Well we finally got my swing set after mommy got really mad with the place. And I don't know if you have ever seen mommy mad...well it's not a pretty thing. Anyway before that could happen I got sick Saturday. I puked for the first time. Hey isn't that a funny word; puke. I laugh when I hear it because it's just funny to me, but it's not funny to do it. Mommy did call the doctor Monday because I hadn't eaten anything or kept anything down since Saturday morning but thank goodness I didn't have to go see the doctor. Now it's Friday and I've been sick for about a week now and I guess since I'm such a good boy I decided to share my sickness with mommy; so now she has it too. We are both feeling better but I'm so ready to be over all this so I can run outside and play. So daddy worked on my swing set all day Thursday and he got about 1/3 of the way through, at least that's what he said. When I finally see the swings up I'll be excited! I can't wait. My play dates are going to be the BEST! Granny and Nana worked on putting together my air plane for my play ground and mommy put together my sand box/water table. I am one lucky little boy! I can't wait for the summer!!!! Ok I think I'm going to bed to get some extra rest tonight. I sure do miss daddy being at home tonight. I've been going downstairs with him every night and watching movies with him until I fall asleep. Mommy took me down there tonight but I kept asking for daddy. At least she tried but who is she kidding, she's no daddy. And I don't think I'm going to tell daddy that I let mommy in our guy room, he might get mad! Ha ha ha. Happy Weekend Everyone!
Oh and I just wanted to mention that my best bud Abby walked today all by herself at the park! I wish I had been there to see it! Way to go Abby!
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