Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Sunday 2011

So if you read my last post you remember I went to the Races with Harold, Jeri, Robert, Will, and Jamie right? Well I had a great time. We left Granny and Harold's around 5:30 and we went and got pizza, drinks, and snacks. Then it was off to the races. We had a great time. It was loud but boy did I have fun. Mommy knew better than to expect pictures since I'm pretty active I usually keep everyone on their toes! Harold called mommy one time to let her know I was doing fine. Mommy enjoyed her night by going out to eat with Granny and Nana then doing a little shopping, then she came home and cleaned. Guess that is what she considers fun. I didn't get home until 12:45!!!!! Mommy was super bored time I got home! I was fast asleep...

I think mommy was happy to have me back home!

When I woke up Sunday morning the Easter Bunny had been! Look at all this stuff! I got 24 hot wheels, 2 tractor trailers to haul my cars, a suction cup basket ball set, a pop ball, a baby chicken (not a real one!), Cars Tattoos, peeps, banana marshmallows, a bug net, suckers, marshmellow bunnies covered with chocolate, reese's peanut butter eggs, and lots of m&m's.

Here's me in my Easter outfit; ready for the fun to begin! Easter morning Jamie and Will got to stay with me and mommy instead of going to church. We had a great time playing cars. We had Easter lunch at our house then it was on to hunting eggs!

I finally got the idea of finding eggs! And boy did they hide some in hard places! I found the most eggs here! I found 49 eggs! (10 more than I found at church the day before)! Most of my eggs had candy in them but one of them had 5.00 in it! And then I got about 3.00 in change!

Here is me and my mommy on Easter!

And here is me and my dad!

And one last basket to finish up Easter! My basket from Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert. The basket had a book, a car, some marshmallow bunnies, two little people things, and three pouches of applesauce but I ate them all soon as I saw them! Super yummy!

So all in all I had a great Easter, much better than the last one. I was super tired from all the hunting and eating! Hope everyone else had a great Easter as well!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

So this morning when I got up mommy and I got ready to head to the church for the Easter Egg Hunt. We were going to walk but once we got outside it started to sprinkle. So plan B was to drive. We drove to Granny and Harold's and got Jamie so he could ride with us. I found lots of eggs at the church. I didn't win anything though. I found 39 eggs in all. I think that is pretty good. Mommy was very proud of me!

When I got back I had to work with Harold and take our cans to the junk yard. He is taking me, Robert, Jamie, and Will to the races tonight so I had to work to earn some money. Well here is the load we left with

What a pile of junk huh?

When I got back from the junk yard Granny suprised me with my Easter basket. I got one from her and one from Harold. Here is mine from's full of candy, jelly beans, a new towel, a ball, cars, m&m cup, a stuffed animal and so much more. Harold gave me one with two balls and a sports bottle. Mommy wanted to get a picture of it but I tore it open before she could.

After I opened my Easter Basket and played for a while. Harold paid me for working so hard this morning. Want to know how much I got?


Wasn't much work but boy did it pay off!

Mommy said I have enough to buy one big toy or a bunch of small ones! Daddy says I should put my money in my savings account. We will see...

I think I better go grab a nap because I'm going off with Harold tonight by myself for the 1st time, well being gone with long. We are going to get Mac and Cheese pizza for dinner and then on the way home from the races we are going to the Waffle House!!!! Yummy! And tomorrow is we sure are going to stay busy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

On My Big Green Tractor

We had the best weekend ever. Friday morning was a usual morning. Had breakfast, played cars, went to Granny's. Then after my nap I went back to Granny's so mommy and daddy could go get groceries. I think they might have went to eat Mexican food too, and that's ok because although I love mexican food I don't like to go there and eat. Friday night after they picked me up we played and played. I got to jump on my trampoline and run around. Of course since daddy has home he gave me a bath and boy did I enjoy it! Saturday morning we woke up early and got ready to work outside. Me and daddy went to Granny and Harold's to pick up the lawn mower. I love that thing. We rode it all the way home, then I helped daddy cut the whole yard. Mommy says Devin used to go to sleep while riding with daddy but I didn't. That was awesome! I helped mommy in the flower bed while daddy used the weed eater and the blower. Me and mommy also washed down the front porch which was super fun to get wet! While we were outside working hard mommy had dinner in the crock pot. After a hard days work we came inside to a great dinner. Boy was I dirty from working all day. I slept so good Saturday night and I think my parents did too! Sunday was another day of working and playing. Pretty sure my parents don't know anything about Child Labor laws because I worked all day long. They did give me a break and let Jamie, Will, and Cailyn come over to play. And I've found out this weeked that I love Kool-Aid! There is nothing better than a cold glass of it after a long days work. We had an awesome weekend and I hope that daddy's next two days off are just as fun! Mommy had a lot to do today so I got to play alot with daddy. He did have to work tonight so me and mommy went downstairs to play. Well I played and she cleaned up a little. Ok I'm super tired so I'm going to bed now. Blog ya later :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Play Date and More

Well today started off crazy. I didn't sleep at all last night. I think mommy said I slept 3 hours then I was up. Then today at lunch Miss Chrissy and Bryson came by. Bryson was kind of boring. All he did was sleep and eat. I'm down with the eating part but come on buddy there is too much to do to be sleeping. Ahhh he will learn soon enough. Then I took a short nap. We went with Granny to buy groceries tonight. Don't think I'll be going back to Wal-mart with my mommy for a while. I was kind of a hand full tonight. She wasn't impressed. Then we went back to Granny's and played. JJ had a headache and the other two kids were in bed so me and mommy played on the wiggle cars. We had so much fun. We ran into each other a million times. Harold called me tonight and said he was going to take me to the store tomorrow and thank goodness I'm down to one bag of chips and one Popsicle! I better go get some sleep so I will be up and ready early in the morning! Night night!

I Blew It

No literally...I blew bubbles for the first time tonight. I've seen mommy and daddy blow them, and all my cousins know how to do looked pretty simple so I tried it and guess what I did it!!! Mommy tried to catch it on video but once she got the camera and aimed it at me I ate them. Maybe next time you'll be quicker mom! Other than that it was pretty much a usual day. Me and mommy played cars, dug in the dirt, went and visited Maw maw and played with the kids today. Tomorrow Miss Chrissy and Bryson are coming to visit. Even though Bryson is too little to play with me I'm still excited that we will have people in the house with us. Ok that's all for tonight gotta get some sleep for my play date tomorrow!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Go Go

Boy oh boy have we been going all day today. We ran a few errands for Granny this morning then we had to drop mommy's car off to get worked on, then I took a nap, once I got up we went out for dinner (my favorite part), then we went and played with the M&M girls at a strange place. Think my mommy called it a funeral home. Then mommy bought me and daddy some frozen yogurt and the mix. Tonight I had chocolate yogurt, marshmallows, m&m's, and sprinkles. Then we came home and did one of my favorite things, we jumped on the trampoline. Daddy even got on there with me and mommy. We love to jump on the trampoline at night, since it's not hot I can run around much longer. We had a great time, but sadly once we went inside it was time to get ready for bed. That about sums up my day. It's supposed to storm tonight but daddy says if the weather is pretty tomorrow he is going to show me how to cut grass! Sounds fun!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

18 Months

I don't think I've done one of these posts lately so here goes.

  • I'm 18 months old

  • I weigh 28 lbs. and 6 oz.

  • I'm 33 1/2 inches tall

  • I wear a 2T or 24 months and a size 6-7 shoe and the wider the better

  • I wear a size 5 diaper but I love to sport my under ware around the house

  • I'm obsessed with going to the bathroom and using the potty but I just have gotten the hang of it just yet

  • I love to play cars, my favorite ones are roll backs and trucks with beds that I can haul stuff around in

  • I still love to read books, I can pick out all kinds of stuff if you ask me; seriously just ask me I love to show off

  • I can name all my major body parts

  • Mommy is trying to teach me to count to three, I've got the number 1 down so far

  • I love to clean up my room and I clean up every time I get done with one thing. (Yep mommy is very proud of me and sometimes she offers to do it, but it's my mess so I have to clean it up)

  • Friday night (April 8, 2011) I slept from 10:30-7:00, that is the most I've ever slept at one time. Mommy was so proud of me she danced around the living room with me all morning

  • I say lots of words, my favorite word is Yeah :)

Well that's it for my 18 months post. Can't believe in 6 months I will be 2. I wonder what being 2 will be like? Mommy has already started planning my party :)

I Heart Spring

Running, going for morning walks, jumping on the trampoline, eating all three meals on our back porch, swinging, digging in the dirt, working on cars, playing in buckets of water, riding wiggle cars, and sitting with neighbors on their front porches, these are just a few of the reason I love spring. I think it's my favorite season so far! Me and mommy went for a morning walk to the little store down the street this morning. Mommy pushed me on my tricycle then we stopped Miss Barbara's and visited for a little while. I fed her dog trouble some Ritz crackers. We had lunch with daddy then it was nap time. We went to Granny and Harold's this afternoon. Robards put new brakes on mommy's car and I got to help. When he got done he went to the store to get some drinks and he brought me back two suckers!!! I tried to give him my dollar but he wouldn't take it. Mommy and I came home and played cars and played lots of instruments. Guess we were just a duo tonight since the other member of our band is at work tonight :) Daddy is off tomorrow so I can't wait to see what we get into! Good night!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bumble Bee

Ok so just thought I would do a little mid day blog since we've done so much this morning. First off I slept ALL night long. Not sure if I liked it and not sure I will ever do it again. Mommy hasn't told anyone but daddy because she is afraid she will jinx it. So anyway I got up early so me and mommy decided to take a walk. We walked to Granny and Harold's. We stayed long enough for me to play trucks with Harold and get a sucker, then it was back outside. Mommy saw a bumble bee laying on the ground. I thought hmmm...that word sounds familiar. Then I remembered where I heard it. I'm sure you remember me blogging about the best Librarian every, Miss Lynn. Well at baby time I remember her singing a song about a baby bumble bee. Thank goodness she did because I remembered it...
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee

Won't my mommy be so proud of me

I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee

OUCH!!! It stung me!

I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee

Won't my mommy be so proud of me

I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee

Ewww!!! What a mess!

So what did I do? When the bumble bee landed mommy stepped on it! When she lifted her foot it was still moving. So I squished it! I didn't want to give it a chance to sting me! Then I picked it up threw it in the grass! And my mommy is proud of me! Now if only mommy had the video camera to capture this! Thanks Miss Lynn for teaching me all about the bees!

Friday, April 8, 2011

What A Week!

Well I finished out last week with Cailyn's 7th Birthday party, then I helped Harold move my playhouse from his house to my house.

Then want to know what happened? I got sick. Not just "ewww...I don't feel good sick". I mean vomit, mess up anything within a 2 foot radius sick. I threw up cake, ice cream, hot dog, all my dinner, EVERYTHING! Sometimes when my allergies go crazy it makes me sick but not like this. Well I went to bed but I didn't stay there long. I was sick ALL night long and so was daddy. Mommy said she would wake up and hear daddy in the bathroom and before she could fall asleep I was up doing the same thing. I think in the past 5 days mommy has changed the their bed three times (since I've been snuggling with mommy and daddy) and she was washed every burp cloth and cloth diaper in our house. Mom called the doctor Wednesday because I hasn't able to keep any food down, they said DO NOT come to the office because there was two stomach bugs going around, one last 24 hours and the other lasts 1 week. Guess which one me and daddy have? Yep you guessed it the week long one. And since I'm such a sweet sharing little boy I shared our stomach bug with granny and mommy has had a touch of it. Daddy took a day off work Monday because he was so sick. It sure did stink having daddy home for an extra day when he's sick. Normally we would play cars, read books, and run around but we were so sick all we did was lay on the couch and watch the Disney channel. We were supposed to have a fun play date with the Bay's today but mommy had to cancel because I got sick in the middle of the night and she was sick last night too. So it's been one rough week. And to top it all off daddy has to work all weekend. I'm still not 100%. I have only puked twice today so that's an improvement. Hopefully by next week I will be back to my normal self. I have a play date next week with a new baby so I'm excited. Ok so he's a lot younger than me, so I'm super excited to show him how to get into EVERYTHING! Hope your week has gone better than ours!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yesterday was full of fun! We started off by going to the park and celebrating Garrett Riffe's 1st Birthday. He had a Cars birthday party and we had a great time. We had hot dogs, chips, and most importantly CAKE!!!! Garrett got lots of toys, he even got a few Big Trucks that I didn't have! Maybe I can go play with him one day! I got to run around at the park and play and boy was that fun. Here is Garrett opening a few gifts and enjoying his chair that he got for his birthday!

And here is the black eye that I got when I fell at the park. If you think my eye looks bad you should have seen the table I hit!

I napped while we headed to the next party. We went to McDonough, GA to help Mr. Scott Hall celebrate his 40th birthday! They have a huge house and a huge back yard just big enough for me to run around. They had a jump house, balls, a swing set, and lots of kids for me to play with. They had a ton of food and lots of cake. I had a great time. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. Here is me playing with Kyllie.

We had a fun filled day but it wore me out. I slept pretty good then we got up early this morning to go eat breakfast with Granny and Harold. Think I might grab me a nap before we go and celebrate on last birthday party this weekend. It's Cailyn's 7th birthday and after this one I think I'm going to be partied out! Hope everyones weekend has been as fun as mine!