Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Birthday Countdown
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Home Sweet Home
My first two pets...Spongebob and Mr. Crabs |
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Vacation Night Number 2
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Vacation Day 1 and Day 2
Thursday, September 15, 2011
What A Day!!!!
Tomorrow is the Big Day
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
A Day In My Life
I'm Back
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
16 days later...
Monday, July 4, 2011
Breaking News!!!!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
My Name Is...
And mommy has been telling everyone how independent I am and guess what? Apparently tomorrow everyone is celebrating it! Tomorrow is Independence Day! I am super excited to have a day all to myself. We are going to Granny and Harold's early in the morning for an ALL day cookout. Lots of fun and lots of food. Oh and lots and lots of swimming! YAY! I'll let you know how my day goes tomorrow! Night night!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Happy Birthday
Loves and Not So Much
Here is a quick list of my favorite things at the moment:
Let's start with my current obsession: Abby Sandlin. Yep my first best friend. We get each other you know. We like to run, play, and have snacks together. I love having play dates with her and her brother Cullen. We always laugh when we are together and we seem to pick up on each others habits. If I'm acting up mommy will just mention Abby and all in my little world seems OK at least for that moment. Abby is my best bud and I know we have some many things to do together as we get older. I do believe she and I are in for a big Halloween this year. Our moms have already started planning for us. More on that later.
I love food. All food. I love pizza from Stevie B's, cheese, applesauces, yogurt, lima beans, potatoes, mac and cheese, fresh strawberries, bananas, oatmeal, apples, blackberries, olives, oh how I love food.
I love to look at videos of me. Mommy says I'm vain but daddy says I get it honest. Mommy has a video of herself when she was little and she has forced daddy to watch it more than his fair share of times.
Hot Wheels...enough said.
Painting on my huge easel with sidewalk paint. *note to self must post picture tomorrow*
Going to The Mix for frozen yogurt with my mom and dad...ok I guess this should fall under food.
Ok no for my dislikes
I do not like little boys...ok let me clarify...I don't like little boys that can walk but are smaller than me. Baby Cullen is ok...but some kid tonight at Golden Corral was eyeing me and I wasn't liking it. Not ONE BIT. I grunted at him, but mommy said that wasn't nice.
I still don't like sleep. I do like sleep during the day once I stay up all night. I managed to keep mommy and daddy up til 2:30 last Monday.
I don't like when my food breaks.
I don't like riding in my new carseat. Mommy says we might just switch back to my old one for a few more months.
For the most part I think I'm pretty easy to get a long with. I'm generally a happy boy. I can't believe in a matter of a few months I'll be 2. Mommy of course is in mad woman planning mode. Well that's all for tonight. Better go grab a nap so I can pull another all nighter :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It's H.O.T.!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Where has time gone?

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Behind on Blogging
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day

Here is me and mommy riding in a horse and buggy last Christmas. Mommy is good at finding fun things to do...and free fun things to do. I love that we do lots of fun things!
And last picture...this pretty much sums up how I feel about my mommy! She's the best for me!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Easter Sunday 2011

When I woke up Sunday morning the Easter Bunny had been! Look at all this stuff! I got 24 hot wheels, 2 tractor trailers to haul my cars, a suction cup basket ball set, a pop ball, a baby chicken (not a real one!), Cars Tattoos, peeps, banana marshmallows, a bug net, suckers, marshmellow bunnies covered with chocolate, reese's peanut butter eggs, and lots of m&m's.

Here's me in my Easter outfit; ready for the fun to begin! Easter morning Jamie and Will got to stay with me and mommy instead of going to church. We had a great time playing cars. We had Easter lunch at our house then it was on to hunting eggs!

And one last basket to finish up Easter! My basket from Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert. The basket had a book, a car, some marshmallow bunnies, two little people things, and three pouches of applesauce but I ate them all soon as I saw them! Super yummy!
So all in all I had a great Easter, much better than the last one. I was super tired from all the hunting and eating! Hope everyone else had a great Easter as well!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Busy Busy Busy

What a pile of junk huh?
When I got back from the junk yard Granny suprised me with my Easter basket. I got one from her and one from Harold. Here is mine from's full of candy, jelly beans, a new towel, a ball, cars, m&m cup, a stuffed animal and so much more. Harold gave me one with two balls and a sports bottle. Mommy wanted to get a picture of it but I tore it open before she could.
After I opened my Easter Basket and played for a while. Harold paid me for working so hard this morning. Want to know how much I got?
Wasn't much work but boy did it pay off!
Mommy said I have enough to buy one big toy or a bunch of small ones! Daddy says I should put my money in my savings account. We will see...
I think I better go grab a nap because I'm going off with Harold tonight by myself for the 1st time, well being gone with long. We are going to get Mac and Cheese pizza for dinner and then on the way home from the races we are going to the Waffle House!!!! Yummy! And tomorrow is we sure are going to stay busy!
Monday, April 18, 2011
On My Big Green Tractor
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Play Date and More
I Blew It
Monday, April 11, 2011
Go Go Go
Sunday, April 10, 2011
18 Months
- I'm 18 months old
- I weigh 28 lbs. and 6 oz.
- I'm 33 1/2 inches tall
- I wear a 2T or 24 months and a size 6-7 shoe and the wider the better
- I wear a size 5 diaper but I love to sport my under ware around the house
- I'm obsessed with going to the bathroom and using the potty but I just have gotten the hang of it just yet
- I love to play cars, my favorite ones are roll backs and trucks with beds that I can haul stuff around in
- I still love to read books, I can pick out all kinds of stuff if you ask me; seriously just ask me I love to show off
- I can name all my major body parts
- Mommy is trying to teach me to count to three, I've got the number 1 down so far
- I love to clean up my room and I clean up every time I get done with one thing. (Yep mommy is very proud of me and sometimes she offers to do it, but it's my mess so I have to clean it up)
- Friday night (April 8, 2011) I slept from 10:30-7:00, that is the most I've ever slept at one time. Mommy was so proud of me she danced around the living room with me all morning
- I say lots of words, my favorite word is Yeah :)
Well that's it for my 18 months post. Can't believe in 6 months I will be 2. I wonder what being 2 will be like? Mommy has already started planning my party :)
I Heart Spring
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Bumble Bee
Friday, April 8, 2011
What A Week!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

And here is the black eye that I got when I fell at the park. If you think my eye looks bad you should have seen the table I hit!
I napped while we headed to the next party. We went to McDonough, GA to help Mr. Scott Hall celebrate his 40th birthday! They have a huge house and a huge back yard just big enough for me to run around. They had a jump house, balls, a swing set, and lots of kids for me to play with. They had a ton of food and lots of cake. I had a great time. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. Here is me playing with Kyllie.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Lesson Learned

it's time for a hair cut!

Of course we went to Zany Cuts here in Newnan. I had 5 suckers (ok I had maybe two licks on each one before they were covered in hair) and 3 cheese balls. When I got done they gave me two tokens so I could get a prize. I got a big green sticky hand. I sat in Thomas the Train this time to have my hair cut and I watched the Disney channel so it wasn't so bad :)

And here is my new hair cut! Mommy says I look like a little man :)
I have a doctor's appointment Friday and we have a super busy weekend...three birthday parties and hopefully we will have a little time for me and daddy to play cars. Hope everyone enjoys there weekend!
Monday, March 28, 2011
My Loot
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Boring Weekend
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Best Day Ever
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Yellow, Big Truck, Blue
Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday in the Sun

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Tomorrow is the BIG Day
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Jump til you Drop
Who is the Luckiest Kid Ever?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Rain Rain Go Away
Monday, March 7, 2011
Are You Ready to Take Flight?

So that's my airplane. I hope that this summer me and my buddies get a lot of use out of it. I can't wait til all my friends are over we can go everywhere on my long as we don't leave my yard!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Play Ground Update

After lots of time this is what it looked it. Geez this is going to take FOREVER! (Daddy has done more but we haven't taken a picture yet...and we are hoping that the weather will warm back up and STOP raining so daddy can finish it!)

Meanwhile; while daddy was busy working on the swing set mommy put together my water/sand table. Now the weather just needs to stay warm so I can actually enjoy my stuff!