Saturday, July 30, 2011


So lately mommy and me had been talking a lot about bees. Well I love bugs and everything is a bee to me. Mommy says all the bugs have names, ants, beetles, stink bugs, flys, fleas, etc. but to me they are all bees. Today I learned a big lesson in bees. They will STING!!!!! We were playing outside at Granny's house and I was running around barefooted because who likes shoes? Not me. Anyway I was running full force and then I felt it! I sat down on the ground and started crying. Mommy picked me up thinking I had stumped my toe since I was holding it. When she looked at the bottom she saw something in my foot. Granny pulled it out and they thought it was "fire" grass til I told them it was a bee. Sure enough a bee stung me and left his stinger in my foot. Boy did it hurt. Luckily daddy had left his first aid kit in mommy's car. She had everything in there to make it all better. Then mommy surprised me with a little gift since I was feeling bad. I got a foam maker. I'll have to get pictures of it soon. So that's been my day. Stupid bees :( I don't think I'll be bringing home any baby bumbles bees anytime soon.

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