- I'm 11 months old
- I wear a size 5 diaper
- I wear 24 month or 2t clothes
- my favorite foods at the moment are corn on the cob, pizza, tomatoes, biscuits, Popsicles, mashed potatoes...basically anything I can hold I will eat
- I am an expert crawler now, I can go from room to room and if that room has a trash can I WILL find it...and fast
- my hair is getting thicker and longer and mommy is talking about having it cut, that should be interesting
- mommy and daddy bought me a pair of shoes but they are tight and I don't like them
- I weigh roughly 26 pounds and I'm tall for my age (I thought about asking mommy how tall I was so I could include it but she didn't understand me)
- I love my green car in fact I fell asleep in it twice today
- I love to go out to eat, it's my favorite thing (and it's mommy's too)
- in 28 days I'll be 1 year old. (mommy is already started crying)
- I'm having a huge party for my birthday!
- we've been staying with Granny and Harold for over a week now because our air is still out
Just thought I would fill you in on what's going on in my life right now. That pretty much sums it up. I love to crawl and pull up on anything I can and I sure keep mommy busy these days. And I'm having a hard time finding time to blog because when you can crawl...who wants to sit still?
Whew Corbin...you've been busy growing up! You're such a cutie!