Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rainy Sunday

It's been raining all day! I love it. I thought it was crazy when mommy tried to cover me up today. She put a rain coat on me...doesn't she know that takes all the fun out of getting wet!?? We went with Granny and Harold this morning when they went to get groceries then we came home napped, played with daddy, then went back to Granny and Harold's for the evening. Mommy napped at Granny's because she has a headache :( Mommy says we have a very busy week coming up so I guess I'm going to need my rest. We are skipping baby time tomorrow because Ian's not going. Mommy said we might get up and go to Wal-mart early to beat the crowds! Yippie...I love Wal-mart! Ok I guess I'm going to head for the bed so I can be ready early in the morning, hope mommy doesn't change her mind. Night night.

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