Yesterday was full of fun! We started off by going to the park and celebrating Garrett Riffe's 1st Birthday. He had a Cars birthday party and we had a great time. We had hot dogs, chips, and most importantly CAKE!!!! Garrett got lots of toys, he even got a few Big Trucks that I didn't have! Maybe I can go play with him one day! I got to run around at the park and play and boy was that fun. Here is Garrett opening a few gifts and enjoying his chair that he got for his birthday!

And here is the black eye that I got when I fell at the park. If you think my eye looks bad you should have seen the table I hit!
I napped while we headed to the next party. We went to McDonough, GA to help Mr. Scott Hall celebrate his 40th birthday! They have a huge house and a huge back yard just big enough for me to run around. They had a jump house, balls, a swing set, and lots of kids for me to play with. They had a ton of food and lots of cake. I had a great time. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. Here is me playing with Kyllie.
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