Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Being 1 Hurts...

Well lets see all in 24 hours time I have been scratched by mommy's finger nail, busted my lip on the side of my tub, banged my head numerous times (which happens everyday) and then to top it off I went to the doctor this morning and I knew something was up. I tried to crawl out the door and make a run for it but mommy stopped me. Well I was right to try to leave because the nurse pricked my finger, then gave me three shots! Owwww-weeeee! The finger part didn't hurt in fact I laughed. But those shots, well they were a doozie! Daddy was so proud of me because while my finger was bleeding I refused a band aid. Band aids are for sissys. I tore three of them off before the nurse finally gave up. Mommy and Daddy said I did really good so they took me to Target and bought me 5 new hot wheels! And they said they weren't going to buy me anything else before Christmas...yeah right. So here are my new stats straight from the Doctor...I weigh 26 pounds and 9.5 oz. and I'm 30 3/4 inches tall. I'm still above average, but didn't we already know that? I'm wearing a 24 month clothing and I am still in a size 5 diaper. Mommy says she can't wait til I walk so I can be potty trained. That just sounds like fun huh? Ok I think I'll take a nap so I can rest from those shots. I'll probably take tonight off from blogging. So blog ya tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing! Glad we haven't been together over the past few days! Our kids would be in body casts! LOL!
