Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Birthday Countdown

So it's Wednesday already and Saturday is just around the corner.  Mommy and Daddy have been working hard on lot of projects for my party.  I think mommy said there are about 28 adults coming and 17 kids so far.  That's a lot people to play with me.  Mommy showed me some pictures from my birthday last year and I think I might remember some of it.  Looked fun though.  We've been watching the news to see if it is going to rain on Saturday because if it does boy are we in trouble!  I'm hoping that we don't have to cancel my party.  Daddy has to work today and tomorrow so not sure we will get anything else accomplished.  Daddy took us to Olive Garden last night for dinner and boy was it good.  I'm not crazy about waiting so long to get our food but it was good.  We went to Target afterwards and daddy bought me a bag of dinosaurs!!!  I love them.  I looked at the toys and dreamed about what I might for my birthday.  As if I really need them!  I guess I need to go and get ready to go to Granny's. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Nothing much going on here.  Mommy has been crazy lately.  With working on the birthday stuff, trying to keep the house clean with me messing everything up, and just life in general she is tired all the time.  I've been pretty much glued to my dvd player lately despite mommy trying to play with me or get me to do something else.  I love my monsters inc movie and I love Racing Stripes.  Today I have been really ill.  Mommy took my dvd player away :(  She and I played cars, read books, and played outside so I didn't really miss it.  I have been kind of blah these past few days.  No fever just runny nose and watery eyes.  It hasn't slowed me down just made me a little ill.  So in 5 days I will 2.  I can pretty much do anything these days.  I love to talk, run, and watch movies.  I wear a size 5 diaper (which hopefully I will catch on to that potty thin soon so I don't have to wear them anymore; mommy has even promised me a party once I get the hang of it) I wear a size 3 clothes, and a size 8 shoe.  I have outgrown most of my shoes so I know a new pair is in the future.  I love to ask for "beer" which is really root beer but I'm not too crazy about it anymore.  I love 7 up and orange drink.  I love vegetables and I hate meat.  I will eat a chicken nugget every once in a while.  My favorite restuarant is Golden's On The Square.  I still sleep with my mommy which works for me.  I love to snuggle up next to her or daddy.  That's about all that is new with me.  I guess we will be busy this week trying to get everything ready for the party.  I've got to help daddy work in the yard tomorrow because Aunt Lindsay is supposed to come to GA for my party and I think she is going to spend the night too.  We've got to get our yard nice and pretty for her.  Ok so I'm going to bed.  Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Home Sweet Home

My first two pets...Spongebob and Mr. Crabs
Ok you can't be mad at me that I haven't posted since we've been back.  I've tried; more than once.  It kept saying error.  So anyway we made a few stops Sunday morning and headed back to Georgia.  We went by Walmart so daddy could get mommy a surprise then we went by the Shell Shop.  It's mommy's favorite store in Panama City and she says she always saves it for the last day.  I had a fun time looking at all the big shells they have.  But guess what Granny and Harold bought me?  My first two pets.  I got two hermit crabs!  One is yellow with a football on him.  His name is Spongebob.  And then there is a red one with a monster on him.  His name is Mr. know Spongebob and Mr. Crabs :)  See above picture :)  I had planned on uploading a lot of pictures but it's taking forever!  Anyway after the shell shop we headed home.  I watched my movies and was pretty content.  We stopped at Ryan's in Dothan, Alabama.  I was more interested in running around than eating though.  We made one last stop in Eufula, Alabama to feed the alligators one more time.  Then we were Georgia bound.  The ride home was so much better than the ride down there.  Once we got home I got to go see JJ, Nana, Jeri, Will, and Cailyn.  After visiting for a little while we went and had dinner at Golden's on the Square; my favorite place to eat!  Monday we didn't do much, we did go see Maw Maw but that was about it.  Tuesday was pretty boring.  I stayed with Granny for an hour or two yesterday so mommy could clean.  We had dinner last night with The Bay's.  They are going to Florida this weekend and since it's the girls birthday we took them their gifts early.  We had dinner at Stevie B's (my second favorite place to eat).  And last night when we got home the prison had called daddy and told him he had to come into work today :(  So daddy had to go in to work for a little while this  morning.  Me and mommy worked on some birthday stuff and when daddy got home we went and did a little birthday shopping.  The countdown has begun.  I've got 8 days til my birthday! I'm so excited to see everyone!  So that's about all.  Tomorrow is Friday and mommy said if my nose isn't running tomorrow we might go to JJ's school and see him for lunch.  Daddy has to work this weekend so we have no plans.  Thank goodness I'm still tired from vacation!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Vacation Night Number 2

Well it's night time here in PCB (that's Panama City Beach for my little friends that haven't been)  After a little nap today I was up and ready to hit the beach again.  Daddy needed to nap for a little bit and Harold and Granny had to get Harold's glasses fixed so me and mommy made our way to the pool but it was too cold so we settled for the beach.  We saw a jellyfish and we played in the water for just a little bit.  Since mommy isn't crazy about the ocean we decided to take a walk.  Well my silly mommy didn't pack me anything to drink so we had to make a pit stop at the store down the road for a drink then it was back to the room.  Daddy got up and got ready for dinner.  Mommy had me some veggies in the fridge so she heated them up and I had my dinner.  Then they dropped me off at Granny and Harold's room while they went and ate seafood.  I'm glad I got to stay with Granny and Harold and I'm glad mommy and daddy got to spend some time alone, they always seem happier when they come back.  Mommy usually has a hard time leaving me and I do too but I guess it's good for us too.  Granny and Harold took me back to the beach and I hauled water from the ocean back to the sand for them.  When mommy and daddy got back they took me to Walmart and I got a an airbrushed t-shirt, a Barney DVD, and a new Monster's Inc. DVD.  Before coming back to our "home" we ran by McDonald's and got chicken nuggets, apples, and fries.  We ate our snack then we headed back to the beach one last time for the night.  We saw three sting rays, one jelly fish and mommy even found Mr. Crabs...ok mommy just found a little crab but she called him Mr. Crabs. :)  After the beach we came back to our room and had yogurt and pudding.  My two favorite things at the moment.  Then it was bath time.  I had to have my hair washed tonight :(  Now I've had my bath and I think I'll cuddle in the bed with mommy til I fall asleep.  It's nice having a bed all to ourselves, and I'm sure daddy is enjoying more than an inch of bed too.  Thank goodness tomorrow night we will all be back in our bed.  Me and mommy taking up the whole thing and daddy scrambling for a small spot on the bed and some covers.  I've enjoyed my first trip to Florida and I love the beach and I'm so glad that I got to come with Granny and Harold but I sure will be glad when we are home.  I'll try to remember to blog tomorrow but I may be running around like a crazy boy since I'll be at home and back to my normal routine!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vacation Day 1 and Day 2

So yesterday was the big day.  We got up really early (well early for me since I went to bed kind of late).  We met Granny and Harold at Golden Corral and ate breakfast.   Then by 9 am we were on the road.  Boy did we ride a long way.  We stopped a few times.  Once in a place that had alligators.  Granny knew just what they liked to eat; marshmallows!  Boy those little gators ate all of them while the big ones just watched.  That was the highlight of the trip.  Despite me tellling mommy I wanted to go home she didn't turn around, although I think she might have wanted to a few times.  Daddy slept all the way here, which made for a boring car ride home.  So anyway after we got here we checked in at our home away from home and I had a ball jumping on our beds and throwing pillows everywhere.  Then it was the big moment I got to go on the beach.  I've mastered saying it and usually when I say it we go.  I loved the water.  I fell a few times when the waves came in but for the most part it is fun.  We went to the All American Diner for late lunch/early dinner and it was yucky.  We did a little riding around then we went to the pier and watch big boats come in and bring all the fish they had caught.  It smelled yucky.  Last night mommy and daddy took me to Pier Park and we walked around and looked at all the rides at the Miracle Strip then we had dinner at Cici's pizza and it was yucky too. :(  The food down here isn't good at all.  No vegetables at any of the fast food places.  We couldn't find a Golden's down here must be a Newnan thing.  After dinner we went and played putt putt golf.  Boy was the fun.  I threw my ball all over the place.  And even though mommy and daddy says that isn't the way we are supposed to play it seemed more fun than what they were doing.  After playing golf I was so tired.  We came home and I got my bath and crashed for the night.  Today has been just as eventful but without all the driving.  When I woke up this morning mommy had gone to get our breakfast.  We had donuts, coffee, juice, cereal, and grits.  Oh and a big ol' banana.  We ate breakfast in bed which never happens at home.  Then we went to the beach.  It was so nice and cool.   Mommy built some sandcastles while me and daddy played in the ocean.  We saw a jellyfish and daddy took me far out in the ocean and saw fish.  When we came back in we all got a shower and headed out for some lunch.  We ate lunch at Scampy's.  I was so happy because they actually had veggies!  I had rice, okra, and green beans.  Then we went to see about riding a boat but the boat tour lasted three hours and mommy was afraid that was too long for me.  So we ended up at the zoo.  We had a great time and I got to feed lots of animals.  The lady at the zoo even asked me to help feed the giraffe!  Her name was Syndey.  When we left there we went to the Works Museum.  It looks like a house that is upside down.  It was crazy.  We got to feel like what it would be like to be inside a hurricane.  I played games, blew bubbles, put on a space suit, walk through a crazy walk way, sit on seat and pull myself up in the sky, that place had everything.  But before I could see it all I fell asleep.  Now we are back at the room.  Granny and Harold have gone to Sam's so they can get Harold's glasses fixed and daddy is sleeping.  I think me and mommy try to go swimming or maybe we can go shopping.  Even though this isn't home I'm having a little bit of fun but I sure do miss home.  Mommy brought toys and my couch but I miss JJ, Nana, and everybody else.  But we will head home tomorrow so I'm going to enjoy my time here.  Mommy left the camera in the car and the battery is dead so maybe tomorrow it will be charged and I can include some pictures :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What A Day!!!!

This morning when I woke up mommy was already up.  She had my breakfast ready when I came in the living room and I knew what that meant; she had plans.  First we dropped off two bags of clothes at a school nearby.  Then we went to Granny and Harold's to pick up some stuff.  We went to the bank next and Miss Linda gave me Smarties :)  Then it was off to the water department, the tag office, and then to the Nextel store to take back Harold's phone.  While we were there I was pretty much tired of doing mommy errands so I decided to run and grab everything I could reach.  Well there was a police in there and he saw mommy struggling with me and he thought he would help.  He told me to be nice and mind my mommy.  Mommy pointed out that he had a gun.  Well was I supposed to be impressed?  Daddy has lots of guns.  So I told mommy "daddy's gun".  Well that made her embarrassed :)  We finally finished up and got some money back for Harold's phone.  We went by Wendy's pick up lunch and then one last stop at Charter to pay our cable bill.  Boy was I tired of riding in the car and doing errands.  Then mommy said I didn't have time for a nap today.  Boy is she regretting that now.  Abby showed up around 3 today and by the time she got there I was ill.  We fought over toys and when I cried she cried. And when she cried I cried.  Mommy said she had always wanted twins....until today :)  We did manage to have some fun outside though.  After Abby left and daddy went to work we went back to Granny's so Robards could change the oil in mommy's car and wash it.  While he was busy with mommy's car Granny and Harold took us to Golden's for dinner.  And while I love Golden's and it's my favorite place to eat I knew if I sat still I would fall asleep so I ran and kept busy.  We came home after that and I got my bath and now I"m ready for bed and mommy is busy doing mommy stuff and getting ready for our trip tomorrow.  Now that should be fun.  Hours and hours in the car with daddy sleeping and me...well me being me.  I'll be blogging tomorrow from another state.  I've never even been to another state!  I'm so excited I probably won't be able to sleep.  Tomorrow I'll try to include pictures with my post!  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Tomorrow is the Big Day

Yes tomorrow is the big day.  But first we must get through today.  I have to wash mommy's car and probably help change the oil.  Mommy has lots of last minute errands to run.  Abby is coming over to play today too while her mom goes to the doctor.  We've got to pack our car and then check the house for anything we might have left behind.  Then early tomorrow morning we will load up and move out.  We are heading to Florida.  Mommy says it's called the sunshine state so I'm guessing I will get to the meet the sun since it's his home right?  I've never been in the car longer than an hour or two so this should be fun.  Well just thought I would go ahead and blog this morning since my nights have gotten a little later this week.  When daddy is home I hate to sleep so he lets me go downstairs and play which means later bedtime, then when he goes back to work mommy has a hard time getting me to sleep.  I was close to 1 am when I went to the bed last night.  Oh boy mommy hasn't happy.  Well I'm going to go and finish packing and get ready to help Harold work on the cars.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll blog from the great place of Florida!