Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Three Days til Turkey Day

So apparently there is this holiday coming up this week where all we do is eat. Mommy says that we get to wake up watch tv because there will be a parade on, then we go eat, take a nap, wake up and eat again. Sounds like heaven to me. I'm super excited to get to eat lots of yummy foods. I don't remember this holiday last year but I'm guessing I don't remember it because I couldn't eat real food last year. I'm so excited to try turkey! Mommy says it's better when it's fried but daddy has to work on Thanksgiving this year so I will have to settle for plain ol' turkey this year. So that's in three days and I'm excited.
Mommy says she has a lot to be thankful for and so do I. We have big news here at our house. Aunt Brandi is coming home from Japan. She has been over there forever! She has never met me! I'm so excited to finally meet her, Caleb, and the boys. Mommy says she is a little crazy, so I'm sure I will fit right in with her. They are coming home on Christmas day. She sent me a gift all the way from Japan when I was born. Mommy saved my bib because it says Japan. When else will I ever get a gift from over seas? Mommy is very excited her best friend will be in the same state as her. I'm hoping for lots of play dates with her kids.
Daddy is home for the next two days. He is making good use of his time off. He took the front rail off my baby bed tonight. So now I've officially moved into a toddler bed. Mommy says its a big step. I can climb up on my bed right by myself which is pretty awesome if you ask me. I wanted mommy to take pictures but she has had a really bad headache but she promised she would tomorrow. She even put me a new sheet on my bed, and it has balls all over it. I'm super excited to play on my new bed.
Friday is black Friday and I think mommy, daddy, and me are going to wal-mart early in the morning. I don't understand why but daddy says we can't pass up dvd's that are less than two dollars. He said he would take us out to breakfast, I like how he and mommy bribe me with food. :) It's my weakness. Ok this has turned out to be a long blog tonight. I think I'm going to head to bed now, it is probably past my bed time. If I don't blog again before Thanksgiving, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and is thankful for everything they have. I sure am!

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