Today's blog is brought to you by the Letter B! Ha ha ha. So last Saturday we went to Miss Darbee's birthday party. And I will say for a Princess girl party it was pretty fun. Other than everything being pink it was pretty cool. They had a jump house and I actually got in it! She had a cozy coupe car too and I loved it. Think I might ask Santa for one of those. Anyway she had two birthday cakes! They were really cool. She had a castle, but she didn't have any horses around it or any knights gaurding it. And she had a carriage, but no horses driving it either. Weird. Must be a girl thing. I got an awesome goodie bag! I got to see the Bay's girls too. I had a great time and so did mommy. We had pizza, chips, cake, ice cream, and coke. So to sum it girl party ever!
This week has been pretty boring. Not much to blog about. Me and mommy have been reading tons of books. She said she is going to teach me my ABC's soon! I'm excited because I love to learn new things. Mommy bought me a new book the other day all about Christmas. Christmas looks like so much fun and I can't wait to meet Santa.
I know tomorrow is something special because mommy said we are going to meet Miss Holly and Darbee in the morning. And if we are getting early it has to be something great! I think it might have something to do with Halloween! Anyway that's all for now. Mommy says we are going to be very busy this weekend so not sure if I'll have time to blog so that's all for now, hopefully I can blog ya later.
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