Well I finished out last week with Cailyn's 7th Birthday party
, then I helped Harold move my playhouse from his house to my house.

Then want to know what happened? I got sick. Not just "ewww...I don't feel good sick". I mean vomit, mess up anything within a 2 foot radius sick. I threw up cake, ice cream, hot dog, all my dinner, EVERYTHING! Sometimes when my allergies go crazy it makes me sick but not like this. Well I went to bed but I didn't stay there long. I was sick ALL night long and so was daddy. Mommy said she would wake up and hear daddy in the bathroom and before she could fall asleep I was up doing the same thing. I think in the past 5 days mommy has changed the their bed three times (since I've been snuggling with mommy and daddy) and she was washed every burp cloth and cloth diaper in our house. Mom called the doctor Wednesday because I hasn't able to keep any food down, they said DO NOT come to the office because there was two stomach bugs going around, one last 24 hours and the other lasts 1 week. Guess which one me and daddy have? Yep you guessed it the week long one. And since I'm such a sweet sharing little boy I shared our stomach bug with granny and mommy has had a touch of it. Daddy took a day off work Monday because he was so sick. It sure did stink having daddy home for an extra day when he's sick. Normally we would play cars, read books, and run around but we were so sick all we did was lay on the couch and watch the Disney channel. We were supposed to have a fun play date with the Bay's today but mommy had to cancel because I got sick in the middle of the night and she was sick last night too. So it's been one rough week. And to top it all off daddy has to work all weekend. I'm still not 100%. I have only puked twice today so that's an improvement. Hopefully by next week I will be back to my normal self. I have a play date next week with a new baby so I'm excited. Ok so he's a lot younger than me, so I'm super excited to show him how to get into EVERYTHING! Hope your week has gone better than ours!
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