Monday, March 7, 2011

Are You Ready to Take Flight?

I am! Here is my airplane that Granny and Harold bought me. How cool is it??? I love to spin the thing on the front and I love to drive!

So let me explain how this plane works. As you can see there is a spot for the driver (me!) and then there is room for 6 other passengers (usually my friends or my mommy and Granny). So anyway the people in the middle I guess you can say are passengers, and then the four people on the outside do the work. It's a huge teeter totter. The people in the middle have it easy they are just along for the ride basically.

So that's my airplane. I hope that this summer me and my buddies get a lot of use out of it. I can't wait til all my friends are over we can go everywhere on my long as we don't leave my yard!

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