Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is my daddy's 30th birthday! All daddy ever said was that he wanted a baby before he was 30-well he got it. Even though it's his birthday he had to work. Mommy was already up when Daddy got up this morning. She wanted to be the 1st one to tell him Happy Birthday on his actual birthday. Mommy has been busy today making cupcakes for Devin's party tonight. They are so cool looking. They are blue and yellow with spiderwebs. I get to stay with Aunt Sharon tonight while Mom and Dad go to Burger King for Devin's party. Mom is making a big pot of chili so her and dad can come home and eat dinner then spend the rest of the night with me. Daddy has to work again tomorrow, but thank goodness he is off Tuesday for my Doctor's appointment. Mommy does not want to go to doctor's appointments by herself. Well that's all for now. I'm sure I will have some stories to tell once I get back from Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's tonight. Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you!

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