Friday, October 22, 2010

Christmas Shopping In October?

Mommy must be crazy because the other day she had daddy drive us all over town to do Christmas shopping! I don't know a lot about the calendar yet but daddy says we still have two months so what's the rush? Anyway she got a few gifts out of the way. Christmas must be a big deal around here. Mommy said that if daddy wouldn't have a cow she would put the tree up now. I'm ready to see what a tree looks like in the house. Who has ever heard of putting a tree in the house. I'm sure we had one last year but I don't remember back that far. Other than a little Christmas shopping we didn't do much on daddy's two days off. We mostly hung around the house and napped. Ahhh that's mine and daddy's favorite thing to do! Although I think daddy enjoys it a little more than I do. Daddy has to work all weekend long, yuck. Tomorrow morning mommy and I have to get up and get ready for Miss Darbee's party. She is turning 3 tomorrow, and even though it's a girly party I'm excited to get to play with kids. Well I guess I need to get some sleep tonight, I've gotta get up in the morning and help mommy make her birthday card. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I am ready to put the tree up too! Can't wait to see ya'll in a few hours! :)
