Sunday, December 12, 2010

Playdate with Ian

Sorry I didn't blog about this yesterday but I was super tired from my play date and all the running around we did. My play date with Ian was yesterday morning and wouldn't you know mommy had to wake me up to go. The one morning I decided to sleep in...geez. Anyway I guess mommy felt dad because she had me some tea cakes waiting for me in the car. We didn't travel too far to get to Ian's house. When we got there I was ready to play. I had a great time. Ian has some awesome toys. And his mommy had lots of stuff I could get into. We had a great time but didn't want to stay too long and out stay our welcome. Miss Rebecca had Cheerios and I would have been content to stay all day! And plus they had a cat...which I loved!!! Ian, buddy, I had a great time, you have awesome toys and you are a great friend. Can't wait til Monday's baby time so we can plan our next get together!

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