This is me and my mom after my party

This is my dump truck dirt cake

The guests hopefully enjoying their food and having a good time

So I went to bed last Thursday night and everything was normal. When I woke up Friday morning (Oct. 1) mommy was singing Happy Birthday to me. She is always doing funny things. We waited on daddy to get home and we had pancakes for breakfast. Mommy tried to make my pancakes in the shape of balloons as a clue as to what was to come but they were just circle shaped. When breakfast was over mommy went in my room and shut the door, so dad and I followed her. When I went in my room boy was I surprised! I had 140+ balloons all over my room! It was like balloon-apalooza! I love balloons so it was a great way to start my very first birthday! I dove in and started playing. I played until I got tired and took a nap. We ended up going to Miss Holly and Darbee's later on that morning to work on a project for my birthday. I had a great time playing with Darbee, she even let me play on her horse! We took turns riding. That afternoon we ran around and did a few errands and picked up last minute things for the party. Mommy and daddy took me out to Golden Corral for my birthday dinner. We had to stop by and pick up even more balloons for my birthday. On the way home Mommy had a really bad headache so daddy and I took her home and dropped her off. Daddy took me to Lowe's all by himself. He has never taken me anywhere alone before. We had a great time but it wore me out. I fell asleep before we got back.
Saturday morning was CRAZY! We were all up and going by 8 am. By 9 am we were headed to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's house for my party! We set up for the party and waited for guests to arrive! I had 50 people at my party! It was huge! Miss Holly, Darbee, The Bay's, my baby-time buddies, even family that doesn't live around here where all there. I got tons of gifts and lots of love. I enjoyed all of the attention. We had hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, potato salad, chips, dip, drinks, sausage balls, dirt cake, and I had corn on the cob and mashed potatoes (my favorites). I think everyone had a good time. Mommy made really cool goody bags with bubbles, stickers, silly bandz, and put them in tool belts that where in hard hats. Everyone looked so cool wearing their tool belts. I got my very first remote control car, lots of clothes, socks, balls, a basketball set, lots of Little People stuff, a ride on Airplane, a duck spout cover, shoes, and lots of trucks and cars. I think I had the best 1st birthday ever! And to top it off after the party we went to Stevie B's for dinner with the Davis's and the Bay's. And after that we went to the fair. We got to pet lots of animals, listen to Uncle D's band play and ride stuff. That was my favorite part, the riding stuff. I got to ride the merry go round 3 times, and the train once. I picked up ducks and won two prizes. Mommy bought me a blow up monkey and daddy won me a hammer! I had a great time but by 10 pm I was out like a light. I had one amazing birthday and I want to say thanks to everyone who made it special. Ok I'm tired. Being 1 is alot of work. So off to bed I go!
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