Thursday, June 23, 2011

Loves and Not So Much

So I'm 20 months old now and my likes and dislikes are perfectly clear. Some drive my mommy and daddy crazy! Want to know what they are? Well either way I'm going to tell you.

Here is a quick list of my favorite things at the moment:

Let's start with my current obsession: Abby Sandlin. Yep my first best friend. We get each other you know. We like to run, play, and have snacks together. I love having play dates with her and her brother Cullen. We always laugh when we are together and we seem to pick up on each others habits. If I'm acting up mommy will just mention Abby and all in my little world seems OK at least for that moment. Abby is my best bud and I know we have some many things to do together as we get older. I do believe she and I are in for a big Halloween this year. Our moms have already started planning for us. More on that later.

I love food. All food. I love pizza from Stevie B's, cheese, applesauces, yogurt, lima beans, potatoes, mac and cheese, fresh strawberries, bananas, oatmeal, apples, blackberries, olives, oh how I love food.

I love to look at videos of me. Mommy says I'm vain but daddy says I get it honest. Mommy has a video of herself when she was little and she has forced daddy to watch it more than his fair share of times.

Hot Wheels...enough said.

Painting on my huge easel with sidewalk paint. *note to self must post picture tomorrow*

Going to The Mix for frozen yogurt with my mom and dad...ok I guess this should fall under food.

Ok no for my dislikes

I do not like little boys...ok let me clarify...I don't like little boys that can walk but are smaller than me. Baby Cullen is ok...but some kid tonight at Golden Corral was eyeing me and I wasn't liking it. Not ONE BIT. I grunted at him, but mommy said that wasn't nice.

I still don't like sleep. I do like sleep during the day once I stay up all night. I managed to keep mommy and daddy up til 2:30 last Monday.

I don't like when my food breaks.

I don't like riding in my new carseat. Mommy says we might just switch back to my old one for a few more months.

For the most part I think I'm pretty easy to get a long with. I'm generally a happy boy. I can't believe in a matter of a few months I'll be 2. Mommy of course is in mad woman planning mode. Well that's all for tonight. Better go grab a nap so I can pull another all nighter :)

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