Sunday, September 26, 2010

What a Par-tay!

Well what can I say about yesterday? Well I was so tired from yesterday I'm having to blog about it today. Mommy and I woke up early, cleaned out her car, loaded it up and away we went. We started off at Granny's then we went to Maw Maw's house. Who knew she had a house? It was news to me. Ever since I was born she has been in the nursing home so I assumed that was her home, but no she has a house too! And it's filled with lots of pictures that you get in trouble if you try to touch. She even had a basket full of toys for the kids! I had a great time exploring over there. We had lunch with lots of family. My cousin Karen was here again this weekend, and I heard mommy mention to her that my birthday is next weekend and she said she might come back! I hope she does because I'm taking me some hot wheels to my birthday and I know she will play with me! Ok so after the lunch at Maw Maw's we loaded up the girls birthday cakes and then....wait what happened next? Oh I remember I fell asleep. Anyway when I woke up we were still in the car but Darbee was riding beside me! I remembered then that we were going to the party! I guess mommy picked up Miss Holly and Darbee while I was napping. We had a great time at the Bay's Birthday party! I've put up a few pictures because they had HORSES! And I rode one! And so did Darbee! We had horse cakes (thanks to my mommy), pizza, crackers, ice cream, and lots more! We got to watch the girls open their gifts (which by the way looks super fun!). I can't wait til next weekend for my birthday party because birthday parties are so much fun! I had a great time and I know my mommy did too, because her and Miss Holly laughed a lot! I think Darbee and I are going to be good friends just the way mommy and Miss Holly are! Darbee acts shy but I'm sure she will like me one day. We do listen to the same kind of music...she digs the itsy bitsy spider too. Yep I think it's going to be a beautiful friendship.
After the party we managed to see daddy for a few minutes before he headed off to work. Then we went shopping with Granny, Harold, and Robert in Fayetteville. I acted so good that Harold and Granny took us to Huddle House for dinner. (I think Granny felt bad today because I pulled to her rocker and said "gigi...biscuit" but we were getting ready to leave so no biscuits for me) We finally made it home around 11 and I was way to tired to blog! I went straight to bed and slept so good! I don't know what's in store for today but I'm sure we will have fun! Thanks Darbee for riding with me to girls' birthday party I had a great time! And I'm super excited for my birthday party next weekend even though I know we won't have horses I'm sure we will have a great time though!
And now for some pictures...
Miss Darbee :)
Mommy, Me, and Darbee

Me waving

I'm such a natural :)

Let's GO!

Enough pictures already...I want to ride!

My 1st Horse Ride

Mommy's Favorite

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