So I didn't mention this in my last post because I was so excited about all the stuff I got at the store with Harold, but I have learned a very important lesson lately and I should probably share. So every since I can remember when mommy takes off her wedding rings she places them on the keyboard of the computer. They are always on the first key on the board (I think it's called the escape key.
Ok so the other day while mommy was on the phone and holding me I grabbed her rings while we were sitting down at the desk. I've done this before but I always put them back. Well the other day I thought it would be fun to hide mommy's rings. OK if any of my friends are reading this...listen carefully...DO NOT DO THIS!!!! I put mommy's wedding rings in the bottom of the trash can. Well later on that day mommy started looking for her rings. Daddy said not to worry I probably just laid them down somewhere else. Well mommy looked all day and couldn't find them. When daddy got home from work the next day he must know how guys think so he took all the trash out of the trash bag and on the bottom under wet diapers, green beans, corn, sour cream, and something that he said looked like grape jelly was mommy's wedding rings! YIKES..that was a close one. Mommy said it was her fault because she shouldn't be leaving her rings laying around so I got off on that one! Daddy says I shouldn't play with mommy's jewelry and if I find any laying around to give it back to her. Lesson learned :)
On to today now...I got my hair cut today. Mommy says when you wake up and look like this...
it's time for a hair cut!
Of course we went to Zany Cuts here in Newnan. I had 5 suckers (ok I had maybe two licks on each one before they were covered in hair) and 3 cheese balls. When I got done they gave me two tokens so I could get a prize. I got a big green sticky hand. I sat in Thomas the Train this time to have my hair cut and I watched the Disney channel so it wasn't so bad :)
And here is my new hair cut! Mommy says I look like a little man :)
I have a doctor's appointment Friday and we have a super busy weekend...three birthday parties and hopefully we will have a little time for me and daddy to play cars. Hope everyone enjoys there weekend!
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