Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm Back

I'm back and better than ever! I can walk, talk, and do pretty much anything I long as mommy and daddy aren't watching :) It's been quiet a while since I last blogged. Let's see in about two weeks I turn 2!!! Can you believe it? I've done so much in the past two years that I can't imagine what else is coming. This summer was great. I've gotten to play with my cousins, swim, go to the park, play with friends, play on my own personal playground, and spend lots of time with my parents, which by the way are pretty cool, well to be parents anyway. My mom has been planning my birthday forever and it's coming up pretty fast. Everyday we work on another project for the party. Banners, a fence, vests, and so much more. I just hope everyone knows how much time mommy has put into this party. I'm so excited to have horses at my party and all my friends too.
So Harold and Granny are treating us to a vacation this year. I heard mommy and daddy talk about a staycation. Which turned out to be just like our usual days. Granny and Harold have been talking about a place called Florida. Mommy has been running around like crazy this week packing a bag. She has put everything in our bags. Clothes, socks, shoes, my new toothbrush, my body wash, my shampoo, I"m beginning to wonder if we are coming back home or if we are moving to Florida. Harold says we are going to build frog houses and play in the sand. Now I remember playing in some blue sand mommy bought for my sand and water table. That didn't last long. I poured all the sand out of my table and now we have blue spots in our yard. Mommy has been excited about putt putt golf. Now I've got a golf set at Granny's but mommy says it's different in Florida. Apparently mommy likes putt putt golf and she's pretty good at it; she even showed me a paper where she beat daddy on their honeymoon. Mommy booked us a room tonight in Florida and we leave Friday. I've gotta help Harold wash the cars tomorrow and get them ready to go. Daddy has to work Friday so we won't be able to leave until he gets home.
So other than the whole Florida thing let me catch you up on what's going on around here. Daddy got a new gun today. He got a Glock .45 ACP. We drove a long way to go get it. I got to hear him shoot it tonight and boy is it loud. Our computer here at home bit the dust as mommy says so we had to get a new one. Mommy picked out a laptop and now I want one too. Mommy showed me some today at Walmart and I think I'll ask Santa for one. Which did you know Christmas is coming again this year? What could I possibly ask for this year? Mommy and Daddy bought me a big bed. No more baby bed for me. Which I honestly only slept in my baby bed maybe three times. And that was only for a nap. I haven't slept in my bed at night only during the day. Me and mommy like to cuddle together at night. We celebrated mommy's 28th birthday about two weeks ago. Daddy and I bought mommy a new mattress for her futon in my toy room. I love sitting on it and watching Good Luck Charlie. That's my favorite show. I love Charlie. Mommy and daddy have been working hard to make my play room more fun for me. So I'm almost two and I'm talking up a storm. I can say anything I want too really. I'm learning all about opposites. I know that if something isn't inside it's outside and if it's not hot it's cold. Mommy and daddy say I'm very smart but I think all mommy's and daddy's probably say that. But in my case it's true ;) Oh and let me tell you what I did during church. We had homecoming and we haven't been to church lately. Did I mention that I love root beer, well it's kind of important to this story, anyway, we are in church and after church we were going to have lunch. Mommy had brought me some root beer to drink, so Harold asks mommy what did she bring me to drink and she whispered root beer, well she said it just loud enough that I could hear. Well that's all I needed to hear. I hollered out "I want a beer" mommy was so embarrassed and daddy laughed. Daddy thought it was so funny and mommy was just red in the face. Hey I'm a boy what do you expect? Anyway I got my root beer and all was well. Well I think it about it. I'm sure I will think of something I've forgotten tomorrow but for tonight that's all. And I promise I'm gonna blog every night...or at least every other night. :)

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