy tried to make my pancakes in the shape of balloons as a clue as to what was to come but they were just circle shaped. When breakfast was over mommy went in my room and shut the door, so dad and I followed her. When I went in my room boy was I surprised! I had 140+ balloons all over my room! It was like balloon-apalooza! I love balloons so it was a great way to start my very first birthday! I dove in and started playing. I played until I got tired and took a nap. We ended up going to Miss Holly and Darbee's later on that morning to work on a project for my birthday. I had a great time playing with Darbee, she even let me play on her horse! We took turns riding. That afternoon we ran around and did a few errands and picked up last minute things for the party. Mommy and daddy took me out to Golden Corral for my birthday dinner. We had to stop by and pick up even more balloons for my birthday. On the way home Mommy had a really bad headache so daddy and I took her home and dropped her off. Daddy took me to Lowe's all by himself. He has never taken me anywhere alone before. We had a great time but it wore me out. I fell asleep before we got back.
Saturday morning was CRAZY! We were all up and going by 8 am. By 9 am we were headed to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's house for my party! We set up for the party and waited for guests to arrive! I had 50 people at my party! It was huge! Miss Holly, Darbee, The Bay's, my baby-time buddies, even family that doesn't live around here where all there. I got tons of gifts and lots of love. I enjoyed all of the attention. We had hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, potato salad, chips, dip, drinks, sausage balls, dirt cake, and I had corn on the cob and mashed potatoes (my favorites). I think everyone had a good time. Mommy made really cool goody bags with bubbles, stickers, silly bandz, and put them in tool belts that where in hard hats. Everyone looked so cool wearing their tool belts. I got my very first remote control car, lots of clothes, socks, balls, a basketball set, lots of Little People stuff, a ride on Airplane, a duck spout cover, shoes, and lots of trucks and cars. I think I had the best 1st birthday ever! And to top it off after the party we went to Stevie B's for dinner with the Davis's and the Bay's. And after that we went to the fair. We got to pet lots of animals, listen to Uncle D's band play and ride stuff. That was my favorite part, the riding stuff. I got to ride the merry go round 3 times, and the train once. I picked up ducks and won two prizes. Mommy bought me a blow up monkey and daddy won me a hammer! I had a great time but by 10 pm I was out like a light. I had one amazing birthday and I want to say thanks to everyone who made it special. Ok I'm tired. Being 1 is alot of work. So off to bed I go!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
It's Almost Time!
Tomorrow is my birthday!!!!! Can you believe it! I'm so excited. Mommy and Daddy have been telling me all about this big party we are having and I can't wait to see my nenabug, Miss Holly and Darbee, Aunt Brandi and the girls, all my family, and lots of friends. Mommy says I have to go to bed early tonight because we are having a busy day tomorrow. She said she has a surprise for breakfast. I hope it's biscuits they are my favorite! Mommy says I can open a gift tomorrow too. So sorry for the short blog but I'm going to bed. I've got a busy day, I'm going to get my very first hair cut! Blog ya tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Busy Days and Long Nights
We've had a couple of really busy days. Monday when daddy got home I was already awake, so he took me and mommy out for breakfast then we did a little shopping at Wal-mart. We got lots of food for my birthday party (which is only a few days away!) Then mommy and I spent the rest of the morning with Granny and Harold. When dad got up he played with me while mommy cooked dinner. She made a huge dinner...we had meatloaf, homemade smashed potatoes, mixed veggies, corn nuggets, and yeast rolls. It was oh so yummy! After dinner we went to Aunt Sharon's to take a load of birthday stuff down there. I didn't sleep too well Monday night. Tuesday morning we were up and off again. We went back to Wal-mart to pick up hopefully the last of the birthday supplies. Mommy and daddy stopped by Party City and ordered my balloons for my party, then mommy took us to lunch at Golden Corral. We had a great time together. We did lots of running around but it was very fun. My tummy has hurt for the past few days but we had a great time out. Tuesday night we went and hung signs at Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's for my birthday party. Granny took us to Waffle House for dinner. I had two yolks scrambled, toast, grits, and a chocolate chip waffle. Oh boy do I love Waffle House! Last night we just played and played. Daddy put some weird stuff on mommy's hair and changed the color so I was amazed by that. I kept trying to get into the bathroom to see what they were doing, it seemed really weird to me. She looks a little different but she still acts like my mommy. Today we didn't do too much. We made a trip to the bank then this afternoon mommy and I went to Target all by our self. Last night mommy and daddy were playing with me on the bed and they realized I had a new tooth. It's not in the front it's all the way in the back. Must be why it hurt so bad coming in. Mommy is worried about how they are coming in but daddy says everything is ok. Mommy got me lots of stuff for my mouth today and I'm feeling a lot better. Daddy has to work tomorrow so mommy and I are going to finish up all the little stuff for the birthday party and then Friday is my birthday!!!! I'm going to get my hair cut, and mommy is going to make all my favorite foods! Ok that's all for tonight, I'm going to bed so mommy can rest for a few minutes before I wake up :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Rainy Sunday
It's been raining all day! I love it. I thought it was crazy when mommy tried to cover me up today. She put a rain coat on me...doesn't she know that takes all the fun out of getting wet!?? We went with Granny and Harold this morning when they went to get groceries then we came home napped, played with daddy, then went back to Granny and Harold's for the evening. Mommy napped at Granny's because she has a headache :( Mommy says we have a very busy week coming up so I guess I'm going to need my rest. We are skipping baby time tomorrow because Ian's not going. Mommy said we might get up and go to Wal-mart early to beat the crowds! Yippie...I love Wal-mart! Ok I guess I'm going to head for the bed so I can be ready early in the morning, hope mommy doesn't change her mind. Night night.
What a Par-tay!
Well what can I say about yesterday? Well I was so tired from yesterday I'm having to blog about it today. Mommy and I woke up early, cleaned out her car, loaded it up and away we went. We started off at Granny's then we went to Maw Maw's house. Who knew she had a house? It was news to me. Ever since I was born she has been in the nursing home so I assumed that was her home, but no she has a house too! And it's filled with lots of pictures that you get in trouble if you try to touch. She even had a basket full of toys for the kids! I had a great time exploring over there. We had lunch with lots of family. My cousin Karen was here again this weekend, and I heard mommy mention to her that my birthday is next weekend and she said she might come back! I hope she does because I'm taking me some hot wheels to my birthday and I know she will play with me! Ok so after the lunch at Maw Maw's we loaded up the girls birthday cakes and then....wait what happened next? Oh I remember I fell asleep. Anyway when I woke up we were still in the car but Darbee was riding beside me! I remembered then that we were going to the party! I guess mommy picked up Miss Holly and Darbee while I was napping. We had a great time at the Bay's Birthday party! I've put up a few pictures because they had HORSES! And I rode one! And so did Darbee! We had horse cakes (thanks to my mommy), pizza, crackers, ice cream, and lots more! We got to watch the girls open their gifts (which by the way looks super fun!). I can't wait til next weekend for my birthday party because birthday parties are so much fun! I had a great time and I know my mommy did too, because her and Miss Holly laughed a lot! I think Darbee and I are going to be good friends just the way mommy and Miss Holly are! Darbee acts shy but I'm sure she will like me one day. We do listen to the same kind of music...she digs the itsy bitsy spider too. Yep I think it's going to be a beautiful friendship.
After the party we managed to see daddy for a few minutes before he headed off to work. Then we went shopping with Granny, Harold, and Robert in Fayetteville. I acted so good that Harold and Granny took us to Huddle House for dinner. (I think Granny felt bad today because I pulled to her rocker and said "gigi...biscuit" but we were getting ready to leave so no biscuits for me) We finally made it home around 11 and I was way to tired to blog! I went straight to bed and slept so good! I don't know what's in store for today but I'm sure we will have fun! Thanks Darbee for riding with me to girls' birthday party I had a great time! And I'm super excited for my birthday party next weekend even though I know we won't have horses I'm sure we will have a great time though!
And now for some pictures...

Me waving
I'm such a natural :)
Let's GO!
Enough pictures already...I want to ride!
My 1st Horse Ride
Mommy's Favorite

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