Wow where do I start? Well since the last blog three people have had birthdays that are very close to me. The first one we celebrated was Devin's birthday. Devin, Aunt Shellie, and Grandmaw came over to have dinner with us for Devin's birthday. Devin wanted an alien cake and mommy tried her best to find aliens (I know because we spent all day in the car looking for some) for his cake but we didn't find any, so she did what she could...she made cupcakes and shaped them like an alien's head. Devin said it looked more like Squidward from Spongebob, but I don't think it tasted good! Devin got to decide what was for dinner and he picked some yummy stuff. Mommy made shrimp, mac and cheese, carrots, and hush puppies. Can't wait til my birthday next year so I can pick what we have! I think i'll ask for pizza...from Stevie B' will make me and mommy both happy; I get pizza and she doesn't have to cook. :) After dinner Devin opened his gifts. We gave me a Cuponk game and so did Granny and he got extra cuponk balls. We had a great time playing. If I can get the pictures to upload you will see me playing with them. Now onto birthday number 2. Ian that I met at baby time turned one last Saturday. So me and mommy loaded up and went to his 1st birthday party. He had a winnie the pooh party. We got really cool party hats and they had lots of balloons. PERFECT PARTY!!! I love balloons. Miss Rebecca made lasagna and boy was it yummy. We had a great time and Ian got lots of cool gifts. His cake was awesome! And now on to birthday number three; Daddy's. Yesterday was daddy's birthday. Daddy says once you get older birthdays are just another day. I don't think so. Anytime you get a chance to eat lots of cake and ice cream isn't just another day. Mommy and I got up early so we would be up when daddy got home from work. Mommy made birthday pancakes (they were shaped like balloons) and bacon. Then for lunch we had chili dogs and cheese puffs. For dinner we had Pasta bake and Toast. YUMMY food ALL DAY LONG! We gave daddy a dvd for his birthday...did you expect that? Mommy and daddy spent most of daddy's birthday trying to get his tag for his car which stinks. I'm glad my birthdays are all about cake and gifts :) So that wraps up our birthday palooza weekend! I'm exhausted from partying.
And on a side note, last Friday Aunt Sharon came and picked me up for the first time. I got to go to her office with her and see everyone, then she took me to Uncle D's office to see lots of new people. Then we went back to her house to play. I had a great time getting to see Buddy and Shadow. I think mommy missed me but I'm pretty sure she enjoyed a little shopping while I was gone! Thanks Aunt Sharon for the fun time, can't wait til you come get me when are you coming?
*And I tried again to upload pictures not sure why it won't let me :(
Wow! You've been a busy boy!