Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday and A Sick Day

Yesterday it was cold and mommy didn't really want us to leave the house but we did. We went to Granny and Harold's to eat some yummy leftover food from the BBQ. We stayed because JJ was having his birthday party in Granny and Harold's building later on. Devin and Aunt Shellie stopped by and Devin got to open his gifts from Granny and Harold. He liked everything he got, and he even offered to let him help him open his gifts. I love playing in the building! It's open and there is a lot stuff I can get into. After we watched JJ open his birthday gifts we came home and by then it was nap time. When daddy and I woke up from our naps mommy had started dinner. We were supposed to go back to Granny and Harold's but it was so cold outside that mommy decided to cook here. We had an awesome dinner. Ham, rice, potato casserole, green beans and biscuits. Yum-O! Daddy gave me my bath and I splashed him so much he had to change shirts. I went to bed on time last night and mommy and daddy were excited that they got to spend a little time together but it didn't last long. I've got another head cold now and it struck last night. I couldn't breathe and when you can't breathe you can't sleep. I woke up around 11 and I didn't go back to sleep until after 3 this morning. Talk about a long night! This morning mommy and I slept way to late but I guess that's what you are supposed to do when you are sick. Mommy said she has never seen two people get sick with head colds like me and daddy have this year. We only left the house once today and that was to pay a bill and run to the bank. I didn't even see Granny and Harold today. I didn't want daddy to go to work but he had too. Me and mommy didn't do anything at all tonight but read books and play with cars. She gave me a bath but it wasn't the same as daddy. I chose eggs and biscuits for dinner but once mommy cooked I didn't eat. It's my bedtime so I'm headed to bed and hope that I feel better tomorrow. Being sick stinks :(

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