Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Day In My Life

So my days are pretty much never the same twice.  But a typical day is me waking up and then waking mommy up.  Boy she sure does love her sleep.  We get up and try to be quiet leaving the bed room so we don't wake daddy up.  I have a race car bed in my parents room but most of the time I just snuggle between them and they say that's ok.  So anyway we come to the living room and if I'm lucky Mickey Mouse clubhouse is on and I can watch that while mommy makes breakfast.  Mommy and I aren't big breakfast people.  Usually a toaster strudel or a biscuit will do us just fine.  Mommy puts butter in my biscuit and she puts crazy jelly on hers.  Then we watch our cartoons.  I am a fan of Little Einsteins but since they come on at 5:30 and 6 am mommy doesn't so much like when we are up to watch those.  After breakfast we play.  We read books, play cars, and if it's not too hot we might go outside and play.  But once the ants start biting we come back in.  Sometimes we got to Granny's for lunch and we see Aunt Sharon and Uncle D there.  Then it's back home to fix lunch for Daddy.  He works crazy days.  One week he works 5 days and the next week he only works 2.  It's hard to keep up with him.  Then after lunch is usually nap time.  I nap for about an hour maybe longer if mommy is lucky.  I nap in my big boy bed.  When I get up we have to get stuff ready for daddy to go to work.  I am in charge of getting him a bottle of water and when we sit down I always help him with his cheat sheets.  When daddy leaves at 5:25 we usually head for Granny's to spend the rest of our afternoon there.  But today we won't.  Nana has to go to church so mommy offered to let the kids come play.  Yippie!  Now that is a typical day.  But you got to throw in run to the bank, go to the store, go for a walk, a bath, no naps, tons of snacks.  So it's hard to describe a normal day because nothing is ever normal around here.  I'm not a fan of schedules and my mommy is all about them.  But we manage to make it.  So I better go get ready for the kids.  Can't wait to play with my toys outside.  I'll try to blog tonight but don't hold your breathe :)

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