Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's H.O.T.!!!

Look at me blogging two days in a row. Amazing I know :) Did you go outside to play today? Well my mommy wouldn't let me! Well not until late this afternoon. I thought at first she was just being rude...ha not my mommy! Once we did go outside I figured out why she hadn't let me play outside all day. It was super HOT. When we got in the car to go eat pizza her car said it was 109 degrees!!!! It did go down to 97 but apparently that's still HOT! We cooled off this afternoon in the pool. Once we got home, mommy got ready to cook dinner and daddy checked the messages on the phone. Abby had called and she was going to the park so what did we do? We headed to the park to see her! Of course we all had a great time. Mommy held the baby and Abby and I ran threw the sprinklers. Then we topped off our great day at Golden's on the Square. I sure am tired though. (I've talked mommy into letting me skip my naps during the day now. How? I go to bed around 10 at night now instead of 1 or 2.) I like it better and most of the days mommy does too. So that's all for today. Daddy is off tomorrow too. Hopefully we will find something fun and cool to do! Oh and I would have posted pictures from playing in the water today but someone (MOM) has lost the camera!

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