Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Birthday Countdown

So it's Wednesday already and Saturday is just around the corner.  Mommy and Daddy have been working hard on lot of projects for my party.  I think mommy said there are about 28 adults coming and 17 kids so far.  That's a lot people to play with me.  Mommy showed me some pictures from my birthday last year and I think I might remember some of it.  Looked fun though.  We've been watching the news to see if it is going to rain on Saturday because if it does boy are we in trouble!  I'm hoping that we don't have to cancel my party.  Daddy has to work today and tomorrow so not sure we will get anything else accomplished.  Daddy took us to Olive Garden last night for dinner and boy was it good.  I'm not crazy about waiting so long to get our food but it was good.  We went to Target afterwards and daddy bought me a bag of dinosaurs!!!  I love them.  I looked at the toys and dreamed about what I might for my birthday.  As if I really need them!  I guess I need to go and get ready to go to Granny's. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Nothing much going on here.  Mommy has been crazy lately.  With working on the birthday stuff, trying to keep the house clean with me messing everything up, and just life in general she is tired all the time.  I've been pretty much glued to my dvd player lately despite mommy trying to play with me or get me to do something else.  I love my monsters inc movie and I love Racing Stripes.  Today I have been really ill.  Mommy took my dvd player away :(  She and I played cars, read books, and played outside so I didn't really miss it.  I have been kind of blah these past few days.  No fever just runny nose and watery eyes.  It hasn't slowed me down just made me a little ill.  So in 5 days I will 2.  I can pretty much do anything these days.  I love to talk, run, and watch movies.  I wear a size 5 diaper (which hopefully I will catch on to that potty thin soon so I don't have to wear them anymore; mommy has even promised me a party once I get the hang of it) I wear a size 3 clothes, and a size 8 shoe.  I have outgrown most of my shoes so I know a new pair is in the future.  I love to ask for "beer" which is really root beer but I'm not too crazy about it anymore.  I love 7 up and orange drink.  I love vegetables and I hate meat.  I will eat a chicken nugget every once in a while.  My favorite restuarant is Golden's On The Square.  I still sleep with my mommy which works for me.  I love to snuggle up next to her or daddy.  That's about all that is new with me.  I guess we will be busy this week trying to get everything ready for the party.  I've got to help daddy work in the yard tomorrow because Aunt Lindsay is supposed to come to GA for my party and I think she is going to spend the night too.  We've got to get our yard nice and pretty for her.  Ok so I'm going to bed.  Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Home Sweet Home

My first two pets...Spongebob and Mr. Crabs
Ok you can't be mad at me that I haven't posted since we've been back.  I've tried; more than once.  It kept saying error.  So anyway we made a few stops Sunday morning and headed back to Georgia.  We went by Walmart so daddy could get mommy a surprise then we went by the Shell Shop.  It's mommy's favorite store in Panama City and she says she always saves it for the last day.  I had a fun time looking at all the big shells they have.  But guess what Granny and Harold bought me?  My first two pets.  I got two hermit crabs!  One is yellow with a football on him.  His name is Spongebob.  And then there is a red one with a monster on him.  His name is Mr. know Spongebob and Mr. Crabs :)  See above picture :)  I had planned on uploading a lot of pictures but it's taking forever!  Anyway after the shell shop we headed home.  I watched my movies and was pretty content.  We stopped at Ryan's in Dothan, Alabama.  I was more interested in running around than eating though.  We made one last stop in Eufula, Alabama to feed the alligators one more time.  Then we were Georgia bound.  The ride home was so much better than the ride down there.  Once we got home I got to go see JJ, Nana, Jeri, Will, and Cailyn.  After visiting for a little while we went and had dinner at Golden's on the Square; my favorite place to eat!  Monday we didn't do much, we did go see Maw Maw but that was about it.  Tuesday was pretty boring.  I stayed with Granny for an hour or two yesterday so mommy could clean.  We had dinner last night with The Bay's.  They are going to Florida this weekend and since it's the girls birthday we took them their gifts early.  We had dinner at Stevie B's (my second favorite place to eat).  And last night when we got home the prison had called daddy and told him he had to come into work today :(  So daddy had to go in to work for a little while this  morning.  Me and mommy worked on some birthday stuff and when daddy got home we went and did a little birthday shopping.  The countdown has begun.  I've got 8 days til my birthday! I'm so excited to see everyone!  So that's about all.  Tomorrow is Friday and mommy said if my nose isn't running tomorrow we might go to JJ's school and see him for lunch.  Daddy has to work this weekend so we have no plans.  Thank goodness I'm still tired from vacation!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Vacation Night Number 2

Well it's night time here in PCB (that's Panama City Beach for my little friends that haven't been)  After a little nap today I was up and ready to hit the beach again.  Daddy needed to nap for a little bit and Harold and Granny had to get Harold's glasses fixed so me and mommy made our way to the pool but it was too cold so we settled for the beach.  We saw a jellyfish and we played in the water for just a little bit.  Since mommy isn't crazy about the ocean we decided to take a walk.  Well my silly mommy didn't pack me anything to drink so we had to make a pit stop at the store down the road for a drink then it was back to the room.  Daddy got up and got ready for dinner.  Mommy had me some veggies in the fridge so she heated them up and I had my dinner.  Then they dropped me off at Granny and Harold's room while they went and ate seafood.  I'm glad I got to stay with Granny and Harold and I'm glad mommy and daddy got to spend some time alone, they always seem happier when they come back.  Mommy usually has a hard time leaving me and I do too but I guess it's good for us too.  Granny and Harold took me back to the beach and I hauled water from the ocean back to the sand for them.  When mommy and daddy got back they took me to Walmart and I got a an airbrushed t-shirt, a Barney DVD, and a new Monster's Inc. DVD.  Before coming back to our "home" we ran by McDonald's and got chicken nuggets, apples, and fries.  We ate our snack then we headed back to the beach one last time for the night.  We saw three sting rays, one jelly fish and mommy even found Mr. Crabs...ok mommy just found a little crab but she called him Mr. Crabs. :)  After the beach we came back to our room and had yogurt and pudding.  My two favorite things at the moment.  Then it was bath time.  I had to have my hair washed tonight :(  Now I've had my bath and I think I'll cuddle in the bed with mommy til I fall asleep.  It's nice having a bed all to ourselves, and I'm sure daddy is enjoying more than an inch of bed too.  Thank goodness tomorrow night we will all be back in our bed.  Me and mommy taking up the whole thing and daddy scrambling for a small spot on the bed and some covers.  I've enjoyed my first trip to Florida and I love the beach and I'm so glad that I got to come with Granny and Harold but I sure will be glad when we are home.  I'll try to remember to blog tomorrow but I may be running around like a crazy boy since I'll be at home and back to my normal routine!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vacation Day 1 and Day 2

So yesterday was the big day.  We got up really early (well early for me since I went to bed kind of late).  We met Granny and Harold at Golden Corral and ate breakfast.   Then by 9 am we were on the road.  Boy did we ride a long way.  We stopped a few times.  Once in a place that had alligators.  Granny knew just what they liked to eat; marshmallows!  Boy those little gators ate all of them while the big ones just watched.  That was the highlight of the trip.  Despite me tellling mommy I wanted to go home she didn't turn around, although I think she might have wanted to a few times.  Daddy slept all the way here, which made for a boring car ride home.  So anyway after we got here we checked in at our home away from home and I had a ball jumping on our beds and throwing pillows everywhere.  Then it was the big moment I got to go on the beach.  I've mastered saying it and usually when I say it we go.  I loved the water.  I fell a few times when the waves came in but for the most part it is fun.  We went to the All American Diner for late lunch/early dinner and it was yucky.  We did a little riding around then we went to the pier and watch big boats come in and bring all the fish they had caught.  It smelled yucky.  Last night mommy and daddy took me to Pier Park and we walked around and looked at all the rides at the Miracle Strip then we had dinner at Cici's pizza and it was yucky too. :(  The food down here isn't good at all.  No vegetables at any of the fast food places.  We couldn't find a Golden's down here must be a Newnan thing.  After dinner we went and played putt putt golf.  Boy was the fun.  I threw my ball all over the place.  And even though mommy and daddy says that isn't the way we are supposed to play it seemed more fun than what they were doing.  After playing golf I was so tired.  We came home and I got my bath and crashed for the night.  Today has been just as eventful but without all the driving.  When I woke up this morning mommy had gone to get our breakfast.  We had donuts, coffee, juice, cereal, and grits.  Oh and a big ol' banana.  We ate breakfast in bed which never happens at home.  Then we went to the beach.  It was so nice and cool.   Mommy built some sandcastles while me and daddy played in the ocean.  We saw a jellyfish and daddy took me far out in the ocean and saw fish.  When we came back in we all got a shower and headed out for some lunch.  We ate lunch at Scampy's.  I was so happy because they actually had veggies!  I had rice, okra, and green beans.  Then we went to see about riding a boat but the boat tour lasted three hours and mommy was afraid that was too long for me.  So we ended up at the zoo.  We had a great time and I got to feed lots of animals.  The lady at the zoo even asked me to help feed the giraffe!  Her name was Syndey.  When we left there we went to the Works Museum.  It looks like a house that is upside down.  It was crazy.  We got to feel like what it would be like to be inside a hurricane.  I played games, blew bubbles, put on a space suit, walk through a crazy walk way, sit on seat and pull myself up in the sky, that place had everything.  But before I could see it all I fell asleep.  Now we are back at the room.  Granny and Harold have gone to Sam's so they can get Harold's glasses fixed and daddy is sleeping.  I think me and mommy try to go swimming or maybe we can go shopping.  Even though this isn't home I'm having a little bit of fun but I sure do miss home.  Mommy brought toys and my couch but I miss JJ, Nana, and everybody else.  But we will head home tomorrow so I'm going to enjoy my time here.  Mommy left the camera in the car and the battery is dead so maybe tomorrow it will be charged and I can include some pictures :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What A Day!!!!

This morning when I woke up mommy was already up.  She had my breakfast ready when I came in the living room and I knew what that meant; she had plans.  First we dropped off two bags of clothes at a school nearby.  Then we went to Granny and Harold's to pick up some stuff.  We went to the bank next and Miss Linda gave me Smarties :)  Then it was off to the water department, the tag office, and then to the Nextel store to take back Harold's phone.  While we were there I was pretty much tired of doing mommy errands so I decided to run and grab everything I could reach.  Well there was a police in there and he saw mommy struggling with me and he thought he would help.  He told me to be nice and mind my mommy.  Mommy pointed out that he had a gun.  Well was I supposed to be impressed?  Daddy has lots of guns.  So I told mommy "daddy's gun".  Well that made her embarrassed :)  We finally finished up and got some money back for Harold's phone.  We went by Wendy's pick up lunch and then one last stop at Charter to pay our cable bill.  Boy was I tired of riding in the car and doing errands.  Then mommy said I didn't have time for a nap today.  Boy is she regretting that now.  Abby showed up around 3 today and by the time she got there I was ill.  We fought over toys and when I cried she cried. And when she cried I cried.  Mommy said she had always wanted twins....until today :)  We did manage to have some fun outside though.  After Abby left and daddy went to work we went back to Granny's so Robards could change the oil in mommy's car and wash it.  While he was busy with mommy's car Granny and Harold took us to Golden's for dinner.  And while I love Golden's and it's my favorite place to eat I knew if I sat still I would fall asleep so I ran and kept busy.  We came home after that and I got my bath and now I"m ready for bed and mommy is busy doing mommy stuff and getting ready for our trip tomorrow.  Now that should be fun.  Hours and hours in the car with daddy sleeping and me...well me being me.  I'll be blogging tomorrow from another state.  I've never even been to another state!  I'm so excited I probably won't be able to sleep.  Tomorrow I'll try to include pictures with my post!  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Tomorrow is the Big Day

Yes tomorrow is the big day.  But first we must get through today.  I have to wash mommy's car and probably help change the oil.  Mommy has lots of last minute errands to run.  Abby is coming over to play today too while her mom goes to the doctor.  We've got to pack our car and then check the house for anything we might have left behind.  Then early tomorrow morning we will load up and move out.  We are heading to Florida.  Mommy says it's called the sunshine state so I'm guessing I will get to the meet the sun since it's his home right?  I've never been in the car longer than an hour or two so this should be fun.  Well just thought I would go ahead and blog this morning since my nights have gotten a little later this week.  When daddy is home I hate to sleep so he lets me go downstairs and play which means later bedtime, then when he goes back to work mommy has a hard time getting me to sleep.  I was close to 1 am when I went to the bed last night.  Oh boy mommy hasn't happy.  Well I'm going to go and finish packing and get ready to help Harold work on the cars.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll blog from the great place of Florida!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Day In My Life

So my days are pretty much never the same twice.  But a typical day is me waking up and then waking mommy up.  Boy she sure does love her sleep.  We get up and try to be quiet leaving the bed room so we don't wake daddy up.  I have a race car bed in my parents room but most of the time I just snuggle between them and they say that's ok.  So anyway we come to the living room and if I'm lucky Mickey Mouse clubhouse is on and I can watch that while mommy makes breakfast.  Mommy and I aren't big breakfast people.  Usually a toaster strudel or a biscuit will do us just fine.  Mommy puts butter in my biscuit and she puts crazy jelly on hers.  Then we watch our cartoons.  I am a fan of Little Einsteins but since they come on at 5:30 and 6 am mommy doesn't so much like when we are up to watch those.  After breakfast we play.  We read books, play cars, and if it's not too hot we might go outside and play.  But once the ants start biting we come back in.  Sometimes we got to Granny's for lunch and we see Aunt Sharon and Uncle D there.  Then it's back home to fix lunch for Daddy.  He works crazy days.  One week he works 5 days and the next week he only works 2.  It's hard to keep up with him.  Then after lunch is usually nap time.  I nap for about an hour maybe longer if mommy is lucky.  I nap in my big boy bed.  When I get up we have to get stuff ready for daddy to go to work.  I am in charge of getting him a bottle of water and when we sit down I always help him with his cheat sheets.  When daddy leaves at 5:25 we usually head for Granny's to spend the rest of our afternoon there.  But today we won't.  Nana has to go to church so mommy offered to let the kids come play.  Yippie!  Now that is a typical day.  But you got to throw in run to the bank, go to the store, go for a walk, a bath, no naps, tons of snacks.  So it's hard to describe a normal day because nothing is ever normal around here.  I'm not a fan of schedules and my mommy is all about them.  But we manage to make it.  So I better go get ready for the kids.  Can't wait to play with my toys outside.  I'll try to blog tonight but don't hold your breathe :)

I'm Back

I'm back and better than ever! I can walk, talk, and do pretty much anything I long as mommy and daddy aren't watching :) It's been quiet a while since I last blogged. Let's see in about two weeks I turn 2!!! Can you believe it? I've done so much in the past two years that I can't imagine what else is coming. This summer was great. I've gotten to play with my cousins, swim, go to the park, play with friends, play on my own personal playground, and spend lots of time with my parents, which by the way are pretty cool, well to be parents anyway. My mom has been planning my birthday forever and it's coming up pretty fast. Everyday we work on another project for the party. Banners, a fence, vests, and so much more. I just hope everyone knows how much time mommy has put into this party. I'm so excited to have horses at my party and all my friends too.
So Harold and Granny are treating us to a vacation this year. I heard mommy and daddy talk about a staycation. Which turned out to be just like our usual days. Granny and Harold have been talking about a place called Florida. Mommy has been running around like crazy this week packing a bag. She has put everything in our bags. Clothes, socks, shoes, my new toothbrush, my body wash, my shampoo, I"m beginning to wonder if we are coming back home or if we are moving to Florida. Harold says we are going to build frog houses and play in the sand. Now I remember playing in some blue sand mommy bought for my sand and water table. That didn't last long. I poured all the sand out of my table and now we have blue spots in our yard. Mommy has been excited about putt putt golf. Now I've got a golf set at Granny's but mommy says it's different in Florida. Apparently mommy likes putt putt golf and she's pretty good at it; she even showed me a paper where she beat daddy on their honeymoon. Mommy booked us a room tonight in Florida and we leave Friday. I've gotta help Harold wash the cars tomorrow and get them ready to go. Daddy has to work Friday so we won't be able to leave until he gets home.
So other than the whole Florida thing let me catch you up on what's going on around here. Daddy got a new gun today. He got a Glock .45 ACP. We drove a long way to go get it. I got to hear him shoot it tonight and boy is it loud. Our computer here at home bit the dust as mommy says so we had to get a new one. Mommy picked out a laptop and now I want one too. Mommy showed me some today at Walmart and I think I'll ask Santa for one. Which did you know Christmas is coming again this year? What could I possibly ask for this year? Mommy and Daddy bought me a big bed. No more baby bed for me. Which I honestly only slept in my baby bed maybe three times. And that was only for a nap. I haven't slept in my bed at night only during the day. Me and mommy like to cuddle together at night. We celebrated mommy's 28th birthday about two weeks ago. Daddy and I bought mommy a new mattress for her futon in my toy room. I love sitting on it and watching Good Luck Charlie. That's my favorite show. I love Charlie. Mommy and daddy have been working hard to make my play room more fun for me. So I'm almost two and I'm talking up a storm. I can say anything I want too really. I'm learning all about opposites. I know that if something isn't inside it's outside and if it's not hot it's cold. Mommy and daddy say I'm very smart but I think all mommy's and daddy's probably say that. But in my case it's true ;) Oh and let me tell you what I did during church. We had homecoming and we haven't been to church lately. Did I mention that I love root beer, well it's kind of important to this story, anyway, we are in church and after church we were going to have lunch. Mommy had brought me some root beer to drink, so Harold asks mommy what did she bring me to drink and she whispered root beer, well she said it just loud enough that I could hear. Well that's all I needed to hear. I hollered out "I want a beer" mommy was so embarrassed and daddy laughed. Daddy thought it was so funny and mommy was just red in the face. Hey I'm a boy what do you expect? Anyway I got my root beer and all was well. Well I think it about it. I'm sure I will think of something I've forgotten tomorrow but for tonight that's all. And I promise I'm gonna blog every night...or at least every other night. :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011


So lately mommy and me had been talking a lot about bees. Well I love bugs and everything is a bee to me. Mommy says all the bugs have names, ants, beetles, stink bugs, flys, fleas, etc. but to me they are all bees. Today I learned a big lesson in bees. They will STING!!!!! We were playing outside at Granny's house and I was running around barefooted because who likes shoes? Not me. Anyway I was running full force and then I felt it! I sat down on the ground and started crying. Mommy picked me up thinking I had stumped my toe since I was holding it. When she looked at the bottom she saw something in my foot. Granny pulled it out and they thought it was "fire" grass til I told them it was a bee. Sure enough a bee stung me and left his stinger in my foot. Boy did it hurt. Luckily daddy had left his first aid kit in mommy's car. She had everything in there to make it all better. Then mommy surprised me with a little gift since I was feeling bad. I got a foam maker. I'll have to get pictures of it soon. So that's been my day. Stupid bees :( I don't think I'll be bringing home any baby bumbles bees anytime soon.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

16 days later...'s been a few days since I blogged last. Apparently I'm too busy. My days are more interesting than ever! I'm always learning something new and testing my limits :) Since it's been a while I thought I would take the time to let you know what I do during a typical day. So I usually wake up around 9 or 9:30 and if it's by 9 am I get to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (my favorite-well that and Spongebob). Mommy keeps a big blanket and pillow on the couch just for snuggling in the morning. While I'm watching my show mommy usually makes me breakfast. My favorites are biscuits or toaster strudels. Then we read some books or if it's not too hot we go outside and play. We usually play cars or ball. Sometimes we get bored so we walk to Granny and Harold's to see what is going on over there (which is always something fun) If it's during the week we stay until Aunt Sharon and Uncle D come for lunch. I eat yogurt with Aunt Sharon and fruit with Uncle D, but today was extra special because I got to try sunflower seeds (and I loved them). Then we usually head back home once they leave. We come home and start getting lunch ready for daddy. When it's time to wake daddy up; mommy opens the bedroom door then I jump on the bed until we finally get daddy up. We have lunch and watch tv. Then for some reason mommy and daddy try to convince me to take a nap (BORING!!!) if I give in and take a nap I usually sleep about an hour to an hour and a half. When I wake up we play until it's time for daddy to go to work. Then we head back to Granny and Harold's to play. If we don't have dinner with Granny we come back home later on and mommy cooks. Then it's bath time and play time again. Then somewhere around midnight I get ready for bed. Now this isn't my favorite time of the day nor is it mommy's. I usually put up a fight and we usually both end up crying. Every once in a while when mommy actually lets me skip my nap I do go to bed without fighting her but that's just not normal. Want to hear something kind of gross that I did today? Tonight while mommy was cooking dinner I went to our bathroom and washed my hands. Mommy was so proud of me. Until she realized that I couldn't reach the sink and I had washed my hands in the toliet! She screamed that it was dirty. Looked like clean blue water to me. Oh well. Well we have a semi-busy weekend coming up. We are having the Bay's over Saturday for a cookout and we might be going to visit Aunt Lindsay Sunday. Guess we will just see how it goes. Sorry about not blogging every night. Maybe I can ask mommy to fill in some nights :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Breaking News!!!!

Breaking News!!!!

Independence Day isn't about me being Independent. :( I will find out more about this holiday and let you know tonight.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Name Is...

Corbin! I finally understand. My name isn't JJ although I thought it was. I'm still a little confused because mommy calls me Corbino, Daddy calls me Scooter, Harold calls me HOT, Granny calls me everything but Corbin, but I think it's my name. We were looking at baby pictures last night and I saw pictures of me when I was first born and I said "baby"...then mommy asked me what is that baby's name? Of course I know that is Baby Corbin. Then she kept pointing to me and saying Corbin. I played along and said Corbin. YAY!!!! Mommy gets so excited at everything I do :)

And mommy has been telling everyone how independent I am and guess what? Apparently tomorrow everyone is celebrating it! Tomorrow is Independence Day! I am super excited to have a day all to myself. We are going to Granny and Harold's early in the morning for an ALL day cookout. Lots of fun and lots of food. Oh and lots and lots of swimming! YAY! I'll let you know how my day goes tomorrow! Night night!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is my Maw Maw Marks 89th birthday! I'm about to turn two in October and I can't imagine being 89! That's a LOT of birthdays! We went to visit her today and she gave me her balloons! Guess after 89 years balloons aren't that exciting anymore! We had such a great time with her. We didn't do too much more today. Kind of a lazy day. We cleaned my room which is always fun because mommy switches out my toys quiet often so it's like I have new toys all the time. We have a super busy weekend coming up. My Great Aunt Jeanine is coming up here and we are going to have breakfast with her and lots of my cousins Saturday morning. Then hopefully some time this weekend I'm going to see my best friend Abby. Sunday afternoon they are having a cookout for Vacation Bible School, which I was a little bummed I didn't get to go to this year, but there really isn't a class for me yet. And I think I overheard mommy and daddy mention going on a date. A date???? Sure hope they mean a family date and not a leave the baby with someone and go out :( Anyway that's all for tonight. Better go get some rest before our busy busy weekend! Night night.

Loves and Not So Much

So I'm 20 months old now and my likes and dislikes are perfectly clear. Some drive my mommy and daddy crazy! Want to know what they are? Well either way I'm going to tell you.

Here is a quick list of my favorite things at the moment:

Let's start with my current obsession: Abby Sandlin. Yep my first best friend. We get each other you know. We like to run, play, and have snacks together. I love having play dates with her and her brother Cullen. We always laugh when we are together and we seem to pick up on each others habits. If I'm acting up mommy will just mention Abby and all in my little world seems OK at least for that moment. Abby is my best bud and I know we have some many things to do together as we get older. I do believe she and I are in for a big Halloween this year. Our moms have already started planning for us. More on that later.

I love food. All food. I love pizza from Stevie B's, cheese, applesauces, yogurt, lima beans, potatoes, mac and cheese, fresh strawberries, bananas, oatmeal, apples, blackberries, olives, oh how I love food.

I love to look at videos of me. Mommy says I'm vain but daddy says I get it honest. Mommy has a video of herself when she was little and she has forced daddy to watch it more than his fair share of times.

Hot Wheels...enough said.

Painting on my huge easel with sidewalk paint. *note to self must post picture tomorrow*

Going to The Mix for frozen yogurt with my mom and dad...ok I guess this should fall under food.

Ok no for my dislikes

I do not like little boys...ok let me clarify...I don't like little boys that can walk but are smaller than me. Baby Cullen is ok...but some kid tonight at Golden Corral was eyeing me and I wasn't liking it. Not ONE BIT. I grunted at him, but mommy said that wasn't nice.

I still don't like sleep. I do like sleep during the day once I stay up all night. I managed to keep mommy and daddy up til 2:30 last Monday.

I don't like when my food breaks.

I don't like riding in my new carseat. Mommy says we might just switch back to my old one for a few more months.

For the most part I think I'm pretty easy to get a long with. I'm generally a happy boy. I can't believe in a matter of a few months I'll be 2. Mommy of course is in mad woman planning mode. Well that's all for tonight. Better go grab a nap so I can pull another all nighter :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

For some reason I can't seem to keep up with this blog. I guess it's partly because I'm always on the go. I would ask mom to fill in for me but since I'm on the go she is too. Let's see since I've last blogged I've had a few firsts...I went to the movies last Thursday with mom and dad. We saw Bee Movie :) It was crazy! We sat in these big seats and there were lots of people there watching the same thing. We got a huge drink to share. I watched about an hour of it then it got boring. So we ended up playing for a few hours at McDonald's. Just what I wanted! Yesterday we met up with Miss Jen, Abby, and Cullen for some fun at a new place called Jump 2 It. We ran and played and climbed everywhere. Abby was more interested in this huge ball they had. I love balls but I played it cool and let her have a turn. I was trying my best to climb up the slides by myself. Then we went to a pizza place (Mellow Mushroom) where I had some cheese pizza, coke, a juice box (thanks to Abby) and a chocolate chip cookie. BEST LUNCH EVER!!!! When we left there we drove a little bit further and went and picked strawberries! It was super hot so we didn't pick many. Mommy bought me a banana and it sure was good. She picked up some corn, blackberries, and peaches too. We enjoyed the corn for lunch today and it was yummy! Oh and i'm forgetting something very important last Sunday was Father's day. I knew it was so I woke up extra early to wait on daddy to get home from work. Well mommy had the bright idea of waiting for him on the front porch. Now let me set the scene. It's 6 am, just getting day light outside, I'm in a t-shirt, and mommy is still in her night gown thingy. We sit on the porch for a few minutes...BORING. So I venture out into the yard. Mommy says "don't go any further" what do I hear? RUN CORBIN RUN!!!! I took off running toward my swing set. Now my swing set has three tiers to it. I climb like I've never climbed before. I got to the third one before mommy even made it over there. She tried to reason with me to come down...see it started like this..."Corbin please come down so we can see Daddy", then after a few minutes it was..."Corbin come down now!" and then after a another minute it quickly became "CORBIN COME DOWN NOW!!!!" Well I was entertained by all this fuss made over little ol' me. Well a few minutes later daddy drove up so I start yelling "hey Dad" from my third tier castle :) He laughed when he saw me and mommy out in the yard at 6:30 with our jammies on. Needless to say he said this is one Father's Day he will NEVER forget. So I guess I've caught you up on everything I've failed to blog about lately. Hopefully I can post a little something tonight before I jump in bed.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's H.O.T.!!!

Look at me blogging two days in a row. Amazing I know :) Did you go outside to play today? Well my mommy wouldn't let me! Well not until late this afternoon. I thought at first she was just being rude...ha not my mommy! Once we did go outside I figured out why she hadn't let me play outside all day. It was super HOT. When we got in the car to go eat pizza her car said it was 109 degrees!!!! It did go down to 97 but apparently that's still HOT! We cooled off this afternoon in the pool. Once we got home, mommy got ready to cook dinner and daddy checked the messages on the phone. Abby had called and she was going to the park so what did we do? We headed to the park to see her! Of course we all had a great time. Mommy held the baby and Abby and I ran threw the sprinklers. Then we topped off our great day at Golden's on the Square. I sure am tired though. (I've talked mommy into letting me skip my naps during the day now. How? I go to bed around 10 at night now instead of 1 or 2.) I like it better and most of the days mommy does too. So that's all for today. Daddy is off tomorrow too. Hopefully we will find something fun and cool to do! Oh and I would have posted pictures from playing in the water today but someone (MOM) has lost the camera!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where has time gone?

Holy cow it's been a while since I last posted a blog. So let's see...where do I begin? Daddy took a whole week off last week. Well not like a whole week just two days but since it was his short week, he had the entire week off. I can't begin to tell you how much fun we had with him. It was great having him here when I went to bed and here when I got up. Even though I got completely off any sort of schedule mom might have tried to put me on, we all had a great time. They even took me to zoo! And you can tell by this picture that I fit right in :)

We pretty much stayed home the rest of the week. Dad even invited someone he works with over to the house Friday night. And guess what we have now? Air conditioning!!!! Can you believe it. This is the first time since I was born they have had air. It's awesome!!!!! Did I mention in my last blog I got a police car???? I will have to post pictures of that soon. Well it's really late and mom is tired so I've gotta go. I promise from today forward that I will try to blog a little bit every night....pinky promise :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Behind on Blogging

It's been almost a week since I've blogged. I think I'm starting to see a trend here. I'm so busy running around and playing outside I don't have too much time to blog anymore. I'll just recap this week and try to blog more often. Sunday was Mother's Day but since daddy had to work we had to celebrate Monday and since daddy felt guilty for working on Mother's Day we celebrated Tuesday also. Monday when daddy got home he took us out for breakfast, then for dinner we went to La Haceinda (mom's choice). It wasn't too bad. I hate a ton of cheese dip. Then we took mom to Wal-mart and let her pick out anything she wanted. So what does a mom pick? One pair of pajamas, sunscreen, a CD for me, and a case of cokes. I can tell mom is going to be easy to please. I don't think daddy was impressed with what she picked out and said it wasn't enough so we stopped at The Mix on the way home. Tuesday we took Mom out to lunch at Stevie B's...yes she picked not me. Then for dinner dad ran all over town getting things mom liked at each place. Mommy said it was the BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER! I'm so glad she was happy! The only other highlight of the week was Thursday Estel and Toby Hornsby came to Granny's house to return a bowl that mommy had sent them food in. Mr. Estel has been pretty sick lately so mommy had been sending him food. I know one time it was tea cakes and the next time it was chocolate pudding (and hey if that can cure you, then you must be pretty sick). Well inside the bowl was an envelope for me. I opened it and guess what was inside???? 100.00!!!!! They said to put it in my savings account! That was fine by me. I've got plenty of toys and I sure don't need anything so me and mommy took my money to the bank and made a deposit! I'm sure that one day I'm going to really enjoy pulling all that money out. I've got a couple hundred dollars in there now and mommy says if we keep putting money in there that when I get a car I might have enough to fill up my gas tank...silly girl. So that pretty much sums up our week. Today we are going to the Harley Shop for a BBQ they are having and I'm pretty excited about that...what boy doesn't love motorcycles? And tomorrow is a family reunion at the park! Super excited about that too! Hope you all have had a great week!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day today. Today is all about moms. Well not about all moms; really just my mom. Here was my problem. I'm only 19 months old how am I supposed to go buy her a gift? I tried to grab her keys but she got them back. Today at Granny's I thought I could make my escape...I got in the car but no luck they saw me. So the only thing we gave mommy today was a card...and I didn't really help make that. Daddy reassured me today that tomorrow is going to be all about mommy, we are going to get her a gift, take her out to dinner, and make her feel special. Hopefully she won't mind it's a day late. We spent our day delivering flowers to special women in mommy's life. We went and visited Miss Barbara and Trouble down the road. We took her a flower and a fan that I painted. This afternoon we visited Gran Gran and Paw Paw and took Gran Gran a flower and a card. Of course we spent time with Granny today. We kind of cheated and gave her her gift last night. Mommy made her a photo book and I gave her a corsage. So with it being mother's day I just wanted to let me my mommy know this...

Nobody holds me like you do.

Nobody can make my boo boos better like you do.

And even though when you ask me who I love and I ALWAYS reply daddy...I love you too!

Thanks for spending your days with me playing cars, reading books, and jumping on the trampoline with me. These are just a few of things that you do that makes me smile. Love you mommy!

Here is me and mommy at the fair, this is also the night of my first birthday party that my mommy started planning while she was in labor. Not sure how she stayed up til 2 in the morning making cakes, getting together goody bags, then got up early, threw one great party, and was still excited to go to the fair later that night!

Here is me and mommy riding in a horse and buggy last Christmas. Mommy is good at finding fun things to do...and free fun things to do. I love that we do lots of fun things!

And last picture...this pretty much sums up how I feel about my mommy! She's the best for me!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Sunday 2011

So if you read my last post you remember I went to the Races with Harold, Jeri, Robert, Will, and Jamie right? Well I had a great time. We left Granny and Harold's around 5:30 and we went and got pizza, drinks, and snacks. Then it was off to the races. We had a great time. It was loud but boy did I have fun. Mommy knew better than to expect pictures since I'm pretty active I usually keep everyone on their toes! Harold called mommy one time to let her know I was doing fine. Mommy enjoyed her night by going out to eat with Granny and Nana then doing a little shopping, then she came home and cleaned. Guess that is what she considers fun. I didn't get home until 12:45!!!!! Mommy was super bored time I got home! I was fast asleep...

I think mommy was happy to have me back home!

When I woke up Sunday morning the Easter Bunny had been! Look at all this stuff! I got 24 hot wheels, 2 tractor trailers to haul my cars, a suction cup basket ball set, a pop ball, a baby chicken (not a real one!), Cars Tattoos, peeps, banana marshmallows, a bug net, suckers, marshmellow bunnies covered with chocolate, reese's peanut butter eggs, and lots of m&m's.

Here's me in my Easter outfit; ready for the fun to begin! Easter morning Jamie and Will got to stay with me and mommy instead of going to church. We had a great time playing cars. We had Easter lunch at our house then it was on to hunting eggs!

I finally got the idea of finding eggs! And boy did they hide some in hard places! I found the most eggs here! I found 49 eggs! (10 more than I found at church the day before)! Most of my eggs had candy in them but one of them had 5.00 in it! And then I got about 3.00 in change!

Here is me and my mommy on Easter!

And here is me and my dad!

And one last basket to finish up Easter! My basket from Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert. The basket had a book, a car, some marshmallow bunnies, two little people things, and three pouches of applesauce but I ate them all soon as I saw them! Super yummy!

So all in all I had a great Easter, much better than the last one. I was super tired from all the hunting and eating! Hope everyone else had a great Easter as well!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

So this morning when I got up mommy and I got ready to head to the church for the Easter Egg Hunt. We were going to walk but once we got outside it started to sprinkle. So plan B was to drive. We drove to Granny and Harold's and got Jamie so he could ride with us. I found lots of eggs at the church. I didn't win anything though. I found 39 eggs in all. I think that is pretty good. Mommy was very proud of me!

When I got back I had to work with Harold and take our cans to the junk yard. He is taking me, Robert, Jamie, and Will to the races tonight so I had to work to earn some money. Well here is the load we left with

What a pile of junk huh?

When I got back from the junk yard Granny suprised me with my Easter basket. I got one from her and one from Harold. Here is mine from's full of candy, jelly beans, a new towel, a ball, cars, m&m cup, a stuffed animal and so much more. Harold gave me one with two balls and a sports bottle. Mommy wanted to get a picture of it but I tore it open before she could.

After I opened my Easter Basket and played for a while. Harold paid me for working so hard this morning. Want to know how much I got?


Wasn't much work but boy did it pay off!

Mommy said I have enough to buy one big toy or a bunch of small ones! Daddy says I should put my money in my savings account. We will see...

I think I better go grab a nap because I'm going off with Harold tonight by myself for the 1st time, well being gone with long. We are going to get Mac and Cheese pizza for dinner and then on the way home from the races we are going to the Waffle House!!!! Yummy! And tomorrow is we sure are going to stay busy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

On My Big Green Tractor

We had the best weekend ever. Friday morning was a usual morning. Had breakfast, played cars, went to Granny's. Then after my nap I went back to Granny's so mommy and daddy could go get groceries. I think they might have went to eat Mexican food too, and that's ok because although I love mexican food I don't like to go there and eat. Friday night after they picked me up we played and played. I got to jump on my trampoline and run around. Of course since daddy has home he gave me a bath and boy did I enjoy it! Saturday morning we woke up early and got ready to work outside. Me and daddy went to Granny and Harold's to pick up the lawn mower. I love that thing. We rode it all the way home, then I helped daddy cut the whole yard. Mommy says Devin used to go to sleep while riding with daddy but I didn't. That was awesome! I helped mommy in the flower bed while daddy used the weed eater and the blower. Me and mommy also washed down the front porch which was super fun to get wet! While we were outside working hard mommy had dinner in the crock pot. After a hard days work we came inside to a great dinner. Boy was I dirty from working all day. I slept so good Saturday night and I think my parents did too! Sunday was another day of working and playing. Pretty sure my parents don't know anything about Child Labor laws because I worked all day long. They did give me a break and let Jamie, Will, and Cailyn come over to play. And I've found out this weeked that I love Kool-Aid! There is nothing better than a cold glass of it after a long days work. We had an awesome weekend and I hope that daddy's next two days off are just as fun! Mommy had a lot to do today so I got to play alot with daddy. He did have to work tonight so me and mommy went downstairs to play. Well I played and she cleaned up a little. Ok I'm super tired so I'm going to bed now. Blog ya later :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Play Date and More

Well today started off crazy. I didn't sleep at all last night. I think mommy said I slept 3 hours then I was up. Then today at lunch Miss Chrissy and Bryson came by. Bryson was kind of boring. All he did was sleep and eat. I'm down with the eating part but come on buddy there is too much to do to be sleeping. Ahhh he will learn soon enough. Then I took a short nap. We went with Granny to buy groceries tonight. Don't think I'll be going back to Wal-mart with my mommy for a while. I was kind of a hand full tonight. She wasn't impressed. Then we went back to Granny's and played. JJ had a headache and the other two kids were in bed so me and mommy played on the wiggle cars. We had so much fun. We ran into each other a million times. Harold called me tonight and said he was going to take me to the store tomorrow and thank goodness I'm down to one bag of chips and one Popsicle! I better go get some sleep so I will be up and ready early in the morning! Night night!

I Blew It

No literally...I blew bubbles for the first time tonight. I've seen mommy and daddy blow them, and all my cousins know how to do looked pretty simple so I tried it and guess what I did it!!! Mommy tried to catch it on video but once she got the camera and aimed it at me I ate them. Maybe next time you'll be quicker mom! Other than that it was pretty much a usual day. Me and mommy played cars, dug in the dirt, went and visited Maw maw and played with the kids today. Tomorrow Miss Chrissy and Bryson are coming to visit. Even though Bryson is too little to play with me I'm still excited that we will have people in the house with us. Ok that's all for tonight gotta get some sleep for my play date tomorrow!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Go Go

Boy oh boy have we been going all day today. We ran a few errands for Granny this morning then we had to drop mommy's car off to get worked on, then I took a nap, once I got up we went out for dinner (my favorite part), then we went and played with the M&M girls at a strange place. Think my mommy called it a funeral home. Then mommy bought me and daddy some frozen yogurt and the mix. Tonight I had chocolate yogurt, marshmallows, m&m's, and sprinkles. Then we came home and did one of my favorite things, we jumped on the trampoline. Daddy even got on there with me and mommy. We love to jump on the trampoline at night, since it's not hot I can run around much longer. We had a great time, but sadly once we went inside it was time to get ready for bed. That about sums up my day. It's supposed to storm tonight but daddy says if the weather is pretty tomorrow he is going to show me how to cut grass! Sounds fun!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

18 Months

I don't think I've done one of these posts lately so here goes.

  • I'm 18 months old

  • I weigh 28 lbs. and 6 oz.

  • I'm 33 1/2 inches tall

  • I wear a 2T or 24 months and a size 6-7 shoe and the wider the better

  • I wear a size 5 diaper but I love to sport my under ware around the house

  • I'm obsessed with going to the bathroom and using the potty but I just have gotten the hang of it just yet

  • I love to play cars, my favorite ones are roll backs and trucks with beds that I can haul stuff around in

  • I still love to read books, I can pick out all kinds of stuff if you ask me; seriously just ask me I love to show off

  • I can name all my major body parts

  • Mommy is trying to teach me to count to three, I've got the number 1 down so far

  • I love to clean up my room and I clean up every time I get done with one thing. (Yep mommy is very proud of me and sometimes she offers to do it, but it's my mess so I have to clean it up)

  • Friday night (April 8, 2011) I slept from 10:30-7:00, that is the most I've ever slept at one time. Mommy was so proud of me she danced around the living room with me all morning

  • I say lots of words, my favorite word is Yeah :)

Well that's it for my 18 months post. Can't believe in 6 months I will be 2. I wonder what being 2 will be like? Mommy has already started planning my party :)

I Heart Spring

Running, going for morning walks, jumping on the trampoline, eating all three meals on our back porch, swinging, digging in the dirt, working on cars, playing in buckets of water, riding wiggle cars, and sitting with neighbors on their front porches, these are just a few of the reason I love spring. I think it's my favorite season so far! Me and mommy went for a morning walk to the little store down the street this morning. Mommy pushed me on my tricycle then we stopped Miss Barbara's and visited for a little while. I fed her dog trouble some Ritz crackers. We had lunch with daddy then it was nap time. We went to Granny and Harold's this afternoon. Robards put new brakes on mommy's car and I got to help. When he got done he went to the store to get some drinks and he brought me back two suckers!!! I tried to give him my dollar but he wouldn't take it. Mommy and I came home and played cars and played lots of instruments. Guess we were just a duo tonight since the other member of our band is at work tonight :) Daddy is off tomorrow so I can't wait to see what we get into! Good night!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bumble Bee

Ok so just thought I would do a little mid day blog since we've done so much this morning. First off I slept ALL night long. Not sure if I liked it and not sure I will ever do it again. Mommy hasn't told anyone but daddy because she is afraid she will jinx it. So anyway I got up early so me and mommy decided to take a walk. We walked to Granny and Harold's. We stayed long enough for me to play trucks with Harold and get a sucker, then it was back outside. Mommy saw a bumble bee laying on the ground. I thought hmmm...that word sounds familiar. Then I remembered where I heard it. I'm sure you remember me blogging about the best Librarian every, Miss Lynn. Well at baby time I remember her singing a song about a baby bumble bee. Thank goodness she did because I remembered it...
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee

Won't my mommy be so proud of me

I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee

OUCH!!! It stung me!

I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee

Won't my mommy be so proud of me

I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee

Ewww!!! What a mess!

So what did I do? When the bumble bee landed mommy stepped on it! When she lifted her foot it was still moving. So I squished it! I didn't want to give it a chance to sting me! Then I picked it up threw it in the grass! And my mommy is proud of me! Now if only mommy had the video camera to capture this! Thanks Miss Lynn for teaching me all about the bees!

Friday, April 8, 2011

What A Week!

Well I finished out last week with Cailyn's 7th Birthday party, then I helped Harold move my playhouse from his house to my house.

Then want to know what happened? I got sick. Not just "ewww...I don't feel good sick". I mean vomit, mess up anything within a 2 foot radius sick. I threw up cake, ice cream, hot dog, all my dinner, EVERYTHING! Sometimes when my allergies go crazy it makes me sick but not like this. Well I went to bed but I didn't stay there long. I was sick ALL night long and so was daddy. Mommy said she would wake up and hear daddy in the bathroom and before she could fall asleep I was up doing the same thing. I think in the past 5 days mommy has changed the their bed three times (since I've been snuggling with mommy and daddy) and she was washed every burp cloth and cloth diaper in our house. Mom called the doctor Wednesday because I hasn't able to keep any food down, they said DO NOT come to the office because there was two stomach bugs going around, one last 24 hours and the other lasts 1 week. Guess which one me and daddy have? Yep you guessed it the week long one. And since I'm such a sweet sharing little boy I shared our stomach bug with granny and mommy has had a touch of it. Daddy took a day off work Monday because he was so sick. It sure did stink having daddy home for an extra day when he's sick. Normally we would play cars, read books, and run around but we were so sick all we did was lay on the couch and watch the Disney channel. We were supposed to have a fun play date with the Bay's today but mommy had to cancel because I got sick in the middle of the night and she was sick last night too. So it's been one rough week. And to top it all off daddy has to work all weekend. I'm still not 100%. I have only puked twice today so that's an improvement. Hopefully by next week I will be back to my normal self. I have a play date next week with a new baby so I'm excited. Ok so he's a lot younger than me, so I'm super excited to show him how to get into EVERYTHING! Hope your week has gone better than ours!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yesterday was full of fun! We started off by going to the park and celebrating Garrett Riffe's 1st Birthday. He had a Cars birthday party and we had a great time. We had hot dogs, chips, and most importantly CAKE!!!! Garrett got lots of toys, he even got a few Big Trucks that I didn't have! Maybe I can go play with him one day! I got to run around at the park and play and boy was that fun. Here is Garrett opening a few gifts and enjoying his chair that he got for his birthday!

And here is the black eye that I got when I fell at the park. If you think my eye looks bad you should have seen the table I hit!

I napped while we headed to the next party. We went to McDonough, GA to help Mr. Scott Hall celebrate his 40th birthday! They have a huge house and a huge back yard just big enough for me to run around. They had a jump house, balls, a swing set, and lots of kids for me to play with. They had a ton of food and lots of cake. I had a great time. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. Here is me playing with Kyllie.

We had a fun filled day but it wore me out. I slept pretty good then we got up early this morning to go eat breakfast with Granny and Harold. Think I might grab me a nap before we go and celebrate on last birthday party this weekend. It's Cailyn's 7th birthday and after this one I think I'm going to be partied out! Hope everyones weekend has been as fun as mine!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lesson Learned

So I didn't mention this in my last post because I was so excited about all the stuff I got at the store with Harold, but I have learned a very important lesson lately and I should probably share. So every since I can remember when mommy takes off her wedding rings she places them on the keyboard of the computer. They are always on the first key on the board (I think it's called the escape key. Ok so the other day while mommy was on the phone and holding me I grabbed her rings while we were sitting down at the desk. I've done this before but I always put them back. Well the other day I thought it would be fun to hide mommy's rings. OK if any of my friends are reading this...listen carefully...DO NOT DO THIS!!!! I put mommy's wedding rings in the bottom of the trash can. Well later on that day mommy started looking for her rings. Daddy said not to worry I probably just laid them down somewhere else. Well mommy looked all day and couldn't find them. When daddy got home from work the next day he must know how guys think so he took all the trash out of the trash bag and on the bottom under wet diapers, green beans, corn, sour cream, and something that he said looked like grape jelly was mommy's wedding rings! YIKES..that was a close one. Mommy said it was her fault because she shouldn't be leaving her rings laying around so I got off on that one! Daddy says I shouldn't play with mommy's jewelry and if I find any laying around to give it back to her. Lesson learned :)

On to today now...I got my hair cut today. Mommy says when you wake up and look like this...

it's time for a hair cut!

Of course we went to Zany Cuts here in Newnan. I had 5 suckers (ok I had maybe two licks on each one before they were covered in hair) and 3 cheese balls. When I got done they gave me two tokens so I could get a prize. I got a big green sticky hand. I sat in Thomas the Train this time to have my hair cut and I watched the Disney channel so it wasn't so bad :)

And here is my new hair cut! Mommy says I look like a little man :)

I have a doctor's appointment Friday and we have a super busy weekend...three birthday parties and hopefully we will have a little time for me and daddy to play cars. Hope everyone enjoys there weekend!

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Loot

Today when I went back to Granny and Harold's, Harold took me to the store just like he had promised. Man do I love going to the store with him. Mommy had told me all about how he used to take her to the store and he would let her have anything she wanted. Well guess what? I got everything I asked for! So you want to know what I got? I got 3 push pop ice creams, A HUGE Popsicle, an ice cream sandwhich (even though I don't like sandwhiches this one looked quiet tasty!), a pint of vanilla ice cream, 2 suckers, a pack of candy sticks, a bag of cheetos and a lottery ticket! If I pointed to it Harold bought it! And you know what? He said if I wanted to he would take me back tomorrow! What more could I possibly get? All in all I had a great day!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Boring Weekend

So dad's working this weekend...bummer! We've spent a lot of time at Granny and Harold's. I've been playing with Jamie a lot this week. Me and mommy have played cars, watched Mickey Mouse, and had about a million snacks this weekend. Mommy and I are enjoying this relaxing weekend because next weekend we are going to be super busy! Three birthday parties and maybe some friends coming over! Makes me want to take a nap...just kidding. Well I don't really have anything to blog about...I've been jabbering a lot and sometimes mommy and daddy actually figure out what I'm trying to say. I finally got mommy to understand "marble" this morning. I'm hoping that since daddy is off tomorrow and Tuesday that we will find something fun to do. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Day Ever

Just a little "mid" day blog to let everyone know I'm having the best day ever! Did a little shopping with my parents and Granny this morning. Hit up a few junk stores; they didn't find anything :( But then we had lunch then it was off to Wal-mart to get...A BIKE!!!! And tonight we are going to Touch a Truck. I think we did this last year but I'm so excited I can actually walk around and see the big trucks! I'll blog more later!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yellow, Big Truck, Blue

Those are my new words...yellow; I can spot it a mile away...big truck...those are my favorites, and I know Blue. I'm learning new words everyday and boy is making my life easier. It's so much easier to tell mommy and daddy what I want. And most of the time I get it. We've been enjoying playing outside, and I'm loving my sandbox. We went out to eat tonight with Granny and Harold. They were having a big birthday party at the restaurant for some "old" people. When those people got ready to leave a man brought me a balloon. But after everyone left two other balloons got left behind and thank goodness mommy knows someone that works there; she saw the balloons and brought them to me. Well since I didn't three balloons I shared one with a little girl that was sitting behind us. I think she liked balloons as much as I do. When we got back to Harold and Granny's, Harold had to leave to go pick up his big truck. He brought it back to his house and I got to play in it! I even got to blow the horn; which mommy says she is sure the neighbors appreciated that! All in all we had a great day. And daddy is home for the next two days which is great! I for see us playing outside all day and partying ALL night.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday in the Sun

So Saturday we woke up early and when I say early I mean EARLY! We were up so early that the sun hadn't even woke up yet! Mommy made breakfast and we took it to Granny and Harold's to eat. Then we came back home and daddy started working on the swing set and guess what? He finished it! 310 pieces of wood made one amazing swing set! And would you believe we partied all day Saturday and mommy didn't take one picture of the swing set! I guess she was too busy chasing me around. Anyway...Saturday around 2 pm we had a party...guess it was kind of a Welcome to Corbin's Kingdom, which used to be called mommy and daddy's yard. My Granny and Harold were here, so was Aunt Sharon and Uncle Duane, and My Paw Paw and Maw Maw Tweedell, and then later on Aunt Shellie and Devin came by too. We had hot dogs, baked beans, cole slaw (my new favorite food), potato salad, chips, and blueberry mini cheesecakes. We had a great time running around and having fun. It wore me out! Sunday we more than made up for it though. It was a cloudy cool day and we didn't do anything but lay around. So spring is here and it brought yucky pollen with it. Makes me sneeze and have a runny nose therefore Spring isn't my favorite season. We had a great time on daddy's three day weekend but I'm kind of glad we are getting back into a schedule; well at least for the next two days then daddy will be off again! Hope everyone is enjoying Spring so far! Blog ya later. Oh and enjoy the pictures.

Here is me and my dad! Best dad ever!
Here is me and Devin playing on the trampoline
And here is me and Aunt Sharon and Uncle Duane on my Airplane Teeter Totter!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tomorrow is the BIG Day

So tomorrow my swing set will be completed! It started out in 4 big boxes and now the boxes are gone and I have a huge swing set! Daddy is going to finish up the steps, attach the slide, and the accessories and it's ALL mine! We are having a small get together tomorrow for my grandparents so they can see me in action. Even though I'm battling allergies (YUCK!) I'm super excited to play outside! I'll be sure to post lots of pictures tomorrow! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Jump Around!

Man I love to Jump! Can't you tell???

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jump til you Drop

That's what I've been doing today! Early this morning Granny and Harold came over and brought breakfast. We had biscuits and hash browns. They know what I love! Then I got to leave with Harold by myself! First time that's ever happened. He took me to his house and I got to ride in his lap. NO CAR SEAT!!! We played ball while Robards loaded up my toys and took them to my house. Then we back on the second trip and Robards put my trampoline together. I had a ball jumping on it. I didn't even fight mommy today when she said it was nap time. I NEEDED to rest after all that jumping! We've had a great day jumping and playing outside! We love this weather and hope it's here to stay! I'll try to post pictures of me jumping tomorrow! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Who is the Luckiest Kid Ever?

Well you are reading his blog because it's ME! Somehow I won the best parents ever and the best grandparents ever!!!
So here is my dad working on my swing set yesterday! He's has spent a lot of hours on this thing. Yesterday even though it was super cold outside he worked until he got it almost done. Mommy was so happy that he was working on it but at the same time she wanted him inside with us since this is his long week at work and we won't see him much this week. He didn't finish it up but hopefully the weather will be warmer and me and mom can help him finish it up Monday. Now want to see what mommy put together while daddy has been working on the swing set?

Take a gander at my house. It's called a town center because it has everything a town does. This is just the front. The middle part is like my house. It has a mail slot and a door bell that really works. One side is my gas station, the other side is the cafe. I should have put more pictures because on the other side is a work shop, a kitchen and the back is a ball activity center! It's like everything all in one! And mommy only had help with the roof...she did all this by herself. So want to know what we did tonight, of course you do. We went to dinner with Granny, Harold, and Robert. After dinner we went to Wal-mart and guess what I got? A trampoline!!!! How cool is that? I can't wait to play on that. Granny and Harold are coming over in the morning to put it together. Boy is daddy going to be surprised! I will definitely post pictures tomorrow! Ok I have to go to bed now because it's super late and I'm going to need lots of rest so I can play tomorrow! Night night.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Even though I love my big boots and my rain coat I'm ready to hang them up and get back to playing outside. It's supposed to rain tomorrow but I wish it wouldn't. I want warm weather to come back and stay. I need daddy to finish my swing set and I want to have lots of play dates with my friends spending all day outside in the bright sunshine. Daddy is off the next two days so hopefully he will get it finished, weather permitting. Well that's my only thoughts for today. So as the song goes, Rain rain go away come again another day Corbin wants to play!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Are You Ready to Take Flight?

I am! Here is my airplane that Granny and Harold bought me. How cool is it??? I love to spin the thing on the front and I love to drive!

So let me explain how this plane works. As you can see there is a spot for the driver (me!) and then there is room for 6 other passengers (usually my friends or my mommy and Granny). So anyway the people in the middle I guess you can say are passengers, and then the four people on the outside do the work. It's a huge teeter totter. The people in the middle have it easy they are just along for the ride basically.

So that's my airplane. I hope that this summer me and my buddies get a lot of use out of it. I can't wait til all my friends are over we can go everywhere on my long as we don't leave my yard!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Play Ground Update

So this is how it started out....a whole lot of little pieces and tons of bolts and metal things.

After lots of time this is what it looked it. Geez this is going to take FOREVER! (Daddy has done more but we haven't taken a picture yet...and we are hoping that the weather will warm back up and STOP raining so daddy can finish it!)

Meanwhile; while daddy was busy working on the swing set mommy put together my water/sand table. Now the weather just needs to stay warm so I can actually enjoy my stuff!

Plans...what plans???

Why does my mommy insist on making plans? She knows they won't work out. Friday me, mommy, and Granny decided to hit up the consignment sales a day earlier than she had planned. Mommy and Granny were so disappointed! Mommy found her and daddy a game and bought me some bowling pins but the clothes were a no go. After shopping around we went back to Granny's and mommy put me down for a nap. When I woke up mommy wasn't there. She and daddy decided to get groceries while I was napping. Fine by me, I got to play with Jamie and Granny all afternoon. Friday night we went to Waffle House for dinner then it was back home to play some more. We all slept great! Saturday we went to Walmart and bought some dirt, a shower curtain, and a baseball bat! Odd stuff huh? Mommy needed dirt for her peace lily plant from the church, and she needed a shower curtain to go under my high chair to catch any food that I throw...I mean drop and I NEEDED a new bat and ball. Saturday night was pretty much the usual around and daddy hung out in the guy room while mommy made dinner then it was bed time. Today has a been a lazy day around here. We have done nothing! Well I've done pretty much nothing. Read books, watched a few cartoons with daddy, took a nap, spit out chocolate on the floors mommy had just mopped, and had a great dinner with my mommy and daddy! That pretty much describes our whole weekend. Next week is daddy's long week at work and we aren't looking forward to it, but then again we never do. Hopefully the weather will warm up again I can play outside!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


We've been on the go ALL day...and I liked it. Me and mommy had breakfast this morning, nothing new just eggs and biscuits but it hit the spot as daddy would say. Then we loaded up the car and made our way to Abby's house! Boy did I have a good time! We played ball, read some books, had some snacks, I woke up Cullen (Abby's baby brother), and we jabbered away. Abby was showing off her new walking skills and I think she's better than me at walking and she just started! Mommy had a great time too because Miss Jen let her hold baby Cullen! Mommy held him FOREVER! Mommy then held me and Abby like we were babies...silly mommy we aren't babies...DUH! I can't wait til Abby comes to my house and we can play outside! When we left there we went to Granny's for lunch. Aunt Sharon and Uncle D started playing something new with me today...Aunt Sharon says 1 2 3 GO, then we run! It's so much fun! We played outside for a long time today at Granny's house. She pushed in my cozy coupe, we played on the wiggle car (and if you don't know what that is you should look it up; it's awesome!), and we played in the little house. When we came home I took a nap the it was play time again. We did walk to Miss Barbara's house today to see Trouble the dog. We had a great time and I enjoyed running around her yard. Tonight me and mommy played cars, read books, then we watched American Idol. Boy am I tired! Daddy is off ALL weekend long and of course Mommy has plans! Friday we are going to work on my swing set and hopefully get something done to it. Then Saturday we are going shopping with mommy; hopefully daddy will just take me to the toys where-ever we go. Then Sunday hopefully we will just stay home and play! Hope everyone has a good weekend, and sorry again for no pictures mommy still hasn't found the charger and she doesn't want to ask daddy where it's at!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back to Normal

Boy am I feeling better! I think I'm finally over my cold! And just in time too. Monday night mommy, daddy, and I went to visit Mr. Robby and Miss Heather. We took them all the little girl clothes mommy had. Not sure why but mommy was kind of sad that all the baby clothes in the house are gone. I say we didn't need those clothes, we need more room for toys! Miss Heather is having a little girl and they are so excited! I was excited too, but I was excited they had a HUGE dog! We didn't get to stay long because Mr. Robby got called into work. Tuesday morning daddy got up and got started on my swing set again. I think we finally know why they wanted 600.00 to put it together! The swing set is like daddy's second job! Mommy finally got done with my little house, and I wanted to take a picture of it but guess who has lost the battery charger for the camera (give you two clues; it wasn't me and it wasn't daddy!). Daddy is hoping to finish up my swing set this weekend. Mr. Robby might come to help him! I'm so excited and I'm so ready to slide and swing! I've got a play date tomorrow with my first best friend, Abby! We are going to her house and I'm excited. I love going to her house. So that's all for tonight. We've got a busy weekend ahead. Hopefully mommy will find the charger so I can update sometime this weekend WITH pictures!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Funday

Me and mommy had a great time today. We woke up and had breakfast. Mommy introduced me to sugar toast! Yummy! Then we read a TON of books. We went outside and worked on my playhouse and I got to help. We had a great lunch with daddy. Mommy made me cheese roll ups and she and daddy had something mexican. Me and daddy watch cartoons and then we went to our guy room while mommy finished up a few things on the playhouse. I had a great nap because I woke up a little bit early and mommy held me so I could get some good rest. We went to Granny and Harold's this afternoon and Granny and Nana had finally got done with my airplane and it's awesome. Tommy (the guy that works for the transport business) is bringing it over tomorrow in the big truck. I'm so excited! I can't wait to post pictures of it! Our yard is going to be full of toys but mommy says that what she wants. Tonight after dinner while mommy was on the phone with Aunt Lindsay I started feeling sick. I cried but mommy couldn't figure out what was wrong. *Sorry Aunt Lindsay, mommy really wanted to talk to you but I was being...well a boy; what else can I say* She tried giving me a bath but that didn't help. Mommy put me on the couch and got ready to put my pajamas on and then it happened; I puked everywhere! GROSS!!!! Daddy says he thinks thats my way of getting rid of all the mucus stuff in my chest. YUCK. I'm tired of being sick, I'm ready to stay outside all day and run around! Oh well maybe it will all be over soon! Daddy is off the next two days so hopefully me and him can work on my swing set and maybe get done with that. I'm ready to swing, fly, climb my rock wall, and slide! I'm one lucky little kid! Night night!