Saturday, July 30, 2011


So lately mommy and me had been talking a lot about bees. Well I love bugs and everything is a bee to me. Mommy says all the bugs have names, ants, beetles, stink bugs, flys, fleas, etc. but to me they are all bees. Today I learned a big lesson in bees. They will STING!!!!! We were playing outside at Granny's house and I was running around barefooted because who likes shoes? Not me. Anyway I was running full force and then I felt it! I sat down on the ground and started crying. Mommy picked me up thinking I had stumped my toe since I was holding it. When she looked at the bottom she saw something in my foot. Granny pulled it out and they thought it was "fire" grass til I told them it was a bee. Sure enough a bee stung me and left his stinger in my foot. Boy did it hurt. Luckily daddy had left his first aid kit in mommy's car. She had everything in there to make it all better. Then mommy surprised me with a little gift since I was feeling bad. I got a foam maker. I'll have to get pictures of it soon. So that's been my day. Stupid bees :( I don't think I'll be bringing home any baby bumbles bees anytime soon.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

16 days later...'s been a few days since I blogged last. Apparently I'm too busy. My days are more interesting than ever! I'm always learning something new and testing my limits :) Since it's been a while I thought I would take the time to let you know what I do during a typical day. So I usually wake up around 9 or 9:30 and if it's by 9 am I get to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (my favorite-well that and Spongebob). Mommy keeps a big blanket and pillow on the couch just for snuggling in the morning. While I'm watching my show mommy usually makes me breakfast. My favorites are biscuits or toaster strudels. Then we read some books or if it's not too hot we go outside and play. We usually play cars or ball. Sometimes we get bored so we walk to Granny and Harold's to see what is going on over there (which is always something fun) If it's during the week we stay until Aunt Sharon and Uncle D come for lunch. I eat yogurt with Aunt Sharon and fruit with Uncle D, but today was extra special because I got to try sunflower seeds (and I loved them). Then we usually head back home once they leave. We come home and start getting lunch ready for daddy. When it's time to wake daddy up; mommy opens the bedroom door then I jump on the bed until we finally get daddy up. We have lunch and watch tv. Then for some reason mommy and daddy try to convince me to take a nap (BORING!!!) if I give in and take a nap I usually sleep about an hour to an hour and a half. When I wake up we play until it's time for daddy to go to work. Then we head back to Granny and Harold's to play. If we don't have dinner with Granny we come back home later on and mommy cooks. Then it's bath time and play time again. Then somewhere around midnight I get ready for bed. Now this isn't my favorite time of the day nor is it mommy's. I usually put up a fight and we usually both end up crying. Every once in a while when mommy actually lets me skip my nap I do go to bed without fighting her but that's just not normal. Want to hear something kind of gross that I did today? Tonight while mommy was cooking dinner I went to our bathroom and washed my hands. Mommy was so proud of me. Until she realized that I couldn't reach the sink and I had washed my hands in the toliet! She screamed that it was dirty. Looked like clean blue water to me. Oh well. Well we have a semi-busy weekend coming up. We are having the Bay's over Saturday for a cookout and we might be going to visit Aunt Lindsay Sunday. Guess we will just see how it goes. Sorry about not blogging every night. Maybe I can ask mommy to fill in some nights :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Breaking News!!!!

Breaking News!!!!

Independence Day isn't about me being Independent. :( I will find out more about this holiday and let you know tonight.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Name Is...

Corbin! I finally understand. My name isn't JJ although I thought it was. I'm still a little confused because mommy calls me Corbino, Daddy calls me Scooter, Harold calls me HOT, Granny calls me everything but Corbin, but I think it's my name. We were looking at baby pictures last night and I saw pictures of me when I was first born and I said "baby"...then mommy asked me what is that baby's name? Of course I know that is Baby Corbin. Then she kept pointing to me and saying Corbin. I played along and said Corbin. YAY!!!! Mommy gets so excited at everything I do :)

And mommy has been telling everyone how independent I am and guess what? Apparently tomorrow everyone is celebrating it! Tomorrow is Independence Day! I am super excited to have a day all to myself. We are going to Granny and Harold's early in the morning for an ALL day cookout. Lots of fun and lots of food. Oh and lots and lots of swimming! YAY! I'll let you know how my day goes tomorrow! Night night!