Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm so confused. Sunday we went to visit Maw Maw at the nursing home. Mommy said there would be lots of people there so I was excited. My cousins had come to visit Maw Maw and I had only met them once before. So anyway there was this girl there; Holly Ann; well I wanted to play with her. Mom and brought me some hot wheels cars to play with so I thought I would share them with her. She seemed interested in the cars. So I threw them at here. She wasn't so interested anymore. She started ducking so I wouldn't hit her. I'm so confused. I'm trying to be nice and share and I didn't pull her hair, I just wanted to play. So on the way home I thought I might need to come up with another idea. So this morning at baby time I decided to try out my newest idea. I decided I would just ignore the girls (which is hard to do because baby time is ran by girls). Well it worked! I acted like I was fine playing by myself and next thing I knew all the girls were playing with me. So I think I've finally figured girls out. Easy as pie :) I am so glad I figured this out so soon because this weekend we are taking a car ride to the visit the Bay's for the twins birthday party and Darbee is going with us, so now I know how to make her play with me; I'll ignore her.
We've only got 10 days til my birthday and I'm super excited! I'm very eager to tell everyone I'm turning 1! I hold out one finger and everyone claps! Mommy has been busy making lists (her favorite thing to do) and making sure all the goodie bags are ready to go. This is going to be the best 1st birthday ever!
Ok I think I'm going to call it a night. Mommy wore me out tonight, I've crawled a million miles today, practiced walking, and did lots of pointing out my animals. I'm tired. We don't have anything planned for tomorrow thank goodness because the next two weekends are going to be hectic! Hope everyone had a great Monday!

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