Couldn't think of a title for today's blog so I figured I would just put how I feel in the title :) I'm happy cause my daddy made a phone call today to find out about his job. Well we got good news. Mr. Patterson made it sound like daddy might have the job at the prison camp. He said that the warden will make the finally call and he should hear from him next week. So I picked this picture because this is what me and mommy are doing...Praying that daddy gets this job. I'm praying that he gets it because I want to play with his handcuffs and his badge and mommy is praying that he gets it because she knows it's what daddy really wants to do. So tonight when you lay down to go to sleep say a prayer that my daddy gets this job because I'll be praying the same thing.
Ok since it's been a few days since I blogged; I will try to catch up. Still trying this cereal stuff. Not what I thought it was but I'm trying to stick with it. Pretty much a boring weekend. We didn't do anything. Yesterday me and mom went to a friend of the family's to see Mrs. Geraldine. Today is her 80th birthday and they were having a party for her. 80 birthdays is alot! I just can't wait to have 1 birthday! I saw two cakes there and lots of drinks. Looked really yummy to me :) There were some little kids there too!
Mommy and Daddy have started walking now to get into shape (although mommy said she was already a shape...round, she is so silly) So everyday now I get to spend about 30 minutes with Granny and Harold while mommy and daddy walk. Mommy promised me that once it gets warmer outside I can walk with them. Well I will ride in the stroller that walking looks like work.
So that's pretty much what's being going on in my life. Same old stuff everyday. Well daddy's making dinner so me and mommy are gonna play and I'm gonna eat dinner. Hope everyone has a great night.
Oh and mommy and daddy's friends Scott and Chrissy Hall's baby is due any day now really. Mommy talked to Miss Chrissy tonight and she said her contractions have started. I'm excited about those contraction things because mom said maybe Little Brentlee Scott would be here soon. I just know he and I are gonna be best friends. So keep them in your thought and prayers and hope that Miss Chrissy has an easy labor and that the newest Hall makes a safe arrival.
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