Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Go Go

Boy oh boy have we been going all day today. We ran a few errands for Granny this morning then we had to drop mommy's car off to get worked on, then I took a nap, once I got up we went out for dinner (my favorite part), then we went and played with the M&M girls at a strange place. Think my mommy called it a funeral home. Then mommy bought me and daddy some frozen yogurt and the mix. Tonight I had chocolate yogurt, marshmallows, m&m's, and sprinkles. Then we came home and did one of my favorite things, we jumped on the trampoline. Daddy even got on there with me and mommy. We love to jump on the trampoline at night, since it's not hot I can run around much longer. We had a great time, but sadly once we went inside it was time to get ready for bed. That about sums up my day. It's supposed to storm tonight but daddy says if the weather is pretty tomorrow he is going to show me how to cut grass! Sounds fun!

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