Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vacation Day 1 and Day 2

So yesterday was the big day.  We got up really early (well early for me since I went to bed kind of late).  We met Granny and Harold at Golden Corral and ate breakfast.   Then by 9 am we were on the road.  Boy did we ride a long way.  We stopped a few times.  Once in a place that had alligators.  Granny knew just what they liked to eat; marshmallows!  Boy those little gators ate all of them while the big ones just watched.  That was the highlight of the trip.  Despite me tellling mommy I wanted to go home she didn't turn around, although I think she might have wanted to a few times.  Daddy slept all the way here, which made for a boring car ride home.  So anyway after we got here we checked in at our home away from home and I had a ball jumping on our beds and throwing pillows everywhere.  Then it was the big moment I got to go on the beach.  I've mastered saying it and usually when I say it we go.  I loved the water.  I fell a few times when the waves came in but for the most part it is fun.  We went to the All American Diner for late lunch/early dinner and it was yucky.  We did a little riding around then we went to the pier and watch big boats come in and bring all the fish they had caught.  It smelled yucky.  Last night mommy and daddy took me to Pier Park and we walked around and looked at all the rides at the Miracle Strip then we had dinner at Cici's pizza and it was yucky too. :(  The food down here isn't good at all.  No vegetables at any of the fast food places.  We couldn't find a Golden's down here must be a Newnan thing.  After dinner we went and played putt putt golf.  Boy was the fun.  I threw my ball all over the place.  And even though mommy and daddy says that isn't the way we are supposed to play it seemed more fun than what they were doing.  After playing golf I was so tired.  We came home and I got my bath and crashed for the night.  Today has been just as eventful but without all the driving.  When I woke up this morning mommy had gone to get our breakfast.  We had donuts, coffee, juice, cereal, and grits.  Oh and a big ol' banana.  We ate breakfast in bed which never happens at home.  Then we went to the beach.  It was so nice and cool.   Mommy built some sandcastles while me and daddy played in the ocean.  We saw a jellyfish and daddy took me far out in the ocean and saw fish.  When we came back in we all got a shower and headed out for some lunch.  We ate lunch at Scampy's.  I was so happy because they actually had veggies!  I had rice, okra, and green beans.  Then we went to see about riding a boat but the boat tour lasted three hours and mommy was afraid that was too long for me.  So we ended up at the zoo.  We had a great time and I got to feed lots of animals.  The lady at the zoo even asked me to help feed the giraffe!  Her name was Syndey.  When we left there we went to the Works Museum.  It looks like a house that is upside down.  It was crazy.  We got to feel like what it would be like to be inside a hurricane.  I played games, blew bubbles, put on a space suit, walk through a crazy walk way, sit on seat and pull myself up in the sky, that place had everything.  But before I could see it all I fell asleep.  Now we are back at the room.  Granny and Harold have gone to Sam's so they can get Harold's glasses fixed and daddy is sleeping.  I think me and mommy try to go swimming or maybe we can go shopping.  Even though this isn't home I'm having a little bit of fun but I sure do miss home.  Mommy brought toys and my couch but I miss JJ, Nana, and everybody else.  But we will head home tomorrow so I'm going to enjoy my time here.  Mommy left the camera in the car and the battery is dead so maybe tomorrow it will be charged and I can include some pictures :)

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