Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let the Holidays Begin

So mommy says I need to get used to staying busy at least for the next few weeks. It's getting closer to Christmas so that means we have a lot to do. Yesterday was super busy, play date, nap time, groceries, Christmas shopping, pizza dinner, and lots of riding in the car. Today was just as busy. We had breakfast then we went to meet Santa. At first I thought OK I see him we can go now but NO mommy was pretty sure she wanted me to sit on his way! I don't know this man. He apparently didn't know me because he wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas. Hello...if he knew me he would know I want balls and books. That's what I like. Anyway first picture was a flop. I was screaming bloody murder. So they waited and tried again. The next few pictures were better but I sure wasn't going to break out my best smile for this. So now I've met Santa...hope he understands I don't care to much for people with facial hair. Sorry Santa, don't take it personal. Next we went to Target so I could pick up a few new hot wheels. Got some pretty awesome cars today. Then we went to Ashely Park so I could ride in a horse and buggy. We had to wait in line for an hour but it was well worth the wait. It was fun riding around! When came home napped then headed to Granny and Harold's for the BBQ. We had a great time. There was plenty of kids for me to play with. Mommy and Daddy got to spend some time with great friends and we had lots of yummy food! Now we are home and it's way past my bedtime. I've been fighting sleep for a while now. I should probably just give up and go to bed. Mommy says it is supposed to be really cold tonight and that she just wants to snuggle and sleep late. I know we will just stay home tomorrow...well maybe we will go to Granny's for lunch but other than that we are just going to stay home and stay warm. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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