Thursday, September 16, 2010

What is my name?

I'm so confused. No one calls me Corbin. I'm either Corbino-if it's Aunt Brandi or Robert talking to me. Scooter- if daddy is talking to me. Cuban-if the twins are talking about me. HOT-if Harold is talking to me. Angel-if Granny is talking to (which I'm not going to complain about that because I've renamed her Gigi). And with my Aunt Sharon I'm called anything but Corbin, doodlebug, Corbino, her baby from another mother :) I'm starting to think mommy and daddy wasted their time picking out a name for me. Mommy called me Corbin Crabby pants tonight because well I've been really cranky today. I don't know why. Maybe it's the teeth that just won't come in, maybe it's because mommy has been giving me real milk (she even tried to sneak in some chocolate this morning but I'm just not liking it) The only time I was really happy today was this morning when we went to visit Miss Holly and Darbee. Well I was happy until I made Darbee cry. Who knew girls didn't like to get their hair pulled. I thought it was perfect way to say "hey play with me". (Note to self find better way to attract the girls) Mommy must not have been happy with me because she went to show me another toy and she bopped me in the face with it. She said it was an accident but I'm not so sure...ok I'm pretty sure she didn't mean too. Anyway when we left there I became very cranky. Mommy threatened to take me back to Miss Holly's (yeah like that was punishment) I was happy there. Darbee has all kinds of cool toys, well as cool as they can be being pink and all. We didn't do much the rest of the day. Mommy has been trying to clean the house today because the man is supposed to fix our air tomorrow! Yippie! But mommy says that trying to clean with house with me in it, is like brushing her teeth while eating cookies, it's pointless. Well I guess that's all for tonight. I think I'll try to go to bed, maybe I will wake up with a mouth full of teeth and not have to worry about teething anymore! Yeah right. Night night.

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