Today is my cousin Devin's birthday. He is 7 and I can't wait til I'm 7. He runs around and makes lots of noises. We went to Wal-mart tonight to get his gift and it looks really fun. Granny and Harold of course bought him clothes and a little toy. His birthday party is Sunday (which is Daddy's birthday). I'm not going to the party because there will be lots of little kids there and mommy and daddy don't want me around a lot of the people at one time. Mommy is making the cupcakes for his party (won't she ever learn not to take on so much?). Mommy says Devin always has some crazy idea for a cake or cupcakes. This year it's blue and yellow cupcakes with spiderwebs. Mommy loves birthdays. We have had a countdown to daddy's birthday on the fridge since Jan. 1. We are gonna have lunch with Granny, Harold, Aunt Sharon, and Uncle D tomorrow to celebrate Daddy's birthday early since he has to work on his birthday.
Yesterday was daddy's second day at work and he loved it. We are very proud of daddy and all that he does. I hope that one day I can be as good of a husband and daddy as he is.
We went and saw Maw-Maw Marks tonight after we left Wal-mart. I haven't seen her in awhile and it was nice to go visit.
Well that's all for tonight. Gotta go spend time with my mommy and daddy, it's family time. Daddy is all ready for story time and then our playing on the bed time! I treasure the nights he's home with us now. I guess I got a little spoiled having him home every night since I was born. :)
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