Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

So this morning when I got up mommy and I got ready to head to the church for the Easter Egg Hunt. We were going to walk but once we got outside it started to sprinkle. So plan B was to drive. We drove to Granny and Harold's and got Jamie so he could ride with us. I found lots of eggs at the church. I didn't win anything though. I found 39 eggs in all. I think that is pretty good. Mommy was very proud of me!

When I got back I had to work with Harold and take our cans to the junk yard. He is taking me, Robert, Jamie, and Will to the races tonight so I had to work to earn some money. Well here is the load we left with

What a pile of junk huh?

When I got back from the junk yard Granny suprised me with my Easter basket. I got one from her and one from Harold. Here is mine from's full of candy, jelly beans, a new towel, a ball, cars, m&m cup, a stuffed animal and so much more. Harold gave me one with two balls and a sports bottle. Mommy wanted to get a picture of it but I tore it open before she could.

After I opened my Easter Basket and played for a while. Harold paid me for working so hard this morning. Want to know how much I got?


Wasn't much work but boy did it pay off!

Mommy said I have enough to buy one big toy or a bunch of small ones! Daddy says I should put my money in my savings account. We will see...

I think I better go grab a nap because I'm going off with Harold tonight by myself for the 1st time, well being gone with long. We are going to get Mac and Cheese pizza for dinner and then on the way home from the races we are going to the Waffle House!!!! Yummy! And tomorrow is we sure are going to stay busy!

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