Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where's Daddy?

That's what I wondered last night. I took a late nap while mom made dinner. When I woke up daddy was no where to be found. Mom played with me, read me my book, and got me ready for bed. Still no daddy. I fell asleep thinking my daddy would be there when I woke up. Nope, no such luck. Mommy and I got up this morning and played. She got me dressed for the day and we headed to Granny and Harold's as usual. I waited thinking daddy would show up over there so he and mommy could walk, but nope. Then I remembered that today was daddy's first day at work. Mommy showed me a picture of daddy in his uniform. He looks like a real corrections officer. I feel better knowing where daddy is but I sure did miss our play time today, and I really missed story time with him last night. Maybe tonight I will be awake earlier so we can spend some time together.
Aunt Sharon came over today and played with me til nap time. While I napped mommy cleaned up the house and planned dinner. Now we are just counting down the hours til daddy gets home. Mommy seems kinda lonely so I've been trying to make her smile a lot today. Daddy has been here with mommy so long that she is not used to doing things by herself anymore. I'm sure with time we will adjust and get into a routine.
Well I better go before mommy gets too lonely. I can't wait to tell you all about daddy's day tomorrow. (Oh and my blogs will probably come during the early day now since we won't have much time to spend with daddy, he's working from 5:45 am to 6 pm. this week and he goes to bed around 9 so that only leaves us a few hours and I'm not gonna spend them on the computer I'm gonna spend them with my daddy)

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