Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving and Black Friday?

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I got up around 6 yesterday morning. I thought mommy said we were going to eat all day so I wanted to get an early start. Daddy came home from work and took us out to pick up some breakfast and so mommy could get a newspaper. Mommy was like a mad woman looking through those sale papers. After breakfast I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so I took me a nice long nap, in my big boy bed! When I woke up mommy had already made a rice casserole and a green bean casserole, she was on top of this morning. We went to Granny and Harold's to see what they were doing. Now Granny was moving around in the kitchen like a chicken with her head cut off. She had already cooked enough to fill up all the counters and she wasn't done. Jamie came up to Granny's and played with me until it was time to go back home. Back at home we got ready to head to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's. Daddy got up and went with us. We were afraid with daddy working he would be to tired but daddy is never too tired to spend time with me. We had a great lunch. With all the food everyone brought we had turkey, corn, green beans, peas, black eyed peas, okra (yummy), yams, sweet potato casserole, dressing, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and lots of desserts! I ate and ate and ate. After all that eating I was so tired. Uncle D's mom joined us for lunch and after we ate we all went outside so I could crawl around on the deck. When we left I was so tired I didn't even make it down the gravel road before I was asleep. Last night for dinner we went back to Granny and Harold's. The M&M family came to eat with Nana last night so I got in some good play time with Mallie, Mackenzie, and Mary Grace. Mommy said that they could come spend the night with us soon. Boy would that be fun! So now on to what mommy says is her favorite holiday...Black Friday. I didn't realize days were colors too. Crazy. Anyway we are up at 6 am this morning and not by my choice, by mommy's. We are waiting for daddy to come home so we can go shopping. All that turkey must have went to mommy's head. Anyway I will report back as to what happens. Happy Black Friday everyone!

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