Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday in the Sun

So Saturday we woke up early and when I say early I mean EARLY! We were up so early that the sun hadn't even woke up yet! Mommy made breakfast and we took it to Granny and Harold's to eat. Then we came back home and daddy started working on the swing set and guess what? He finished it! 310 pieces of wood made one amazing swing set! And would you believe we partied all day Saturday and mommy didn't take one picture of the swing set! I guess she was too busy chasing me around. Anyway...Saturday around 2 pm we had a party...guess it was kind of a Welcome to Corbin's Kingdom, which used to be called mommy and daddy's yard. My Granny and Harold were here, so was Aunt Sharon and Uncle Duane, and My Paw Paw and Maw Maw Tweedell, and then later on Aunt Shellie and Devin came by too. We had hot dogs, baked beans, cole slaw (my new favorite food), potato salad, chips, and blueberry mini cheesecakes. We had a great time running around and having fun. It wore me out! Sunday we more than made up for it though. It was a cloudy cool day and we didn't do anything but lay around. So spring is here and it brought yucky pollen with it. Makes me sneeze and have a runny nose therefore Spring isn't my favorite season. We had a great time on daddy's three day weekend but I'm kind of glad we are getting back into a schedule; well at least for the next two days then daddy will be off again! Hope everyone is enjoying Spring so far! Blog ya later. Oh and enjoy the pictures.

Here is me and my dad! Best dad ever!
Here is me and Devin playing on the trampoline
And here is me and Aunt Sharon and Uncle Duane on my Airplane Teeter Totter!

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