Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dear Santa

So Christmas is coming up soon. I've heard that most kids write letters to Santa to let him know what they want for Christmas. So since I might be going to see Santa this weekend I figured I better get a list together because I sure don't want to be left off any one's list. So here is my Christmas List.

Dear Santa,
Christmas is coming soon so I wanted to be sure that you had my list in enough time. Mommy says that you watch me all year long to make sure I'm being good. So I don't guess that you need me to tell you that I have been great all year. So since I've been so good all year here is my wish list. I would like some sing-a-ma-jigs (maybe 2 or 3 so they can sing along), some hot wheels because I love playing those with my daddy, maybe some books (you will have to ask mommy which ones I don't have), maybe a stuffed animal, and maybe something that plays music because I love to dance.
Ok that is my list. I don't know what the age limit is for Santa but mommy and daddy have been pretty good all year too so if you can maybe bring them something I bet they would like it. But if you can't I'm sure they will understand.
Mommy has a big platter that we are going to leave out with some cookies and milk for you and some carrots for the reindeer. Daddy says you like oreos? They are my favorite too. Well that and mommy's tea cakes. Yummy. Ok well you have my list now. Can't wait to see what you leave me under our tree. Merry Christmas!

Love, Corbin

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