- I am thankful for a daddy that works hard protecting not only us but the community. He helps mommy take care of me, he takes care of the house, he let's me jump on him while he's trying to sleep, and he loves me like crazy. He says I'm his greatest accomplishment. He is the best daddy in the world. I love trying to help him, I want to be just like him when I grow up. He is setting a great example for me. And I love him because he takes care of me and mommy.
- I am thankful for mommy. She spends her days playing with me. Not only do we play but she tries to teach me something everyday. We spend a lot of time looking at books. I don't watch much tv because she says books are better. She makes sure I have three good meals, and sometimes she just fixes what I want even if I've already had it that day. She usually rides in the back seat with me when we go places because she knows that I don't like riding by myself. And the top reason I'm thankful for mommy is because she has lost a lot of sleep the past two years, yep I'm only a year old-but I spend about 5 months keeping her awake by kicking her and now I just don't sleep. :) Sorry mommy I'm trying.
- I am thankful for my Granny and Harold. I am lucky I get to see them everyday. Granny makes the best biscuits and she never minds making them for me or mommy. Me and Harold watch westerns and I love it. I get to go lay on his bed and watch them. We have such great time everyday. Granny and Harold love me so much and I love them.
- I am thankful for my other grandparents too. I don't get to see them as much but I love them too. I think because I don't see them as much will only mean I will treasure my time when I am with them.
- I am thankful because I have the best aunts in the world. Aunt Sharon, Aunt Shellie, and Aunt Kellie are all pretty awesome. Aunt Sharon always shares her yogurt with me, and I love to go play at her house. Aunt Shellie came over just the other day. She played with me and tried to get me to walk. She always plays with me in my room when she comes over. And I hardly ever see Aunt Kellie but it's always fun when I do.
- I am thankful for THE BEST UNCLE EVER! He is awesome. He can play the guitar, he throws the ball with me, he shares his pretzels, and his water, and he carries me around all the time. Yep I'm lucky I'm his nephew!
- I am thankful for my cousins. Not only Robert and Devin, but Will, Jamie, Cailyn, Mallie, MacKenzie, Mary Grace...and the list goes on. I had a great time with all of them at my birthday this year!
- And last but not least I am thankful for my friends. I've made lots of new ones this year. Abby is my very first best friend. We have had some great times this year. We went to the library together, the park, out to eat, play dates at my house, and I've even been to her house. She is really cool to be a girl. I met Ian. He is younger than me but he is so cool :) Mommy introduced me to Darbee this year. She is like a princess. She is always dressing up and playing with princess dolls. She has really cool toys and she always shares with me when I go to her house. And last but surely not least The Bay's Twins. They are two cool chicks. I can't wait til I can run around with them.
So to sum it up I'm a very thankful kid. Mommy says we have a lot to be thankful for this year. This time last year daddy didn't have a job and she was worried. Now a year later daddy has a secure job, we are all healthy, and we love each other more than ever. So I hope you each have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Be thankful for every blessing! I'm going to get some sleep, I've heard there is going to be a big parade on tv in the morning. Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!
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