Friday, October 29, 2010


Ok so isn't the general rule not to talk to strangers? Ok so someone needs to tell my parents this. First off they wake me up this morning. I know they must be crazy right? Then they dress me up like a dog, yes a dog. Then they hand me a bucket that is bright orange and tell me to ask strangers for candy, yes COMPLETE STRANGERS! Well I wanted no part in holding that bucket. Thank goodness for Bayleigh she has glad to hold my bucket. Apparently her parents do this to her every year. We were on our court square and everyone was handing out candy. Mommy kept asking me to say "trick or treat" but she must have been crazy because I wasn't talking at all. But my parents weren't the only crazy ones, apparently all the parents have gone crazy and dressed their kids up. I saw Buzz lightyear, dinosaurs, princesses, witches, ghosts, scary masks, and lots of fairies. After we walked around the square (more than once) we went to eat at McDonald's. Bayleigh and Darbee were there too. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one eating there in a costume. So anyway I'm really unsure about this whole dress up thing. Mommy says we are going to a Fall Festival tonight with Miss Holly, Darbee, and Mr. Stacy so I will report back later if I encounter any more strange things. Hope you are all having a great weekend and if your mom is dressing you up I hope you are having fun!

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