Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Schedule what Schedule?

So the past few nights mommy has been bragging that I've been on a really good schedule. Well I will teach her to brag. This morning instead of sleeping in until 10 I woke up at 8:30 ready to go. She was hoping daddy would play with me so she could get some extra rest but he was already asleep :( We had breakfast then she got us both ready for baby time. We had a great time and I played on a new toy today. We had lots of fun playing with Bella and Ian. Ian even pulled up for the first time today. Even though we have fun at baby time now, it's just not the same without Abby. She was my first best bud. After baby time we went to Granny's and picked her up so we could go visit Maw Maw at the nursing home. We had a good time. Maw Maw gave me Christmas socks with bears on them. Even though I don't like bears they are pretty cool. I fell asleep on the way home two hours before I'm "supposed" to take a nap. I only slept an hour. Ha ha mommy. Put that on your schedule. :) When I woke up I had lunch then time to play with Jamie and girl (Cailyn) before we had to come home and wake daddy up. Daddy was ready to get out of the house when we got home. He wanted to finish up Christmas shopping and mommy was just ready to eat something. We decided on Stevie B's. Well I fell asleep on the way there. That hour nap just didn't do me any good. I slept for a little while then daddy woke me up so I would eat some pizza and I'm glad he did, pizza is one of my favorite foods. After dinner we finished up shopping for mommy. I picked her out a gift I think she is going to love. We got her a....ha ha ha mommy good try I'm not telling. Daddy says it's a secret. Tonight at home we have played and played. Daddy gave me a bath which he does every night he's home. I like my bath time with daddy-he lets me splash every where and make lots of bubbles. So that about sums up our day. So I'm off that silly schedule mommy made. I might go to bed on time just to make her happy :) Hope every one had a great Monday!

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