Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Name Is...

Corbin! I finally understand. My name isn't JJ although I thought it was. I'm still a little confused because mommy calls me Corbino, Daddy calls me Scooter, Harold calls me HOT, Granny calls me everything but Corbin, but I think it's my name. We were looking at baby pictures last night and I saw pictures of me when I was first born and I said "baby"...then mommy asked me what is that baby's name? Of course I know that is Baby Corbin. Then she kept pointing to me and saying Corbin. I played along and said Corbin. YAY!!!! Mommy gets so excited at everything I do :)

And mommy has been telling everyone how independent I am and guess what? Apparently tomorrow everyone is celebrating it! Tomorrow is Independence Day! I am super excited to have a day all to myself. We are going to Granny and Harold's early in the morning for an ALL day cookout. Lots of fun and lots of food. Oh and lots and lots of swimming! YAY! I'll let you know how my day goes tomorrow! Night night!

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