Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What-a Weekend

Where do I start? Friday night mommy and I went to Miss Holly's house for her gold party. Mommy didn't plan this out to well. She didn't fix me any dinner before we we couldn't stay too long because I was starving! She dropped hers and Granny's gold off and we came back home. Daddy went and got dinner at Taco Bell. Yummy. I love me some cheese roll ups, potatoes, and rice. Miss Holly called later and the gold lady offered mommy 50.00 for her gold and she offered Granny 420.00 for hers!!! Mommy was happy with her offer and Granny was beyond happy with hers. Girls...geez. Saturday morning I woke up super early because I remembered Abby was coming over to play. Well when I woke up at 6 mommy was already up and she was sick. She stayed in the bathroom all morning long, and I'm not sure what was going on in there but it didn't sound good. Daddy made breakfast and mommy didn't even eat. When mommy didn't join us for food I knew she was sick. Well I woke up apparently too early because I fell asleep before Abby got here but when I woke up from my nap I was ready to play and she was here ready to play too. Since mommy was so sick daddy had to take care of me and Abby. He had so much fun with us!!! When Abby's mommy and daddy came back and got her daddy took me and mommy to Granny's so he could run a few errands. Mommy was very sick and she stayed in the bed all day. Saturday night was no fun, by then daddy was sick too! One mommy sick plus one daddy sick equals zero fun for me. They laid in my floor and I just played around them. We went to bed around midnight and slept pretty good. Sunday they felt better so we got to leave the house for a little while. We did some shopping with Granny and Harold. But I think we over did it. Now today is Tuesday and guess what? I'm sick. I've got a runny nose, big puffy eyes, and they are running. Being sick stinks. Aunt Shellie told mommy that Devin has been sick and now Robert is sick too :( I don't like being sick. And it's daddy's long week at work so he's not here to help mommy. Thank goodness he's off tomorrow and Thursday! Well I think I am going to need some extra sleep so I'm going to bed now.

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