So one last thing I forgot in the last blog. If you know my daddy then you know he loves movies. Now when I say he loves movies I mean he LOVES movies. I think he would pick movies over anything (well with the exception of me and mommy) For those of you who don't know, daddy has a movie room. Mommy said it used to be his den but he made it into a huge movie room. We have two recliners, a couch, and a projection system down there. Anyway ever since they found out they were pregnant daddy said he was excited and he hoped that I would love movies too, because mommy doesn't like to watch many movies. So last night they were watching a movie while I was snoozing. Well I couldn't sleep so when I woke up they decided to watch a different movie. Mommy suggested watching Babies. It is more of a silent film, although we did hear the babies chattering. Anyway the point is that I watched the entire movie, all one hour and eighteen minutes of it. I enjoyed seeing the babies from the time they were brought home from the hospital to their first birthdays. They showed babies from all around the world. My favorite baby was Hattie. Some of the kids had toys to play with like me and some played with dirt and rocks which looked fun too. Anyway I figured if I could sit through this movies then some of my baby friends might enjoy it too. So if you want to watch a movie this weekend and your baby does too, me, mommy, and daddy suggest this one!
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