Wednesday, December 30, 2009


No seriously I'm laughing out loud now. Mommy has tried her best to get me on video laughing but I have become fascinated with the camera so every time she cuts it on I just stare at it. Daddy and mommy think I have the cutest laugh ever but aren't they supposed to? I've moved into my 3-6 month clothing which is great. I'm getting to wear new clothes and new socks. I've even sported a pair of shoes this week. Mom tried to clip my nails this week, she was so confident because she did this two weeks ago...incident free. Well today she got a tiny piece of my skin. It didn't hurt but she was very upset. I didn't cry but she almost did. She decided that one boo-boo was enough for the day so I have one hand of trimmed nails and the other not so much. Oh well I'm sure she will feel confident again soon and finish the other hand. Mom made dinner tonight and I actually feel asleep before she got done. I think mom and dad enjoyed having dinner without me fussing or having to be held. Maybe I should do this for them more often. Well it's getting late and I think mom and dad have a movie date tonight. So I better get some sleep so they can spend a little time together. Good night all.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm blogging

So I'm sitting here at the computer with not alot to say today. It's been a pretty boring day for me. I woke up and we had to run to Granny and Harold's so mom could do some paperwork. Then we came home and she did alot more paperwork. She put some cartoons on the tv and I loved looking at the colors while I was swinging. Then dad made lunch and they ate. Later on they took me to Granny and Harold's so they could go to the nursing home to see Maw Maw Marks. I usually go but the lady in the room with her is sick, so I got to stay with Granny. Now we are back home and I'm fighting sleep. I know once I give it up I will be asleep for awhile so I must fight it. I must fight it...I must ZZZZZzzzzzz....

Monday, December 28, 2009

My 1st Christmas

Apparently at Christmas time you don't have enough time to get on the computer every day. There is no way I can catch up with every little thing we did every day so I will just cover the important things. On the 19th of December we went to visit Mom's friend Brandi and her family. They just bought a new house and it was our first time going. Mom and dad got to eat some yummy food then we exchanged gifts. I gave the twins scarves and Life-size dolls. They loved them. Once they opened the packages they began changing the dolls clothes. Now I don't understand why they wanted to play with those dolls...must be a girl thing. The Bay's gave me a wooden ring stacker and a book. Mom read the book to me soon as we got home. We had a great time at the Bay's and we can't wait to go back.
The 20th of December we woke up and went to Church. I love church cause I get to sleep and mom holds me. After church we came home and had lunch. Mom and Dad spent the day getting ready for Christmas since it was only 5 days away. Then that afternoon we went back to church for the Christmas Play. I slept right through that too! Then after the play we went to the fellowship hall and I got to sit in Santa's lap for the first time. After church we went out to eat with Granny and Harold.
The 23 of December was a day mom will always remember because I slept from midnight to 5:30 in the morning. I don't see what the big deal is but it made her smile so it must be something great.
Christmas Eve mom woke up early to start cooking. My dad's side of the family was coming for brunch. Mom and Dad had mixed up some casseroles the night before so mom wouldn't have to do a whole lot in the morning. We had Ham and Cheese Casserole, Hashbrown casserole, bacon and muffins (aunt Shellie brought), apple cream cheese braid, and then all the sweets mom had made for Christmas. We had a full house. Aunt Shellie, Tyler, Devin, Aunt Kellie, Larry, Paw-Paw Tweedell and Becky and Grandmaw Tweedell were all here at our house. After brunch Aunt Shellie handed out gifts and then the fun began. Mom let Devin open my gifts since I can't really tear into them yet. Devin would open my present then show it to me. I really racked up. I got diapers, wipes, a huge ball, a cool outfit, a DVD and a bear, and lots of little teethers and 6 Dr. Suess books. Mom and Dad were lucky too they got a camcorder from Paw-Paw and Becky. I got a giraffe that is really a blanket and once I got that i snuggled up and went to sleep. After everyone left mom and dad made cookies and when I woke up we went to Mrs. Carrie Lee's house, but on the way there it started raining so I didn't get to get out of the car. When we left her house we went to Mr. Steve and Mrs. Patsy's house to take them some cookies too. I love to go to their house. Mrs. Patsy and Mr. Steve both have to hold me when we go; and boy do I love to be held. After we left there we made our way to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's house. We were having Christmas dinner with them. Granny and Harold finally showed up and they ate dinner. They had BBQ and stew and lots of sides. After everyone was done we opened more gifts. I got more diapers, clothes, and lots of toys. Aunt Sharon even poked a hole in one of my gifts. When I got done we came home and unloaded the car. Mom got me ready for bed then we headed to Granny's house to spend the night. Since I'm so little and I probably won't remember this Christmas any way mom and dad spent the night at Granny and Harold's house. Santa knew I was gonna be there and he to see me over there. Granny was so sweet to mommy and daddy...she let them go to bed alone and I slept in my bed over there. When I woke up Granny took me to mommy and she fed me, then I slept with mommy and daddy. When I woke up at 6:30 Santa had been to see me. I can't believe I was asleep when he came. I was sure the sound of these deer that pulls his sleigh would have awoken me. I waited til 7:30 before I woke up daddy and Harold. Mom and Dad laid me on the couch then they opened my gifts. I hope they enjoyed it this year because next year I'm doing it myself! After I opened my gifts Granny started making breakfast and then soon after Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert came over. Santa came to see Robert too. We ate breakfast then we went home. Me and Daddy took a nap while mommy cleaned. Then when we woke up we went riding. Nothing was opened so we came home. Mom and Dad took me to Granny's for a while and they came home and ate dinner then they went and looked at Christmas lights. I guess this Christmas thing is pretty cool. I'm assuming it will get better once I can open gifts. Santa brought me all kinds of stuff. I got a Red Ryder BB Gun...yep and I'm only 2 1/2 months old, and I got books, teethers, rattles, and clothes! Santa was very good to me.
Ok now on to yesterday. We went to Me-Maw Tweedell's for a family dinner. I got to see lots of new people and I got to play with a baby that is near my age. He is 6 months old and I loved looking at him. I even laughed at him. Oh yeah I'm laughing now :) We had a great time visiting with family that we never get to see. Well that brings us to today. We are gonna hang around the house today and try to recover from the past week. Phew I'm tired now.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I hope you all remembered why we celebrate Christmas. It's not about getting gifts or Santa. It's about Baby Jesus, mom has been telling me all about him. I just hope everyone took the time to remember him. I will try to keep up with this blog thing now that the holidays are over with. :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


What were you thinking????!!!! Seriously? Did you think they made Playgirl magazines for babies? Oh mom you sure did laugh making this picture and I'm sure you will laugh one day showing my girlfriends but I'm not laughing :( Ok now that I've expressed how I feel about this photo onto my blog now.
Thursday was like any other day...woke up played on the bed, smiled...made mommy and daddy smile, ate, napped. Mommy and Daddy kept telling me how proud they were of me. I didn't get sick after my shots, and now you would never even know I had shots this week. See what a new toy can do for you? We spend our nights around here now watching Christmas movies. Me and dad watched a Flintstones Christmas while mom got her bath, and then we all went to bed. Friday was a very very busy day. Mom and Dad got all dressed up and then they dressed me up and we went on a long car ride. I don't understand where we went but everyone was crying and I didn't like it. My mom and dad were both sad so I decided I would cry too. I don't know what was really going on but I do know I don't like these things and I hope we don't go to alot of them :(
Now it's Saturday morning and I had a great nights sleep and so did mommy and daddy. Mommy and I are planning on going to Granny and Harold's this morning so daddy can sleep in. I love playing at Granny and Harold's; there is always something to do over there. And everyone loves me so much! Ok that's all for now...oh man here comes mom she's gonna catch me.... :)

(Hi...this is Corbin's mom. Just thought I would let you know that Corbin attended his first funeral yesterday, Chris's cousin Jamie Blasingame died Dec. 4, 2009. He was a solider and an amazing person. He was married with a baby that is only 4 months older than Corbin. Chris and I have been to a few funerals since we have been together but this one was really hard on us both. It's tough seeing someone so young die and even harder when he has a son that will never know the amazing father he had. Since having Corbin thoughts cross my mind what if something happens to either me or Chris and I don't know what either one of us would do. We are very lucky parents to have a healthy baby and to have each other to depend on. Even though times seem tough right now we can still depend on each other. We are both very thankful for that. Our thoughts and prayers are with The Blasingame's and with Jamie's wife Rachael and their beautiful little boy Aiden. )

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


OUCH...Shots hurt :( I had my two month shots today. I knew something was up this morning because mom and dad both got up early. Daddy made breakfast. I think it was cinnamon biscuits, and boy did it smell good. Come to think of it I can't believe they could eat knowing that I was gonna get shots. No one told me it was gonna hurt. I tried not to cry but hey I'm only a baby. I couldn't hold back the tears. The first thing they gave me was some kind of sweet liquid...I thought hey this is gonna be a breeze. Then the nurse laid me down and took my pants off...I thought WOO HOO I am gonna get to lay here naked. Then BAM-she stuck me. I poked my lip out to show that I didn't like that one bit. I didn't cry long because once we were done I got to go outside. I was very tired so I decided to sleep the pain away. I don't feel good today :( Mommy and Daddy are trying to butter me up now. They have held me and give me extra kisses. (I know they feel bad, hey I even got a toy out of this whole deal; yep I've got them wrapped around my little fingers, but shhhh don't tell them)

Ok to catch up because I haven't blogged since the 27th and today is the 9th. Nov. 28, we just hung out around the house. Mommy wrapped a few gifts and me and daddy just hung out. That night we went to Ross so mommy could find her a new dress for my dedication Sunday morning. Mommy is very hard to please apparently because daddy kept holding up dresses and mommy made funny faces at them. She finally found a dress that made her smile and it made daddy smile too but I think that was just because we were done shopping. On the way home mommy and daddy decided to stop at IHOP for dinner since I was napping. Well the very idea of them trying to eat a meal. I woke up as soon as they brought their food out. Mommy got hers to go because I wouldn't let her eat. We finally went to bed around 12 that night. Sunday morning we all woke up early and got ready for church. I got to wear my comfy outfit Mr. Ray and Mrs. Peggy Sue gave me. Granny and Harold bought me a blanket just for church. It was super soft so I loved it. When we got to church everyone was excited to meet me. Mom and dad waited for Granny and Harold to arrive. Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert came too. I must be a big deal :) We sat at the back of the church and I loved it. I was really quiet the whole time. I liked the singing. Then daddy and mommy got to take me in front the church and the preacher (Mr. Chuck) asked them a bunch of questions and they had to say We Do...then they gave me a bible and a piece of paper. And mommy and daddy got a plant to take home. After church we went to Cracker Barrel with Granny, Harold, Mr. Chuck, Mrs. Flo, and Chuck's mom. Of course it was kinda boring for me since they won't let me eat so I decided to just sleep. December must be a special month because mom and dad keep counting down to something. They keep talking about some man coming to bring me gifts...I say come on big man. I'll take the whole bag! December the 2nd I had a doctor's appointment. Just a regular 2 month check-up. I weigh 13 lbs. and 12 oz. and I'm 23 1/2 inches long. Dr. Whipple said I looked great and I'm doing good. At our next appointment he will start talking about me EATING!!!! I'm excited about that :) Then I think he might have mentioned something about those shots, but I'm pretty sure he didn't tell me they were gonna hurt. Friday night (December 4th) mom and dad took me to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to listen to the band practice; well they got to listen to then band while Aunt Sharon played dress-up with me. I thought dress up was for girls but apparently Aunt Sharon doesn't know that. She put some kinda antlers on my head, then a big red hat, then she even tried to stuff me in a stocking. When we left there mom and dad took me to Granny and Harold's so they could spend time together. They went and ate Mexican food then went to Wal-mart. That is like the perfect date in their eyes...daddy loves Mexican and mommy loves Wal-mart (and I do too) When they got home we all went downstairs and watched a movie. Well I slept through the whole movie. Sunday mommy and me stayed at Granny and Harold's house. We just played and took naps my favorite kind of day. Sunday night Mr. Steve, Mrs. Patsy, and Austin came over for dinner. Daddy cooked some pasta bake and mom made a few desserts. I love it when people visit! We had a great time, they both love to hold me and I love being held. Monday night we watched a movie downstairs about that big man that is apparently coming sometime this month. I love watching movies with my daddy. I can't wait til I can go downstairs and eat popcorn and lots of candy (daddy says we have to keep it a secret; mom might think it will spoil my dinner if I eat all those sweets) Last night mom made dinner then we watched another Christmas special on tv. I really liked it, I like it so much I slept through the whole thing. Now that leads us to today. Phew catching up is hard to do. Ok so I'm gonna go nap some more and hopefully I'll start to feel better soon.
Oh and by the way the picture is from my dedication...aren't my parents a cute pair?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Pictures, Turkey Day, and Black Friday

Have you ever seen a baby so cute? Wednesday Mrs. Lindsey came and took my picture. Mommy was so excited to see her again. It's been at least 6 years since they have seen each other. I really like Mrs. Lindsey...she got down in the floor and played with me, and she asked mommy if we could go outside and boy do I love going outside. She took a ton of pictures and she had me sitting in my rocking chair from Aunt Jeanine. Then she brought me back inside and took my clothes off and made more pictures. I managed to flash a few smiles at her. She sent mom one picture and our disc should be in the mail soon with the rest of them. Mommy and Daddy can't wait to get it. Mommy enjoyed getting to catch up with her best friend from high school and we all are very grateful she took amazing pictures of me.
So yesterday was Thanksgiving. Me and mommy got up early and enjoyed the beautiful day. It was windy but it looked pretty outside. Mommy cooked a green bean casserole, then she woke daddy up and he made some yummy mac-n-cheese. Mommy made a gallon of tea and then we were off to Granny and Harold's. Uncle D, Aunt Sharon, and Robert were there too! Uncle D held me til I fell asleep. I slept most of the time we were there. Once mommy and daddy got done eating we went to Aunt Shellie and Devin's house. Mommy and Daddy ate a little more once they got there. Aunt Shellie made all the food, and mommy said she was thankful for not having to cook :) My big cousin Devin read me a book while we were there and then he went through all the sale papers and made a list of toys he wanted. I can't wait til I can make lists. When we left Aunt Shellie's we went back to Granny and Harold's. We waited on Granny to get back from the nursing home before we ate dinner. I met some new people tonight too. Mommy's cousins William, Nique, Lexi, Austin, Malcolm, Misty, Mallie, Mackenzie, and Mary Grace stopped at Granny's to see us. Lexi has learned to whistle and I smiled cause she whistled at me. Once we ate dinner I went to sleep and mommy went with daddy to get some gas. I stayed with Granny. Mommy dropped daddy back off at home and then she came back to Granny's. She fed me and then she went to Toys' R Us for there midnight sale. The lines were so long she didn't buy anything. I'm glad she didn't stay long because I was starving by the time she got back home. She fed me and we went to bed. I think I finally quit fighting sleep around 2. I slept til 5 am. Mommy got up and fed me then she woke Granny up and Granny went back to bed with me while mommy went and picked daddy up. For some reason they were going shopping before the sun even came up. Around 8 am. mommy and daddy came back to Granny's and picked me up. Daddy says he missed me and I missed him too. They took me to Target to pick up a few last things. Then we went back to Granny's so they could eat lunch. We finally made it back home and I was pooped. Me and daddy were gonna watch Christmas movies but we both fell asleep. Mommy got all the gifts wrapped that they bought today. I took a very long nap. When I woke up my Grandpa Tweedell called. They wanted to come see me and bring me a gift. Grandma Becky bought me a HUGE nutcracker. She knew mommy and daddy collected them and she wanted me to have one of my own. Mommy and Daddy had already bought me my first one, but this is my first big one. It's way bigger than me. I really like it. Now it's night time and I've slept most the day. I'm kinda tired now. I guess I am gonna go snuggle in the bed with mommy and daddy and try to watch those Christmas movies. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Night night

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day

Geez..I've gotta start keeping up with my blog more often. Let's see Saturday I took my first trip to Wal-mart. Mom and dad got separate buggies and they bought groceries. Well dad pushed me in one buggy and mom shopped. I don't really see what the big deal is about wal-mart. I slept the whole time, seemed kinda boring to me, but it made mommy smile :) Mom saw lots of people she knew and she loves showing me off. Saturday afternoon we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to listen to his band practice. Well mom and dad went to the basement to hear them play and I stayed upstairs with Aunt Sharon. She put me on the floor and the drums vibrated the floor...and I fell asleep :) Sunday Granny came over and played with me while mom decorated her Christmas tree. Then we went to Ross and Walmart with Granny while she did some more Christmas shopping. Then we came home and mom decorated some more. Then Aunt Sharon and Uncle D stopped by to drop off my hat that I left at their house the night before. Uncle D held me and talked to me. He even made me smile. Monday was pretty much the same ol' same ol'. Me and mom went to Granny's and stayed until the afternoon. Then we came home and hung out with dad. Today has been pretty boring too. I've been sleeping at night like a good little boy, and now mommy and daddy can't sleep. When I laid down this morning to take my early morning nap mom got up to clean and dad was finally able to fall asleep. I napped a few hours which mom greatly appreciated. She's been cleaning the house like a mad woman today...because tomorrow is the big day...Mrs. Lindsey is coming to do my pictures. Mom is excited to see what she comes up with. I might even decide to flash her a smile :)

Well I won't promise I will "blog" every night this week because I know it's gonna be busy the rest of the week. Tomorrow pictures, Thursday is Turkey Day...whatever that is. Thursday night we are spending the night with Granny and Harold so mommy can get up early to go shopping (how silly) and Sunday is my dedication at the church. Wow I need a nap just thinking about all that :) Anyway until tomorrow night night.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Ok I don't remember the last day I blogged. was Tuesday. So let me see...Wednesday was a pretty boring day. Woke up went to Granny and Harold's. Went home and watched mommy and daddy cook and clean. They sure do a lot of that. Then Thursday I woke up with horrible gas. Mom took me to Granny and Harold's because I didn't feel good and I usually rest over there. I will lay in my bed an just be content. But not that day I cried and cried. My belly really hurt. I had gas so bad, and I kept spitting up. Mommy and I went home around 3. I was starting to feel a little bit better. Dad hasn't been feeling well lately and he's been really tired. Me and mom decided we would spend the night at Granny and Harold's Thursday night so daddy could finally get a full night's sleep. I've never spent the night away from home. We sure did have fun. I got to play and look at my new mobile in my bed at Granny and Harold's. Mom bathed me off and we went to bed. I actually slept last night too. I think it might be because I slept in the bed with mommy. I seem to sleep better and most of the time mommy is so exhausted she just lets me sleep wherever. Everyone says you can spoil a baby by letting them sleep with you but mommy says she doesn't care I'm only gonna be little once :) Granny woke up at 4 am to see if I was up yet. And by 5 am she came in the room and got me so mommy could sleep a little more. Mommy sure did enjoy those extra hours of sleep. Me and mommy stayed at Granny's today until 3 then dad came and picked us up. We ran some errands with dad then we went home. Mom and I had planned on going shopping with Granny and Harold and we were excited. We decided on spending the night with Granny and Harold again. Daddy was having a guys night in. He and his cousin were gonna grill out and watch movies tonight. Mommy fed me then we got ready to go shopping. We went to Iron Horse with Granny, Harold, and Robert, then we went to the coolest place ever. Toys R Us. It's a HUGE TOY STORE!!!!!! All kinds of toys, trucks, trains, video games...I don't ever wanna to grow up! Hey I should write them a jingle :) Granny got a few Christmas gifts and mom bought me some kind of medicine for hiccups. I tried a new kind of formula tonight. It wasn't all that bad, but we will see how it does tonight. Let's hope for mine and mommy's sake I can keep it down. Well I guess I need to go, I don't want to keep Granny, Harold, and Robert awake by using the computer. So night night.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh What Fun It Is To Ride...

In my carrier! I thought that sounded funny. Me and Daddy have been listening to music and I think my favorite so far is Jingle Bells. Anyway back to the carrier...I love this thing. Mommy can put me in it, walk around and clean for hours while I nap. Although today I didn't ride in very long because I'm fighting sleep and I knew if I stayed in it very long I would be snoozing. Today has been pretty boring. I woke up at 8 got fed, diaper changed the usual. Then I got to swing for a little bit. We went to Granny and Harold's for the morning then we came home got daddy and ran our errands for the day. It's rainy and chilly outside today so I couldn't get out of the car. Now we are back home and just relaxing. Well I'm relaxing, mommy and daddy have been washing clothes and cleaning. Seems boring to I'll just swing. I was in such a hurry last night that I forgot to mention that I'm being dedicated at the church where mommy and daddy got married next Sunday. I'm excited. Mommy is a little worried that I might get hungry while we are at church but I think everything will be ok. Mommy has a special outfit picked out for me and my Granny bought me a cool blanket with a bear and a cross on it. I'm excited to go see new people! So nothing much is going on this week. Nothing planned for this weekend either. Next week Mrs. Lindsey is coming to do my pictures she is finally gotten over her cold and they are gonna be in Newnan anyway for Thanksgiving. Mommy is really excited. Sorry I just don't get excited over having my picture made but I'm sure it will be fun. Maybe I'll even flash everyone this beautiful new smile of mine :) Well I guess that's all for tonight. I better go sneak me in a nap so I can pull an all nighter :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Smiling

No seriously I'm smiling. I started this today. Me and Mom were at Granny's and I did. Mom kind of blew it off because she assumed it was gas but tonight she was trying to wake me up to feed me and I thought why not make her day and smile at her. She grabbed the camera and I thought what the heck I'll do it again. I can't keep from smiling now. Well I do have a pretty good life, wake up eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep. It's pretty great if you ask me.
So today started like any other day...I woke up ate tried to go back to sleep but my tummy started rumbling and I had to let it out. Mommy changed my diaper a million times today. I guess it's that stupid formula working it's way out. Anyway daddy got up and helped mommy put me in the carrier. She can wear the carrier and clean while I'm close to her. I love to ride in it and sleep. I can tell when mommy stops walking though, so I wake up and make her walk more :) She doesn't mind really, at least she can clean while I nap.
We had company today. Mommy's friend from high school, Brandi Bays, came to see me today. She brought her little girls, but they didn't seem to interested in me. They didn't stay long but we are very glad they came to visit.
Anyway I can't write much tonight mom is wanting to go take her bath and I can't be on the computer if no one is around so that's all for tonight.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I feel like that's what I've been saying the past two days. Mom has been worried that I'm eating too much or not getting enough to eat that's why I'm staying hungry. I swear I think she just read all those books to take up time because she doesn't remember a lot of what she read. I'm going through a growth spurt duh. She keeps trying different formulas with me and I wish I could talk because I would tell her to keep it to herself I don't like the stuff.
So again it's been a few days since I've blogged. I'll catch you up on all my events. Friday we went to the bank to open my very own savings account. While mom was pregnant she would put change in my piggy bank every week. Kind of an early allowance I guess. Then when someone would give me money she put it in my bank. Well I had 102.00 to open my savings account with. She kept out my very first dollar from Maw Maw Marks and my two dollar bills daddy has been saving me. Mom and Dad were very excited about my savings account and I guess I should be too. Maybe one day I will have enough money in there to buy my first car. Heck right now I would settle for a Hot Wheels. :) OK so on to Saturday had a baby shower to go to. Mom and Dad's friends the Hall's are expecting a little boy. So we drove to Villa Rica for a baby shower. I was the littlest baby there and the cutest if I do say so. Saturday night was pretty boring. Mom and Dad couldn't get me to go to sleep...I wasn't tired. They tried everything and I put up a strong fight until they pulled out the big gun...the car. They put me in the car and I was out like a light. No fair. And I think they might have went to McDonald's too, because I'm pretty sure I smelled fries in my dreams. So that brings us to today. Me and Mommy went shopping with Granny. I got a new shirt and a pair of pants and gas drops. Yay for me! And Granny bought lots of Christmas gifts and I'm pretty sure one of them was mine. But I didn't peak. The rest of the day we spent at home. I love Sundays.
Well that's all for tonight. Tomorrow is Monday I hope I sleep well tonight because Mondays stink.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

Yep it's been almost a week since I've "blogged". Alot has happened. Friday I went in my very first store. Me, mom, Granny, and Aunt Sharon went to a place called What's in Store, and I can tell you what was in that store...a lot of glass. I can tell I probably won't get to go in there once I get older becuase there is alot of stuff in there that might break. Then we went into a really cool toy store. My dad loves that store and I can tell why. I think I could probably spend my whole allowance in there! Going out is really fun but I don't get to do it very much but that's ok I understand my mom just doesn't want me to get sick. Then last Saturday I met my Aunt Jeanine, Angie, Bovine, Leah, and Jake's girlfriend (my memory isn't all that great yet) I think I did good to remember all these new people. Aunt Jeanine and Angie brought me a basket FULL of food and juice. I sure can't wait til I can dig in. Sunday me and mom spent the morning at Granny and Harold's then we went to Aunt Sharon's to look through some Christmas stuff. When we got home me and mom sat on the front porch. She sat in her rocking chair and I got to sit in my swing outside. Man I love it outside. Mom and Dad pulled me around the yard in my wagon the other day too. I loved that. Sunday night the Hall's came to see me. I slept the whole time they were here. That's ok I heard mommy say we were going to a baby shower this Saturday so I have another chance to see them. They are expecting a little boy in January, and I'm sure he and I will be great friends one day.
Monday mommy had another Dr. appointment. Thank goodness this was her last one. She is so happy she doesn't have to go back anymore. Her Dr. said she had to watch her blood pressure and if it goes up she will have to go back, but hopefully that won't happen. After we left the Dr.'s office we went to Babies R Us. I've never been in a big store like that. Mom and Dad bought a few toys...not sure who those were for, then they bought some gross formula. Then mommy wanted to get something to eat. Mommy and Daddy had agreed that they wouldn't take me to a restuarant until I was old enough to eat but they splurged today and took me into Cracker Barrel. Granny met us out there and they all had lunch. I knew I was some place different so I cried so they would take me out of the car seat. When we started to leave Granny bought me a Thanksgiving plate...but I won't be able to use it until next year. Then mommy and daddy actually let me go home with Granny. They went shopping for a few things then they came and got me. Tuesday Aunt Sharon came to see me, and so did Betty, Thomas, Dawn, and Leigh. More new faces makes me happy. Wednesday me and mom stayed at Granny and Harold's most the day. Daddy isn't feeling to well so me and mom have been letting him sleep. I don't know why him and mom like to sleep. I don't like it at all. In fact if I'm gonna sleep I want to do it during the day. Then today has been exciting too. We went to Granny and Harold's again this morning. I like to sleep over there and mom actually got in a nap today too. Then we came home and got daddy. He took us to the bank, then to the water department to pay a bill. When we came home mom fed me then we picked Granny up and went to the nursing home to see Maw-maw. Everyone there makes a fuss over me. Now we are back home and dad is watching a movie. We are trying to get ready for bed. I might sleep some tonight, but probably not much. Well sorry it took me so long to write this time. Maybe I can keep up now. Well it's bed time for now so night night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To Busy to Blog

I've been a very busy baby lately. Yesterday I didn't blog because I had so much to do. Let's see yesterday I had a doctor appointment. I went to see Dr. Whipple again for my 1 month check-up. I have gained up to 10 lbs. and 7 oz. I am 21 inches long. And I'm healthy. Oh and I'm the cutest baby ever...apparently :) I have to go back to the doctor in December and I'll start getting shots at that appointment. I'm not looking forward to that and neither is mommy. After the doctor appointment we came home and mommy and daddy had lunch. After lunch me and mommy went to Granny and Harold's and spent the afternoon so daddy could have a little time to his self. Mommy put me in my stroller and pushed me around the front yard, and I sure did enjoy looking at the bright light and all the things around me. Then mommy and I went back home and picked Daddy up and we went to visit Mr. Steve and Mrs. Patsy. When we got there Mr. Steve had taken Austin hunting so we only got to visit with Mrs. Patsy. She held me the whole time and you know I love to be held. They even have two dogs and they barked at me the whole time, but I just slept, they didn't bother me. We stayed there for about an hour then we went home and daddy started dinner. He fried a chicken in his new fryer. Mommy made some sides and they had dinner. After dinner daddy and I decided to give mommy a little time to herself. We went in their room and watched Christmas shows while mommy took a bath and who knows what else. I tried to get her to blog for me last night but apparently she found something better to do. Oh well us guys had a great time watching TV.
Today mommy and I got up and decided to let daddy sleep in so we went to Granny's to spend the morning since Harold isn't home. We didn't want Granny to get lonely, and honestly who can be lonely when a baby is around? We stayed with her until 2 today then we came home and got daddy and he took us to Subway to get lunch. We got Granny and Robert a sandwich too, then we went back to Granny's so they could eat. When we left Granny's we came home and mommy cleaned the kitchen. Me and Daddy have watched some fighting on TV tonight then mommy and daddy ate dinner. Daddy and me played while mommy took her bath and now daddy is downstairs in the movie room watching a movie while me and mommy hang out. We've got a busy weekend...Aunt Jeanine and Angie are coming Saturday and The Hall's are coming Sunday so I guess I need to go and get some rest before this crazy weekend.
Oh and I guess I should explain the picture...I HATE MY CAR SEAT!!! It's a wonder we ever leave the house because I cry the moment they put me in it. Night night.

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Day...New Faces

This picture really doesn't have anything to do with today...just thought it was funny. It's me before mommy and daddy gave me a bath. Let's just say I put up a fight (see I even have my fists clinched.) Although I have found that I like it when they use the sprayer that come with my bath tub. It's still not my favorite part of the day but it's getting better.
So last night I sleep really good. I know my Great Aunt Jeanine is coming this weekend, and last week she told me I had to start sleeping better so I don't want her to be mad the first time she sees me so I've been trying to sleep more for mommy and daddy. Last night I even managed to stay asleep 4 hours!
Anyway I woke up this morning and had breakfast, went back to sleep and then woke up around 11:30. I had my lunch then mommy and daddy dressed me and took me to Granny's so they could run a few errands. Mommy and Daddy take me there so I don't get this flu everyone is talking about. Then when they got back...mommy dropped daddy off at home and even though she's still not supposed to be driving she drove to Granny's all by herself! We stayed at Granny's the rest of the afternoon. When we went back home there was a note on the door that said Mr. Ray and Mrs. Peggy Sue had come to see us. Mommy was pretty upset that we missed some visitors. We love having people visit. So when we got inside mommy fed me then she called them to see if they were home. They were and said they would love it if we could visit. So mommy and daddy loaded me up in the car and we went and saw someone new. Of course Mrs. Peggy Sue wanted to hold me. And I love being held :) I spit-up on her twice but she didn't even seem to mind. She stayed almost an hour then we headed back home. I'm so glad I got to see new faces today, even though I slept most of the time.
Once we got back home mommy fed me and daddy changed my diaper. I felt like a new baby :) Since then I've just been relaxing, laying on the couch with daddy, then swinging in my little swing. Being a baby is hard work, but it's worth it. Well I have a doctor appointment early in the morning so I better get to bed. Night night

I've Been Busy

So I haven't blogged since Thursday. I can catch you up now...Friday we hung out around the house most of the day. Then mommy and daddy decided they needed to go buy groceries, so they dropped me off with Granny and Harold. It took them a little longer than they expected and Granny had to give me a bottle of yucky old formula. I slurped it down but I paid for it later that night. When mommy and daddy got back they took me home and we went downstairs to watch a movie in daddy's movie room. I did really good for a little while. I got to swing while mommy and daddy ate their sandwiches, then I got a little fussy so mommy decided to hold me, well I was only fussy because I don't like formula and my tummy was tore up. I threw up everywhere. Mommy and Daddy had to change my clothes three times and mommy had to change pajamas twice. Every time I ate for the next day or so I would spit-up. I DO NOT LIKE FORMULA. I didn't sleep much Friday night, but by Saturday other than still trying to get that formula out of my system I was feeling much better.

Saturday was Halloween. My mommy put on my skeleton outfit soon as I got up. Daddy found another box of Halloween decorations so he got those out and finished decorating while me and mommy took it easy. Mommy did eventually get up and make cupcakes for the trick-or-treaters. Aunt Sharon came to visit too. She held me and talked to me. Of course I slept the whole time. I love to sleep when people hold me :) She stayed with me and mommy while daddy ran to the drugstore to pick up a few last minute items. After she left mommy put my real Halloween costume on. I liked being a ghost, I stayed nice and warm all night. After I was dressed and laid back in my bed mommy and daddy got dressed. They were both pirates. They weren't scary at all. Aunt Sue, Jeri, and Will stopped by before going to the church for the Fall Festival, and so did Shane and Christine. Everyone talked about how cute I was...please tell me something I don't know :) Then Aunt Shellie, Tyler, and Devin came over. Aunt Shellie held me and talked to me. Devin got some candy and ate a cupcake. They stayed with us for a little while. We didn't have any other trick-or-treaters. Mommy and Daddy were very disappointed. Mommy worked really hard to make little goodies for the kids and no one else ever showed up. Still not really sure about this Halloween thing, but Mommy and Daddy swear next year will be better...and they are already thinking of what we can all dress up as.

Well today is Sunday and I love Sundays. It means spending time with family and hoping for visitors. Mommy and Daddy got up and cleaned the house then me and mommy went to Granny's for a little while. When we got back we hung out with daddy and played. Then Grandpa Larry called and said they wanted to come see me. Mommy got excited because she loves to have company. When Grandpa Larry and Grandma Becky got here they had me a gift. I got three sets of books. I love books! Mommy and Daddy have been reading to me ever since I was in mommy's belly. They visited with us for a little while and as usual Grandpa took tons of pictures. Since the time fell back last night they didn't stay long because it was getting dark. When they left Daddy ran to the grocery store and me and mommy stayed home and played. When daddy got back they started making dinner. They had homemade burgers, baked beans, and two homemade hash brown casseroles! After dinner they gave me a bath...well a shower. My bathtub Granny and Harold bought me came with a hand-held shower too. I actually liked the water being sprayed on me. After my bath, mommy wanted to take one too, so me and daddy gave her a little time to herself to get her bath. While mommy was getting her bath, Daddy introduced me to Christmas music and boy do I like it! We listened to it for a long time. Now I can't wait for Christmas! After mommy got out of the tub, she and daddy read me one of my new books. Now I'm just relaxing and getting ready for bed. I have been sleeping really good lately. Well I'm gonna go get ready for bed. Night night. Oh and only 5 days til I get to meet my Favorite Great Aunt!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

4 Weeks Old!

I'm 4 weeks old now! Can you believe it? Mommy can't. Daddy says it seems longer! I've grown so much. I have my 1st month check-up next Tuesday. Mommy is excited to see how much weight I've gained, and she's got lots of questions (of course). I like Dr. Whipple he's very nice to me. Although I've heard them talking about shots and I'm not too sure about those, thank goodness at this next visit I won't get any of those.
Last night I didn't go to bed until 3 am, but I did let mommy and daddy sleep a solid 4 hours before I got up. My Aunt Jeanine talked to me on that phone thing again today. She said I needed to sleep at least 6 hours for mommy tonight. (Yeah right) Who is she kidding? Mommy took me to Granny's today hoping that I would stay awake, no luck there. I slept the whole time. But as soon as we got home I was wide awake. I had to stay awake to see what mommy and daddy were having for dinner. Daddy cooked again so I had to see what smelled so good. Are you wondering yet what they had? I thought so...they had homemade curly fries, hamburger steaks, and rolls. After dinner they kept talking about giving me a bath. I was all for it until I realized they were gonna put me in water. I didn't like it one bit. Don't get me wrong I love not wearing a diaper but I could do without the water and the washing me off part. It was my first bath but I'm sure not my last.
Well I guess I need to go and eat so I can try to sleep a little. Maybe if I don't sleep those six hours like Aunt Jeanine said she will come up here sooner. :) Night Night

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another Day at Home...well kind of

Howdy. Sorry I didn't write anything yesterday. Mommy has apparently started getting migraine headaches since I've been home. I don't think it's because of me...I'm so little what could I possibly do to make anyone have a headache? Anyway me and Daddy hung out last night so mommy could rest. She is feeling much better today thank goodness. I tried to be good last night and sleep as much as I could so mommy could rest too. We didn't really do anything yesterday but my Granny and Harold did come to see me last night and brought me a really cool quilt Granny made just in time for Halloween. I sure have enjoyed laying on it today. Mommy even had a special shirt for me to wear today. It's orange and it says "This IS my Costume!" How funny is that, well kinda funny because it's not actually my costume, like I've said before I gonna be a ghost! Anyway it was a really pretty day so we took a car ride. Daddy took us to the store to fill mommy's car up with gas. It was nice to get out of the house for a while. Then instead of coming back home Daddy dropped me and Mommy off at Granny's to spend the afternoon. I had so much fun laying in my bed. Then Robert and Mommy put me on the floor on my quilt and I rolled from my tummy to my back. Isn't that amazing? When Aunt Sharon come and got Robert, Granny, Mommy, and me went to visit Maw-maw at the nursing home. We don't stay very long because Mommy is worried I will get sick if we stay out too long, but it's nice getting to see different faces. Granny dropped me and Mommy back off at home then she fed me and got ready because Daddy wanted to take her out to dinner. Mommy must be feeling better because she wore some blue pants today that weren't very comfortable to lay on. Daddy kept saying something about her blue jeans...personally I like her other pants she wears. Must be a big deal that she put those jeans on because she kept saying look I'm wearing jeans...weird. Anyway I got to stay with Granny and Harold while mommy and daddy went to Olive Garden. I can't wait til I can go with them, don't get me wrong I love staying with Granny and Harold but I really wanna see what Mommy and Daddy do when they leave the house without me. Anyway we are back home for the night. Mommy is about to get her bath while me and Daddy spend some quality guy time together. Can you believe tomorrow I will be 4 weeks old?

Monday, October 26, 2009

What Did I Do Today?

What did I do today? Well thanks for asking...I stayed awake most of the day. Mom ate broccoli and cabbage last night (thanks mom) so I've had gas ALL DAY! I haven't been to fussy (cause I know mom needs her veggies) but I haven't wanted to nap. Plus this is a cool new world I've been thrown into and I need to look around and see all these cool new things. I laid in my big bed today for a little while and listened to music. And I got to swing for a little while. I've been very hungry today so it's been get my diaper changed, eat, look around, repeat. The weather is apparently cool again, because we didn't leave the house today and NO ONE CAME TO VISIT! I love mommy and daddy but sometimes I like to see new faces. I keep hearing about this Halloween thing this weekend, maybe I will see some new faces when kids come to Trick or Treat. If you ask me walking to houses and asking for candy seems crazy right now but I'm sure I will like it once I'm old enough. Mom is gonna bake come cookies and maybe a cake to take to the church for their fall festival. Sure do wish I could take a bite!

So let's see what else happened today? Oh! Dad checked the mailbox and guess what was inside. A huge catalog from Toys R' I'm not sure where this place is but boy I can't wait to find out. Mom and I looked through it and boy did I see lots of great things! There were bikes, army men, cars, and all kinds of stuff. Wish I could point out what I wanted. I can already see it...a few years from now I will get that catalog and a pen and mark everything I want! Hope mommy and daddy win the lottery before that happens :)

Well I guess that pretty much sums up today. I hope it's sunny tomorrow so we can get out of the house! Night night :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Day Full of Family

This is what Sundays are all about and friends visiting. We slept in late this morning which is nothing new around here. Well waking up every 2 to 3 hours can make even a little person tired. Well once we got up Daddy made breakfast for him, Mommy, and B.J. He made eggs, biscuits, cheese grits, and Canadian bacon. I got to sit in my swing while they ate breakfast. Man I love that swing! Then B.J. left and daddy called his Uncle Tommy and before we knew it him and his kids were coming to visit. They stayed and watched the Nascar race. While they were here mommy got to talk to Aunt Jeanine on the phone, and can you believe she didn't ask to speak to me? Well at least she is coming to see me soon. We are counting down the days. Then Aunt Sharon called and invited us to their house for dinner. Mommy made some rice casserole to take with us, and she took that Red Velvet cake too! It was nice to get out of the house and to see somewhere new! Aunt Sharon has a dog and a cat. The dog was excited to see us but I think we were invading the cat's space. After they ate dinner Aunt Sharon tried to play with me but I kept falling asleep. I started getting hungry so Mommy and Daddy decided it was time to go. Once I got in the car I went straight to sleep, so Mommy decided to run by Granny's house for a few minutes. My Granny loves to hold me (even if I'm sleeping) . We didn't get to stay long because it was getting late. Once we got home I ate and ate and ate. Now I've got a belly ache and I can't sleep. Daddy has been holding me for quiet a while now and I'm still not asleep. I foresee a long night ahead. Maybe I'll let them get a little sleep...nah.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ahh...Mommy, Daddy, and I slept him in today because I didn't sleep to well last night. I had an upset tummy. Today hasn't been much better. My tummy is just rumbling and rumbling. Maybe it will be better tomorrow. Other than my tummy troubles it's been a pretty good day. Aunt Sharon called today and said she was coming to visit, and Mommy got so excited. She started running around and cleaning up. When Aunt Sharon I got here I was awake and she was amazed...usually I'm sleeping. She got to hold me and play with me. Then I decided to spit-up everywhere. It came out my mouth and my nose. I think I scared Aunt Sharon. Mommy had just dressed me but since I spit-up all over it she put on my skeleton outfit Aunt Sharon bought me. Daddy went and got lunch while Aunt Sharon was visiting. She didn't get to stay very long cause Uncle D is playing tonight at Hollonville and she had to get ready. After she left Mommy and Daddy ate lunch, then Mommy baked a Red Velvet Cake. Granny stopped by to see me and help mommy with the icing. She didn't get to stay long today because she still had to make dinner for Harold and Robert. When she left mommy and daddy decided to give me my Halloween gift early. I got a card and a book with a puppet. Mommy read my book to me and it seems pretty cool. I can't wait til I can focus my eyes on stuff cause it come with a cool hand puppet too!
Tonight Daddy called his cousin B.J. to see if he wanted to come spend the night. He did so him and daddy went and got dinner while mommy and I stayed home. So tonight Daddy and B.J. are gonna watch movies while me and mommy have a little time to ourselves! I've been awake alot today so I bet I'll be tired tonight. Well it's almost my dinner time so night night!

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Day with Granny

Ahhh...another day gone. Last night I couldn't sleep again. Mommy finally held me so I could sleep. Mommy had another Dr. appointment today so we had to get up really early. Mommy dressed me in a Halloween shirt and gray jogging pants...I was stylin'! Then I got in some swing time while she got ready. We headed to mommy's Dr. office once daddy got ready. Daddy and I stayed in the waiting room while mommy went back to see the Dr. She must have a really good Dr. cause I don't think she even cried and she went back there by herself! Mommy is doing good, her blood pressure is staying down. She has to go back in two weeks and then she will be done hopefully for a while. When we left there I got to go stay with Granny while mommy had her hair cut. Mrs. Sara cut mommy's hair and it looked so good I almost didn't recognize her! Thanks Mrs. Sara for making mommy smile...she loves her hair now! Mommy and Daddy ate lunch with Granny then they laid me down for a nap so they could go buy groceries. Before they could get out the door Aunt Shellie and Devin stopped by to see me. I slept the whole time they were there, but people don't seem to mind if I sleep; they just hold me anyway. When mommy and daddy got back from buying groceries they showed me a new outfit Daddy bought for me. Mrs. Lindsey is coming to take my picture in November and they said I needed a cute new outfit. I like it. Mommy and Daddy were really happy to see me again! Mommy said she missed me and I bet Daddy did too! I've been sleeping all day so I know in a little while I will be wide awake...hope mommy isn't too tired from shopping cause she's got a long night ahead. Oh and the picture I picked today just kind of fit the day. I spent all day with Granny and I loved it! Well we are supposed to have company tomorrow so I better go now...night night :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our Day Out

Man, I'm pooped today. I actually slept last night, in fact mommy had to wake me up at 4 am to feed me. She and I woke up this morning and decided to let daddy sleep in cause he's always letting us sleep in. Me and mommy hung out on the couch and talked. Then mommy took me in my room to change my diaper. She set me on my new changing station and she took my diaper off and just then the cold air made me wet again. Man I peed all over everything! My mirror, my baby monitor, the dresser but then my tummy started rumbling and I couldn't hold it in. Mommy is a good sport cause she just laughed and hollered for daddy (so much for him getting to sleep in) Daddy came in and held me while mommy cleaned up the mess. After they got me all cleaned up and dressed again, we went to take Mrs. Harris her cake mommy had made her. Her husband died a few days ago so mommy made them a cake and boy did it smell yummy even though it was pink (must have been cause she's a girl) Everyone at her house came outside to see me. Then we went to Granny's and stayed there until time for them to go to the funeral. When we left there mommy wanted to go see more people since we don't get out of the house much. We went by Mrs. Carrie Lee's house but she was sick and wouldn't let us come in. She didn't want to make me sick. So mommy had the bright idea to drive to Carrollton so she and daddy could eat at Sonic, then we would visit her great aunt Betty and great uncle Thomas. I love to ride in the car so it was fun for me. When we got to BeBe's (Betty) she held me the whole time which was great because I love being held. There were two little girls there too and they kept bringing me toys to play bad I'm to little to play with them cause they sounded like they were having lots of fun! We spent an hour or so with them, then it was time to head home. Mommy wanted to go shopping for a Halloween costume because ever since she talked to Aunt Brandi the other night she's been wanting to dress up too! Mommy and Daddy don't let me go in stores yet because of all the germs so I got to stay with Harold and Granny! I love going over there. I have my own bed and everyone loves to hold me and Harold is always telling me about a go-kart. I can't figure out why mommy and daddy are so happy when they come back...I know they don't have fun when I'm not with them, maybe they are just always happy because they see me when they get back. Daddy got a pirate costume but mommy didn't get anything. She said something about going back tomorrow to get one. Hope I get to stay with Granny and Harold again. Mommy has a Dr. appointment early in the morning so I better get some sleep because I think I've gotta go with her. Night night!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Up All Night...Sleep All Day

I did it! I actually did it! I managed to stay up all night...well at least til 4 am. Mommy and Daddy were ready for bed and I decided it would be the perfect time to wake up. So Mommy fed me and laid me down, but I wasn't ready to call it a night. I whined, ate some more, and whined some more. I wasn't happy. I think I ate too much and got a belly ache. Daddy would hold me and rock me, then mommy would. Even though my belly was hurting it was nice getting so much attention. Since I was up all night I was ready to sleep once the sun came up. I woke up for "breakfast" then Daddy took me in the living room so mommy could get some sleep. Daddy played with me all day long! He has sang to me (and boy can he make up some silly songs!), and told me about all kinds of things we are gonna do together! Granny came by this afternoon to see me. She rocked me to sleep then she left. Mommy and Daddy took me on another car ride tonight. They went and got something to eat and I don't mind...I like to ride in the car. Just think only 16 years and I can drive! Woo hoo. Well that's all for today. Tomorrow I might get to stay with Granny for a little while so mommy can go have her hair cut. I love my mommy and daddy but it's nice to get to stay with my Granny and Harold :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Being a Baby is Hard Work

Oops...I forgot to blog the past two days. My days are kinda full at the moment peeing on mommy, pooping, and sleeping (oh and staying up most of the night). Let's see I'll catch you up on the past two days. Sunday mommy was sick. She had a really bad headache. Daddy took care of me and mommy, which it looks like it comes natural for him. Granny, Harold, and Robert came over to visit and mommy said she would love some coffee and doughnuts, so Harold and Robert left and came back with Waffle House coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Can we say sugar shock? I think that might be why I stayed up all night Sunday night hehehe :) Then Aunt Sharon and Uncle D stopped by on their way home from Helen. They bought me a T-shirt. Robert got fudge and boy did it look good, I kept licking my lips but no luck on getting any. Monday mommy woke up sick again. Daddy made lunch and mommy laid on the couch. Mommy kept saying she wanted to get out of the house so Monday afternoon Daddy took us riding in the car. He took us to the store and got mommy a cherry dr. pepper (he's always doing something to make mommy smile). Then we went to visit Daddy's cousin Robby and Amber and their little girl AnnaBell. Then we went to Granny and Harold's. When we left there daddy went to the drug store to get mommy some medicine so maybe she wouldn't be sick anymore. It worked because today she is all better. So now it's Tuesday. I'm probably gonna pull and all-nighter cause all I've done today is sleep. We took another car ride today. Daddy bought me some jogging pants to wear the week of Halloween. I think I might actually like Halloween if I got to pick out my own costume. Apparently this year I'm gonna be a ghost. Original right? Oh well I'm gonna go with it this year to please mommy and daddy but by next year I'm gonna have a say so in my costume...well at least I hope I do. Tonight has been lots of fun. I've ate and now I'm relaxing on the couch with dad while mom takes a little time to herself. I'm sure if me and dad could sneak off to the bedroom we would watch Spongebob but mom likes us being in the room with her so I guess we will stay on the couch. Well that pretty much sums up the last three days. Hopefully tomorrow will be a repeat of sleep some more.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mom and Dad Played Photographer Today :)

So today it was really cold outside again. Last night I kept Daddy on the move. Between wet and dirty diapers and wanting to feed every hour and half (which kept mommy up too) we didn't sleep much. Mommy and I caught up on sleep this morning while Daddy made breakfast for her. She ate then came back to bed to sleep a little more. Daddy spent the day cleaning house while me and mom took it easy today. Being a daddy is hard work. He cooks, cleans, and he keeps mommy and me smiling. I hope that one day I can be like him. Tonight he made mommy some homemade lasagna. She must love it because that's all she has talked about today. I know it smelled good, and once the timer went off I decided it was time to wake up, I was secretly hoping that I might get a taste of it, but I guess I'm too little; they just pulled the string on my giraffe and let him sing me back to lasagna for me :(

After dinner I got to have my first phone conversation with Aunt Jeanine. She's been sick and hasn't been able to come see me. So tonight when she called she asked mommy to put the phone by my ear so she could talk to me. I'm not sure about this phone thing; seems a little strange to me. I can hear someone but it doesn't look like a person. Weird huh? Later tonight mommy and daddy took all my clothes off (which I loved) then they put on the couch and placed a huge bow on me and took pictures. Then they put me in the laundry basket...thank goodness the blanket was clean, I was afraid I was about to be washed in the washing machine. Mommy and Daddy took lots of pictures.

I'm still a little congested but it's better than earlier this week. Maybe tonight I'll let mommy and daddy get some sleep, well probably not but don't tell them :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

2 Weeks Old

So this is my first blog. I'm Corbin Tweedell and I was born October 1, 2009. My mom had a blog for a little while but she never updated it, so I decided to create my own so all my friends and family could keep up with what I'm doing. Since I'm only two weeks old my schedule is pretty easy right now...just wake up, eat, and go back to sleep oh and give my mom a million things to worry about. I've had one Dr. appointment since I was brought home from the hospital. My Dr. said I was gaining weight fine and he talked to mom and dad mostly. She had a ton of questions! She is so silly, she even asked the Dr. about me sleeping so much and he laughed at her; if I could I would have laughed too! So I'm gonna try each day to write a little bit about what I did and if I have time I'll try to post a picture too.

So today it was cold outside and rainy so mom decided we needed something to do inside. What did she come up with? Take pictures of us dressed in camo. I had other plans because once she laid me down I wet my entire outfit! She had to change me but at least she got her pictures done first.

My cold is a little bit better. Mom has been using that blue bulb thing in my nose to help me breathe. I really don't mind it if she will do it while I'm sleeping. Granny and Harold came over today to sit with me while Mom and Dad ran to Babies R Us to get me wedge for my bed. I really like it! I sure can breathe better. Maybe tonight I will let Mom get a little more sleep than last night. It sure is boring to be awake by myself so I always cry to get Mom or Dad's attention.

Well that's all for today. I'll be sure to post again tomorrow with more exciting news I'm sure Mom and Dad will come up with something exciting to do!