This morning was like any other morning. Wake up eat, burp, get a diaper change, get ready to head to Granny and Harold's. Well I haven't been feeling real well apparently. So I decided after mommy got me dressed and ready to go I was gonna spit-up everywhere. Well she cleaned that up and we left. At Granny's I was a little fussy. I played in my bed for a little while then I played in my bouncy seat and of course Granny held me. Around lunch time I ate and got ready for Aunt Sharon to come pick us up. We went to the Health Department so Aunt Sharon could show me off. She used to work there and plus mommy wanted me to get weighed since I don't have a doctor's appointment this month. Well I got to meet lots of people, but I didn't see that lady that poked me last time we were there. Maybe she felt bad about giving me shots and she hid when she saw me. Whatever the reason I'm just glad I didn't get any this time. Aunt Sharon weighed me and (drum roll please) I weigh as of today 16 lbs. and 12 oz. and tonight daddy measure me and he said I'm 25" long! I'm such a big boy! Aunt Sharon took us back to Granny and Harold's and we spent the rest of the day relaxing. Around 4 o'clock mommy and I came home to get ready for a friend of mommy's to stop by. When mommy was about 10 years old she started baby-sitting the little girl across the street. Well she's 16 years old now and she came to see me today. I really liked her. She held me and made me smile. And I really wanted to get a hold of her hair but I never got close enough but boy I sure did stare at it. Now it's night time and I getting ready for my bath then story time. Mom kept telling me I was gonna get cereal but since I haven't kept much food down today she is putting that off til tomorrow. Well I'm gonna go get some sleep. Sweet dreams.
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