Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Funday

Me and mommy had a great time today. We woke up and had breakfast. Mommy introduced me to sugar toast! Yummy! Then we read a TON of books. We went outside and worked on my playhouse and I got to help. We had a great lunch with daddy. Mommy made me cheese roll ups and she and daddy had something mexican. Me and daddy watch cartoons and then we went to our guy room while mommy finished up a few things on the playhouse. I had a great nap because I woke up a little bit early and mommy held me so I could get some good rest. We went to Granny and Harold's this afternoon and Granny and Nana had finally got done with my airplane and it's awesome. Tommy (the guy that works for the transport business) is bringing it over tomorrow in the big truck. I'm so excited! I can't wait to post pictures of it! Our yard is going to be full of toys but mommy says that what she wants. Tonight after dinner while mommy was on the phone with Aunt Lindsay I started feeling sick. I cried but mommy couldn't figure out what was wrong. *Sorry Aunt Lindsay, mommy really wanted to talk to you but I was being...well a boy; what else can I say* She tried giving me a bath but that didn't help. Mommy put me on the couch and got ready to put my pajamas on and then it happened; I puked everywhere! GROSS!!!! Daddy says he thinks thats my way of getting rid of all the mucus stuff in my chest. YUCK. I'm tired of being sick, I'm ready to stay outside all day and run around! Oh well maybe it will all be over soon! Daddy is off the next two days so hopefully me and him can work on my swing set and maybe get done with that. I'm ready to swing, fly, climb my rock wall, and slide! I'm one lucky little kid! Night night!

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