Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where has time gone?

Holy cow it's been a while since I last posted a blog. So let's see...where do I begin? Daddy took a whole week off last week. Well not like a whole week just two days but since it was his short week, he had the entire week off. I can't begin to tell you how much fun we had with him. It was great having him here when I went to bed and here when I got up. Even though I got completely off any sort of schedule mom might have tried to put me on, we all had a great time. They even took me to zoo! And you can tell by this picture that I fit right in :)

We pretty much stayed home the rest of the week. Dad even invited someone he works with over to the house Friday night. And guess what we have now? Air conditioning!!!! Can you believe it. This is the first time since I was born they have had air. It's awesome!!!!! Did I mention in my last blog I got a police car???? I will have to post pictures of that soon. Well it's really late and mom is tired so I've gotta go. I promise from today forward that I will try to blog a little bit every night....pinky promise :)

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